There are many people who were interviewed for this workby@suelettedreyfus

There are many people who were interviewed for this work

by Suelette Dreyfus 3mSeptember 20th, 2023
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There are many people who were interviewed for this work, and many others who helped in providing documents so vital for fact checking. Often this help invovled spending a considerable amount of time explaining complex technical or legal matters. I want to express my gratitude to all these people, some of whom prefer to remain anonymous, for their willingness to dig through the files in search of yet one more report and their patience in answering yet one more question. I want to thank the members of the computer underground, past and present, who were interviewed for this book. Most gave me extraordinary access to their lives, for which I am very grateful. I also want to thank Julian Assange for his tireless research efforts. His superb technical expertise and first-rate research is evidence by the immense number of details which are included in this book. Three exceptional women — Fiona Inglis, Deb Callaghan and Jennifer Byrne — believed in my vision for this book and helped me to bring it to fruition. Carl Harrison-Ford's excellent editing job streamlined a large and difficult manuscript despite the tight deadline. Thank you also to Judy Brookes.
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Suelette Dreyfus  HackerNoon profile picture
Suelette Dreyfus

Suelette Dreyfus


Tech researcher, journalist, lecturer at University of Melbourne, specializes in tech's impact on whistleblowing.

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About Author

Suelette Dreyfus  HackerNoon profile picture
Suelette Dreyfus @suelettedreyfus
Tech researcher, journalist, lecturer at University of Melbourne, specializes in tech's impact on whistleblowing.



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