Have Your Decks Ready-to-go at any Given Moment!
One size does not fit all — and one deck does not fit all!
A startup should have 3 different pitch decks ready at any given moment. And here is an outline of what should be in each:
Many people ask me how long a deck like this should be. The rule of thumb? One big idea per slide. If the slide is clean, minimal bullets and a visual that illustrates it well then it’s going to do the job. I’d rather see you have a few more slides that don’t look like an eye chart exploded onto a Power Point than running the risk of crunching too much into a slide…
2. The Partner/Customer Deck — The good news? It’s also 4 parts and very similar to the Investor deck — with a few crucial tweaks:
Disclaimer — The first 2 decks are to be presented — not read, so make them as visual as possible — minimal verbiage. But what do you do if they ask you for a deck first?
3. The Send-Out Deck — It’s always best not to send a deck before a meeting, but if they insist on a deck and not an alternative, you should NEVER send out your full deck to either audience. OK, never say never, but please don’t. Here are the Guidelines:
Another solution is to send a one-pager or executive summary. You can use a cool format like this too :). (Disclaimer — invisu.me is my company , created to solve the send-out deck conundrum — very happy to see you try it — let me know what you think!)
The better prepared you are — the easier it will be to send it out the moment you meet a prospect — don’t make them wait while you put your deck together — because they won’t… :)
Have more questions? Need more guidance? Talk to me!
Donna Griffit — Corporate Storyteller
Need to create a stellar send out deck/One Pager? — click here
Donna Griffit is a Storyteller for Startups who, over 15 years, has helped hundreds of startups and VC’s around the world raise hundreds of millions of dollars. Need a pitch deck? Click Here.