Steam, Its Generation and Use by Babcock & Wilcox Company, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. THE SELECTION OF BOILERS WITH A CONSIDERATION OF THE FACTORS DETERMINING SUCH SELECTION
The selection of steam boilers is a matter to which the most careful thought and attention may be well given. Within the last twenty years, radical changes have taken place in the methods and appliances for the generation and distribution of power. These changes have been made largely in the prime movers, both as to type and size, and are best illustrated by the changes in central station power-plant practice. It is hardly within the scope of this work to treat of power-plant design and the discussion will be limited to a consideration of the boiler end of the power plant.
As stated, the changes have been largely in prime movers, the steam generating equipment having been considered more or less of a standard piece of apparatus whose sole function is the transfer of the heat liberated from the fuel by combustion to the steam stored or circulated in such apparatus. When the fact is considered that the cost of steam generation is roughly from 65 to 80 per cent of the total cost of power production, it may be readily understood that the most fruitful field for improvement exists in the boiler end of the power plant. The efficiency of the plant as a whole will vary with the load it carries and it is in the boiler room where such variation is largest and most subject to control.
The improvements to be secured in the boiler room results are not simply a matter of dictation of operating methods. The securing of perfect combustion, with the accompanying efficiency of heat transfer, while comparatively simple in theory, is difficult to obtain in practical operation. This fact is perhaps best exemplified by the difference between test results and those obtained in daily operation even under the most careful supervision. This difference makes it necessary to establish a standard by which operating results may be judged, a standard not necessarily that which might be possible under test conditions but one which experiment shows can be secured under the very best operating conditions.
The study of the theory of combustion, draft, etc., as already given, will indicate that the question of efficiency is largely a matter of proper relation between fuel, furnace and generator. While the possibility of a substantial saving through added efficiency cannot be overlooked, the boiler design of the future must, even more than in the past, be considered particularly from the aspect of reliability and simplicity. A flexibility of operation is necessary as a guarantee of continuity of service.
In view of the above, before the question of the selection of boilers can be taken up intelligently, it is necessary to consider the subjects of boiler efficiency and boiler capacity, together with their relation to each other.
The criterion by which the efficiency of a boiler plant is to be judged is the cost of the production of a definite amount of steam. Considered in this sense, there must be included in the efficiency of a boiler plant the simplicity of operation, flexibility and reliability of the boiler used. The items of repair and upkeep cost are often high because of the nature of the service. The governing factor in these items is unquestionably the type of boiler selected.
The features entering into the plant efficiency are so numerous that it is impossible to make a statement as to a means of securing the highest efficiency which will apply to all cases. Such efficiency is to be secured by the proper relation of fuel, furnace and boiler heating surface, actual operating conditions, which allow the approaching of the potential efficiencies made possible by the refinement of design, and a systematic supervision of the operation assisted by a detailed record of performances and conditions. The question of supervision will be taken up later in the chapter on “Operation and Care of Boilers”.
The efficiencies that may be expected from the combination of well-designed boilers and furnaces are indicated in Table 59 in which are given a number of tests with various fuels and under widely different operating conditions.
It is to be appreciated that the results obtained as given in this table are practically all under test conditions. The nearness with which practical operating conditions can approach these figures will depend upon the character of the supervision of the boiler room and the intelligence of the operating crew. The size of the plant will ordinarily govern the expense warranted in securing the right sort of supervision.
The bearing that the type of boiler has on the efficiency to be expected can only be realized from a study of the foregoing chapters.
Capacity—Capacity, as already defined, is the ability of a definite amount of boiler-heating surface to generate steam. Boilers are ordinarily purchased under a manufacturer’s specification, which rates a boiler at a nominal rated horse power, usually based on 10 square feet of heating surface per horse power. Such a builders’ rating is absolutely arbitrary and implies nothing as to the limiting amount of water that this amount of heating surface will evaporate. It does not imply that the evaporation of 34.5 pounds of water from and at 212 degrees with 10 square feet of heating surface is the limit of the capacity of the boiler. Further, from a statement that a boiler is of a certain horse power on the manufacturer’s basis, it is not to be understood that the boiler is in any state of strain when developing more than its rated capacity.
Broadly stated, the evaporative capacity of a certain amount of heating surface in a well-designed boiler, that is, the boiler horse power it is capable of producing, is limited only by the amount of fuel that can be burned under the boiler. While such a statement would imply that the question of capacity to be secured was simply one of making an arrangement by which sufficient fuel could be burned under a definite amount of heating surface to generate the required amount of steam, there are limiting features that must be weighed against the advantages of high capacity developed from small heating surfaces. Briefly stated, these factors are as follows:
1st. Efficiency. As the capacity increases, there will in general be a decrease in efficiency, this loss above a certain point making it inadvisable to try to secure more than a definite horse power from a given boiler. This loss of efficiency with increased capacity is treated below in detail, in considering the relation of efficiency to capacity.
