At Wellbeing Think Tank, our mission is to educate and empower employers to foster both individ...
Founded in 2023, the Policy Hub for Inclusive Development (PHID) is an inte...
Porsesh Policy Research Institute (PR) is an independent, non-profit, commu...
The WBO is an independent institution that connects, supports and carries o...
I2DS2 promotes, develops and provides advice, analyzes, policies, and strat...
The Global Research Network (GRN) was launched in October 2019 by Dr Yoriko...
CEPI is a non-partisan Cameroon-based think tank whose objective is to impr...
An initiative bringing together banks, businesses and regulators to enable ...
Le CRS (Centre de Réflexions pour le Sahel) est un Think Thank de Veilles e...
The tinkering hub at Parul University is focused on developing future techn...
Grand Trunk Road Initiative is to Provide a platform to bring out Best Mind...
The African Youth Security Network was started by two Ghanaian youths with ...
The Latin American Tax Policy Forum (LATPF) was founded on October 26, 2021...
Our mission is to support business decision makers in technology driven bus...
The Council for Social and Digital Development (CSDD) has been constituted ...
We are think-tank based in the Republic of Moldova that promotes democracy,...
The National Economic Forum (NEF) is one of India’s finest not for profit, ...
Our mission is to better inform ourselves about the insights, ideas, and op...
The San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center (PIC) is a 501C3 organiza...
ABOUT URBAN THINK TANK EMPOWER Urban Think Tank Empower (UTTE) is a non-pro...
Der Digital Campus Zollverein e.V. ist Impulsgeber, Innovationstreiber & Ne...
IGA aims to connect the global with the local. We harness the social scienc...
Africa InfraDev Services LLP [AIS] is an infrastructure and development sec...
The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) ...
The purpose of the Institute is to define, accelerate and scale sustainabil...
Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF) is an IIT Kanpur incubated Start-Up...
EU’s #CORSHIP - Corporate #EDUpreneurship project's mission is to establish...