Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canada
Presented ByWellfound

Trending Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canada Startups

Learn more about high-growth Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canada startups.

Lumedi logo


Simple, Powerful, and Collaborative Solution for Clinical Research Teams


Fannatickets.com logo

Fannatickets.com is an innovative online event ticketing platform created b...

Fineart Design Agency

Fineart Design Agency logo

We are a premier digital design agency based in Canada, passionate about cr...


DrecK logo

We deliver top-tier 2D animation for brands and creative studios—without the stress of expandin...

EKHO Infrastructure Solutions

EKHO Infrastructure Solutions logo

EKHO Infrastructure Solutions Inc. is the corporate entity established to o...

Allarta Life Science Inc.

Allarta Life Science Inc. logo

A pre-clinical regenerative medicine company building transformative platfo...


Wiremi logo

Empowering financial futures with Wiremi – a revolutionary platform where i...


OmniaBio logo

OmniaBio Inc., a subsidiary of CCRM, launched July 1, 2022. OmniaBio is a c...


Oligomaster logo

In today's global marketplace, Canadian manufacturers' ability to compete w...

Megabyte Media INC.

Megabyte Media INC. logo

Megabyte Media Inc. is an Ontario-based multimedia corporation with a wide ...

HTML All The Things

HTML All The Things logo

We create web development, web design, and small business content ranging f...

NBG Chartered Professional Accountant Professional Corporation

NBG Chartered Professional Accountant Professional Corporation logo

We are a Hamilton based accounting firm that provides accounting, tax and a...

Security Lit

Security Lit logo

Security Lit's team of cybersecurity experts can help you identify, mitigat...



At the MRKTBOX, we are committed to bringing the best in local, organic and...

effektiv people

effektiv people logo

We’re matching the right candidates with the right employers. We take a can...

MAC RoboMaster

MAC RoboMaster logo

Advance Robotic Team at McMaster University competing for RoboMaster Compet...


Elderberry.work logo

Elderberry.work is an online services marketplace matching the business exp...

LEADER research

LEADER research logo

Led by Dr. Hermenio Lima, LEADER research stands for Lima's Excellence in A...

Trade Smart College

Trade Smart College logo

Come To One Of Our Open Houses For A Chance To Win A $500 Scholarship. visi...

TWS Building Science Inc.

TWS Building Science Inc. logo

Our team is rooted in and driven by a passion for building science, which a...



At FYELABS, we help startups and ambitious SMEs compete with large enterpri...

The INGUIDE Program

The INGUIDE Program logo

INGUIDE is an evidence-based, standardized certification training program i...


Adrois logo

At Adrois, we understand that embarking on a journey to a new country is a ...

Klara Inc

Klara Inc logo

We are the leading providers of enterprise services and support for open so...

LEVEL Project Management

LEVEL Project Management logo

LEVEL provides multiple services to help clients meet the demands and lower...

ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health Services

ABRAR Trauma and Mental Health Services logo

ABRAR Trauma and Mental health Services is designed to provide mental healt...

Prognostiq Health

Prognostiq Health logo

Worsening wait times. Patients experiencing bad outcomes in waiting rooms. ...


Flourish logo

Flourish deploys the accumulated development experience of Indwell, a Canad...

Hamilton City Magazine

Hamilton City Magazine logo

Welcome to Hamilton City Magazine. Driven by the love of all that makes Ham...

Rapid Healthcare Inc

Rapid Healthcare Inc logo

We provide quality health care to seniors in their homes and in long term c...

LandSmith Engineering & Consulting Ltd.

LandSmith Engineering & Consulting Ltd. logo

Civil Engineering and consulting services in support of land development ac...


VictorEV logo

VictorEV Transforming Iconic Fossil Fuel Classics To Pure Electric. Imagine...

XGC Consulting Inc.

XGC Consulting Inc. logo

START EACH PROJECT WITH THE END IN MIND. This is our approach to every proj...

Green Home Consulting

Green Home Consulting logo

We are team of experienced NRCan Registered Energy Advisors helping homeown...

Soleil Solutions Ltd

Soleil Solutions Ltd logo

Soleil Solutions enables people and organizations to create smart systems f...


GravityRV logo

We manufacture and install innovative technology and systems for your RV. G...

VIBE Hard Kombucha

VIBE Hard Kombucha logo

Founded in 2020, VIBE Hard Kombucha strives make Canada a little more ferme...

Curis Connect

Curis Connect logo

Our name, Curis, means care in Latin and is a reminder of our mission to co...

Tabreed Thermal Control Ltd

Tabreed Thermal Control Ltd logo

In Tabreed Thermal Control, beside providing regular Refrigeration and HVAC...

Digitally Well Inc.

Digitally Well Inc. logo

Digitally Well Inc. is a corporate training provider, specializing in the d...

Stradea Design Labs

Stradea Design Labs logo

Stradea is a Web Design + Branding Consultancy. We combine strategy + ideas...


Lumedi logo

Simple, Powerful, and Collaborative Solution for Clinical Research Teams

Snoooz AI

Snoooz AI logo

This AI Manages Your Email While You're Out of Office, and it's Only $39.99

Linked CPA

Linked CPA logo

Linked CPA is a forward-thinking Chartered Professional Accounting firm tha...

ten Brinke Consulting

ten Brinke Consulting logo

At ten Brinke Consulting, our mission is to strategize, guide, and provide ...

Endurance Environmental Inc.

Endurance Environmental Inc. logo

Endurance Environmental specializes in vacuum truck services, hydrovac, eme...

Krystn Orr Consulting Inc.

Krystn Orr Consulting Inc. logo

Krystn brings inclusion, equity, and accessibility to your company and help...


Mobilite logo

Based in Hamilton, ON Canada, we are part students, part design geeks. Our ...

We Must

We Must logo

We're more than another printing company – we're your partner in bringing y...


MUKA logo

We are a Canadian entertainment studio that specialize in creating lovable ...

Launchit Solutions

Launchit Solutions logo

Launchit Solutions is a venture studio that builds and commercializes novel...

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, Canada - Startup Scene

hamilton has been the historical ace of innovative entrepreneurs since the late 19th century located basin the niagara escarpment in the heart of canada its in a prime geographic location to make a name for itself with a population of over 550000 its home to some of the nations most technologically advanced companies stelco dofasco and cp rail among them the city is wellknown for companies such as coppley clothing cogeco the hamilton spectator and for being home to the annual supercrawl street arts festival hamilton also houses two wellknown universities mcmaster university and hamiltons mohawk college where students from all over the world flock to to pursue higher education and new innovative ideas the median salary for a fulltime employee in hamilton was about 40000 per year in 2020 and the unemployment rate was reported as 61 in the same year furthermore the city had total gdp of 37 billion and in 2020 alone saw the formation of 3578 new businesses while 2234 businesses closed the high rate of company creation and closure are evidence of the high competition of hamiltons startup scene as a young and vibrant city the presence of educational opportunities high tech companies and a competitive marketplace has ensured that hamilton will continue to be a leading authority in entrepreneurship and business acumen in the nation although there is still much room to grow it is clear that hamilton is on the rise and is an attractive destination for entrepreneurs all over the world

PrizesHuge thanks toWellfound for sponsoring this Award!

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