2nd. Grate Ratio Possible or Practicable. All fuels have a maximum rate of combustion, beyond which satisfactory results cannot be obtained, regardless of draft available or which may be secured by mechanical means. Such being the case, it is evident that with this maximum combustion rate secured, the only method of obtaining added capacity will be through the addition of grate surface. There is obviously a point beyond which the grate surface for a given boiler cannot be increased. This is due to the impracticability of handling grates above a certain maximum size, to the enormous loss in draft pressure through a boiler resulting from an attempt to force an abnormal quantity of gas through the heating surface and to innumerable details of design and maintenance that would make such an arrangement wholly unfeasible.
3rd. Feed Water. The difficulties that may arise through the use of poor feed water or that are liable to happen through the use of practically any feed water have already been pointed out. This question of feed is frequently the limiting factor in the capacity obtainable, for with an increase in such capacity comes an added concentration of such ingredients in the feed water as will cause priming, foaming or rapid scale formation. Certain waters which will give no trouble that cannot be readily overcome with the boiler run at ordinary ratings will cause difficulties at higher ratings entirely out of proportion to any advantage secured by an increase in the power that a definite amount of heating surface may be made to produce.
Where capacity in the sense of overload is desired, the type of boiler selected will play a large part in the successful operation through such periods. A boiler must be selected with which there is possible a furnace arrangement that will give flexibility without undue loss in efficiency over the range of capacity desired. The heating surface must be so arranged that it will be possible to install in a practical manner, sufficient grate surface at or below the maximum combustion rate to develop the amount of power required. The design of boiler must be such that there will be no priming or foaming at high overloads and that any added scale formation due to such overloads may be easily removed. Certain boilers which deliver commercially dry steam when operated at about their normal rated capacity will prime badly when run at overloads and this action may take place with a water that should be easily handled by a properly designed boiler at any reasonable load. Such action is ordinarily produced by the lack of a well defined, positive circulation.
Relation of Efficiency and Capacity—The statement has been made that in general the efficiency of a boiler will decrease as the capacity is increased. Considering the boiler alone, apart from the furnace, this statement may be readily explained.
Presupposing a constant furnace temperature, regardless of the capacity at which a given boiler is run; to assure equal efficiencies at low and high ratings, the exit temperature in the two instances would necessarily be the same. For this temperature at the high rating, to be identical with that at the low rating, the rate of heat transfer from the gases to the heating surfaces would have to vary directly as the weight or volume of such gases. Experiment has shown, however, that this is not true but that this rate of transfer varies as some power of the volume of gas less than one. As the heat transfer does not, therefore, increase proportionately with the volume of gases, the exit temperature for a given furnace temperature will be increased as the volume of gases increases. As this is the measure of the efficiency of the heating surface, the boiler efficiency will, therefore, decrease as the volume of gases increases or the capacity at which the boiler is operated increases.
Further, a certain portion of the heat absorbed by the heating surface is through direct radiation from the fire. Again, presupposing a constant furnace temperature; the heat absorbed through radiation is solely a function of the amount of surface exposed to such radiation. Hence, for the conditions assumed, the amount of heat absorbed by radiation at the higher ratings will be the same as at the lower ratings but in proportion to the total absorption will be less. As the added volume of gas does not increase the rate of heat transfer, there are therefore two factors acting toward the decrease in the efficiency of a boiler with an increase in the capacity.
This increase in the efficiency of the boiler alone with the decrease in the rate at which it is operated, will hold to a point where the radiation of heat from the boiler setting is proportionately large enough to be a governing factor in the total amount of heat absorbed.
The second reason given above for a decrease of boiler efficiency with increase of capacity, viz., the effect of radiant heat, is to a greater extent than the first reason dependent upon a constant furnace temperature. Any increase in this temperature will affect enormously the amount of heat absorbed by radiation, as this absorption will vary as the fourth power of the temperature of the radiating body. In this way it is seen that but a slight increase in furnace temperature will be necessary to bring the proportional part, due to absorption by radiation, of the total heat absorbed, up to its proper proportion at the higher ratings. This factor of furnace temperature more properly belongs to the consideration of furnace efficiency than of boiler efficiency. There is a point, however, in any furnace above which the combustion will be so poor as to actually reduce the furnace temperature and, therefore, the proportion of heat absorbed through radiation by a given amount of exposed heating surface.
