It was two days before Halloween last year. I was at my Granny’s with my Dad, Brother, and Auntie watching the TV when the Phone rang, Dad answered:
D : HelloD : MhmmD : YepD : How much?D : You’ve got to be joking?
Slams phone down
D : MumD : Mummm, Come in here!D : You’re paying £140 a month for SkyTV?G : YesD : I pay 40 for the same service, but I get my phone and internet for that as well
Banking is broken. Our data’s useless, interest is below inflation, and we can’t exploit being part of a bank that has millions of users to get better value.
Nexves makes your bank better. Our technology layers on top of ANY existing current account to provide bigger rewards, make your data intelligent to save money and let you influence your wealth. Doesn’t matter who your bank is our platform is open for you to use and benefit from.
You download our app, create an account, link your existing bank account and being receiving all those benefits immediately. No fuss or hassle, just you keeping an putting more money in your pocket straight away.
We apply the benefits of the sharing economy, shown by the likes of AirBnB, to consumer banking through FinTech. By 2023 there’ll be 37m people in the UK alone with mobile bank accounts. Be one of the first to benefit!
Beta testing is about to begin — we only have 300 spots left
Keep throwing away money? 💸
🚀🏦 Make your bank better 🙌👇