Welcome to Hacker Noon Good-Company Interview Series! See all other Interviews here.
My name is Evan Witmer and most of my experience comes from the years I spent taking website product ideas companies had and making them a reality through full stack web development. Typically working with startups or small OTC Stock level companies that required taking the next step into product brand marketing these products. This is currently where I spend most of my time working with open source and other tech products on marketing and product fit.
Testkube is the software I want to bring before Hackernoon today. It is a cloud native test automation tool that is built for both testers and developers.
Testkube came out of Kubeshop’s effort to incubate Kubernetes based products. Testkube as a product hopes to fill the void for automated testing that is native to user’s Kubernetes clusters.
The whole team is fully behind this product! The product leader, DevRel, and software devs all belive in the mission of Testkube and contuie to pump out bug fixes on GitHub daily.
Testkube’s GitHub page has started to gain traction and is bringing in around 100 new stars per month! We also have almost 200 new people install Testkube on a weekly bases! Join the community and give us your feedback!
HackerNoon is a great platform to get our open-source software out and tested by a community of like-minded developers and testers.
Learn Kubernetes as quickly as possible! Save time by using helpful tools for deployment and monitoring like the ones offered by Kubeshop.
New SlashData report: 5.6 million developers use Kubernetes, an increase of 67% over one year.