Since it is thus true that the efficiency of the boiler considered alone will increase with a decreased capacity, it is evident that if the furnace conditions are constant regardless of the load, that the combined efficiency of boiler and furnace will also decrease with increasing loads. This fact was clearly proven in the tests of the boilers at the Detroit Edison Company.[74] The furnace arrangement of these boilers and the great care with which the tests were run made it possible to secure uniformly good furnace conditions irrespective of load, and here the maximum efficiency was obtained at a point somewhat less than the rated capacity of the boilers.
In some cases, however, and especially in the ordinary operation of the plant, the furnace efficiency will, up to a certain point, increase with an increase in power. This increase in furnace efficiency is ordinarily at a greater rate as the capacity increases than is the decrease in boiler efficiency, with the result that the combined efficiency of boiler and furnace will to a certain point increase with an increase in capacity. This makes the ordinary point of maximum combined efficiency somewhat above the rated capacity of the boiler and in many cases the combined efficiency will be practically a constant over a considerable range of ratings. The features limiting the establishing of the point of maximum efficiency at a high rating are the same as those limiting the amount of grate surface that can be installed under a boiler. The relative efficiency of different combinations of boilers and furnaces at different ratings depends so largely upon the furnace conditions that what might hold for one combination would not for another.
In view of the above, it is impossible to make a statement of the efficiency at different capacities of a boiler and furnace which will hold for any and all conditions. Fig. 40 shows in a general form the relation of efficiency to capacity. This curve has been plotted from a great number of tests, all of which were corrected to bring them to approximately the same conditions. The curve represents test conditions. The efficiencies represented are those which may be secured only under such conditions. The general direction of the curve, however, will be found to hold approximately correct for operating conditions when used only as a guide to what may be expected.
Economical Loads—With the effect of capacity on economy in mind, the question arises as to what constitutes the economical load to be carried. In figuring on the economical load for an individual plant, the broader economy is to be considered, that in which, against the boiler efficiency, there is to be weighed the plant first cost, returns on such investment, fuel cost, labor, capacity, etc., etc. This matter has been widely discussed, but unfortunately such discussion has been largely limited to central power station practice. The power generated in such stations, while representing an enormous total, is by no means the larger proportion of the total power generated throughout the country. The factors determining the economic load for the small plant, however, are the same as in a large, and in general the statements made relative to the question are equally applicable.
The economical rating at which a boiler plant should be run is dependent solely upon the load to be carried by that individual plant and the nature of such load. The economical load for each individual plant can be determined only from the careful study of each individual set of conditions or by actual trial.
The controlling factor in the cost of the plant, regardless of the nature of the load, is the capacity to carry the maximum peak load that may be thrown on the plant under any conditions.
While load conditions, do, as stated, vary in every individual plant, in a broad sense all loads may be grouped in three classes: 1st, the approximately constant 24-hour load; 2nd, the steady 10 or 12-hour load usually with a noonday period of no load; 3rd, the 24-hour variable load, found in central station practice. The economical load at which the boiler may be run will vary with these groups:
1st. For a constant load, 24 hours in the day, it will be found in most cases that, when all features are considered, the most economical load or that at which a given amount of steam can be produced the most cheaply will be considerably over the rated horse power of the boiler. How much above the rated capacity this most economic load will be, is dependent largely upon the cost of coal at the plant, but under ordinary conditions, the point of maximum economy will probably be found to be somewhere between 25 and 50 per cent above the rated capacity of the boilers. The capital investment must be weighed against the coal saving through increased thermal efficiency and the labor account, which increases with the number of units, must be given proper consideration. When the question is considered in connection with a plant already installed, the conditions are different from where a new plant is contemplated. In an old plant, where there are enough boilers to operate at low rates of capacity, the capital investment leads to a fixed charge, and it will be found that the most economical load at which boilers may be operated will be lower than where a new plant is under consideration.
