Have you cast your vote for the best of 2020's tech industry yet? Visit NOONIES.TECH today if not — there's little under a month left before voting closes! At the same time: read this interview with software developer and top Hacker Noon Contributor in SMART CONTRACTS, Oleg Kondrakhanov, from Russia.
Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - SMART CONTRACTS
I am a software developer with 12 years of experience in various fields - from blockchain to web development. I like traveling, playing guitar and sometimes cooking
1. Smart contracts and Ethereum. I worked for bcshop.io - blockchain marketplace. My favorite project however is justsmartcontracts.dev - an open-source web tool for easy interaction with Ethereum smart contracts.
2. Web development. As a front-end engineer I took part in some of russian projects, for example - this online version of Dixit-like board game.
Vue.js, really like it
Changes in politics and society after the pandemic is over (if it is)
Stop planning, start living.
Frankly speaking, it had almost no impact on my career as I work at home. The worse thing is inability to fly on vacation abroad
I think I choose some low-risks securities. That still would be quite profitable with the 10$mil investment.
Telegram, Maps.me, Twitch
Make somebody’s day and get them recognized in the internet’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.
⚡ CLICK HERE TO VOTE FOR OLEG AS Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in SMART CONTRACTS! ⚡