2nd. For a load of 10 or 12 hours a day, either an approximately steady load or one in which there is a peak, where the boilers have been banked over night, the capacity at which they may be run with the best economy will be found to be higher than for uniform 24-hour load conditions. This is obviously due to original investment, that is, a given amount of invested capital can be made to earn a larger return through the higher overload, and this will hold true to a point where the added return more than offsets the decrease in actual boiler efficiency. Here again the determining factors of what is the economical load are the fuel and labor cost balanced against the thermal efficiency. With a load of this character, there is another factor which may affect the economical plant operating load. This is from the viewpoint of spare boilers. That such added capacity in the way of spares is necessary is unquestionable. Since they must be installed, therefore, their presence leads to a fixed charge and it is probable that for the plant, as a whole, the economical load will be somewhat lower than if the boilers were considered only as spares. That is, it may be found best to operate these spares as a part of the regular equipment at all times except when other boilers are off for cleaning and repairs, thus reducing the load on the individual boilers and increasing the efficiency. Under such conditions, the added boiler units can be considered as spares only during such time as some of the boilers are not in operation.
Due to the operating difficulties that may be encountered at the higher overloads, it will ordinarily be found that the most economical ratings at which to run boilers for such load conditions will be between 150 and 175 per cent of rating. Here again the maximum capacity at which the boilers may be run for the best plant economy is limited by the point at which the efficiency drops below what is warranted in view of the first cost of the apparatus.
3rd. The 24-hour variable load. This is a class of load carried by the central power station, a load constant only in the sense that there are no periods of no load and which varies widely with different portions of the 24 hours. With such a load it is particularly difficult to make any assertion as to the point of maximum economy that will hold for any station, as this point is more than with any other class of load dependent upon the factors entering into the operation of each individual plant.
The methods of handling a load of this description vary probably more than with any other kind of load, dependent upon fuel, labor, type of stoker, flexibility of combined furnace and boiler etc., etc.
In general, under ordinary conditions such as appear in city central power station work where the maximum peaks occur but a few times a year, the plant should be made of such size as to enable it to carry these peaks at the maximum possible overload on the boilers, sufficient margin of course being allowed for insurance against interruption of service. With the boilers operating at this maximum overload through the peaks a large sacrifice in boiler efficiency is allowable, provided that by such sacrifice the overload expected is secured.
Some methods of handling a load of this nature are given below:
Certain plant operating conditions make it advisable, from the standpoint of plant economy, to carry whatever load is on the plant at any time on only such boilers as will furnish the power required when operating at ratings of, say, 150 to 200 per cent. That is, all boilers which are in service are operated at such ratings at all times, the variation in load being taken care of by the number of boilers on the line. Banked boilers are cut in to take care of increasing loads and peaks and placed again on bank when the peak periods have passed. It is probable that this method of handling central station load is to-day the most generally used.
Other conditions of operation make it advisable to carry the load on a definite number of boiler units, operating these at slightly below their rated capacity during periods of light or low loads and securing the overload capacity during peaks by operating the same boilers at high ratings. In this method there are no boilers kept on banked fires, the spares being spares in every sense of the word.
A third method of handling widely varying loads which is coming somewhat into vogue is that of considering the plant as divided, one part to take care of what may be considered the constant plant load, the other to take care of the floating or variable load. With such a method that portion of the plant carrying the steady load is so proportioned that the boilers may be operated at the point of maximum efficiency, this point being raised to a maximum through the use of economizers and the general installation of any apparatus leading to such results. The variable load will be carried on the remaining boilers of the plant under either of the methods just given, that is, at the high ratings of all boilers in service and banking others, or a variable capacity from all boilers in service.
The opportunity is again taken to indicate the very general character of any statements made relative to the economical load for any plant and to emphasize the fact that each individual case must be considered independently, with the conditions of operations applicable thereto.
With a thorough understanding of the meaning of boiler efficiency and capacity and their relation to each other, it is possible to consider more specifically the selection of boilers.
The foremost consideration is, without question, the adaptability of the design selected to the nature of the work to be done. An installation which is only temporary in its nature would obviously not warrant the first cost that a permanent plant would. If boilers are to carry an intermittent and suddenly fluctuating load, such as a hoisting load or a reversing mill load, a design would have to be selected that would not tend to prime with the fluctuations and sudden demand for steam. A boiler that would give the highest possible efficiency with fuel of one description, would not of necessity give such efficiency with a different fuel. A boiler of a certain design which might be good for small plant practice would not, because of the limitations in practicable size of units, be suitable for large installations. A discussion of the relative value of designs can be carried on almost indefinitely but enough has been said to indicate that a given design will not serve satisfactorily under all conditions and that the adaptability to the service required will be dependent upon the fuel available, the class of labor procurable, the feed water that must be used, the nature of the plant’s load, the size of the plant and the first cost warranted by the service the boiler is to fulfill.
The proper consideration can be given to the adaptability of any boiler for the service in view only after a thorough understanding of the requirements of a good steam boiler, with the application of what has been said on the proper operation to the special requirements of each case. Of almost equal importance to the factors mentioned are the experience, the skill and responsibility of the manufacturer.
With the design of boiler selected that is best adapted to the service required, the next step is the determination of the boiler power requirements.
The amount of steam that must be generated is determined from the steam consumption of the prime movers. It has already been indicated that such consumption can vary over wide limits with the size and type of the apparatus used, but fortunately all types have been so tested that manufacturers are enabled to state within very close limits the actual consumption under any given set of conditions. It is obvious that conditions of operation will have a bearing on the steam consumption that is as important as the type and size of the apparatus itself. This being the case, any tabular information that can be given on such steam consumption, unless it be extended to an impracticable size, is only of use for the most approximate work and more definite figures on this consumption should in all cases be obtained from the manufacturer of the apparatus to be used for the conditions under which it will operate.
To the steam consumption of the main prime movers, there is to be added that of the auxiliaries. Again it is impossible to make a definite statement of what this allowance should be, the figure depending wholly upon the type and the number of such auxiliaries. For approximate work, it is perhaps best to allow 15 or 20 per cent of the steam requirements of the main engines, for that of auxiliaries. Whatever figure is used should be taken high enough to be on the conservative side.
When any such figures are based on the actual weight of steam required, Table 60, which gives the actual evaporation for various pressures and temperatures of feed corresponding to one boiler horse power (34.5 pounds of water per hour from and at 212 degrees), may be of service.
With the steam requirements known, the next step is the determination of the number and size of boiler units to be installed. This is directly affected by the capacity at which a consideration of the economical load indicates is the best for the operating conditions which will exist. The other factors entering into such determination are the size of the plant and the character of the feed water.
The size of the plant has its bearing on the question from the fact that higher efficiencies are in general obtained from large units, that labor cost decreases with the number of units, the first cost of brickwork is lower for large than for small size units, a general decrease in the complication of piping, etc., and in general the cost per horse power of any design of boiler decreases with the size of units. To illustrate this, it is only necessary to consider a plant of, say, 10,000 boiler horse power, consisting of 40-250 horse-power units or 17-600 horse-power units.
The feed water available has its bearing on the subject from the other side, for it has already been shown that very large units are not advisable where the feed water is not of the best.
The character of an installment is also a factor. Where, say, 1000 horse power is installed in a plant where it is known what the ultimate capacity is to be, the size of units should be selected with the idea of this ultimate capacity in mind rather than the amount of the first installation.
Boiler service, from its nature, is severe. All boilers have to be cleaned from time to time and certain repairs to settings, etc., are a necessity. This makes it necessary, in determining the number of boilers to be installed, to allow a certain number of units or spares to be operated when any of the regular boilers must be taken off the line. With the steam requirements determined for a plant of moderate size and a reasonably constant load, it is highly advisable to install at least two spare boilers where a continuity of service is essential. This permits the taking off of one boiler for cleaning or repairs and still allows a spare boiler in the event of some unforeseen occurrence, such as the blowing out of a tube or the like. Investment in such spare apparatus is nothing more nor less than insurance on the necessary continuity of service. In small plants of, say, 500 or 600 horse power, two spares are not usually warranted in view of the cost of such insurance. A large plant is ordinarily laid out in a number of sections or panels and each section should have its spare boiler or boilers even though the sections are cross connected. In central station work, where the peaks are carried on the boilers brought up from the bank, such spares are, of course, in addition to these banked boilers. From the aspect of cleaning boilers alone, the number of spare boilers is determined by the nature of any scale that may be formed. If scale is formed so rapidly that the boilers cannot be kept clean enough for good operating results, by cleaning in rotation, one at a time, the number of spares to take care of such proper cleaning will naturally increase.
In view of the above, it is evident that only a suggestion can be made as to the number and size of units, as no recommendation will hold for all cases. In general, it will be found best to install units of the largest possible size compatible with the size of the plant and operating conditions, with the total power requirements divided among such a number of units as will give proper flexibility of load, with such additional units for spares as conditions of cleaning and insurance against interruption of service warrant.
In closing the subject of the selection of boilers, it may not be out of place to refer to the effect of the builder’s guarantee upon the determination of design to be used. Here in one of its most important aspects appears the responsibility of the manufacturer. Emphasis has been laid on the difference between test results and those secured in ordinary operating practice. That such a difference exists is well known and it is now pretty generally realized that it is the responsible manufacturer who, where guarantees are necessary, submits the conservative figures, figures which may readily be exceeded under test conditions and which may be closely approached under the ordinary plant conditions that will be met in daily operation.
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