
Wellbeing Think Tank

Wellbeing Think Tank logo

At Wellbeing Think Tank, our mission is to educate and empower employers to foster both individ...


H2UB logo

H2UB is the central European platform for start-ups active in the hydrogen ...


Gildre logo

Gildre is an international membership community for innovators and leaders ...

Policy Hub for Inclusive Development (PHID)

Policy Hub for Inclusive Development (PHID) logo

Founded in 2023, the Policy Hub for Inclusive Development (PHID) is an inte...


Panna logo

Panna, we turn bold ideas into reality—sometimes with more coffee than cod...



Porsesh Policy Research Institute (PR) is an independent, non-profit, commu...

WBO (Washington Brazil Office)

WBO (Washington Brazil Office) logo

The WBO is an independent institution that connects, supports and carries o...

Integrated Intelligence, Defence, and Security Solutions

Integrated Intelligence, Defence, and Security Solutions logo

I2DS2 promotes, develops and provides advice, analyzes, policies, and strat...

Global Research Network Think Tank

Global Research Network Think Tank logo

The Global Research Network (GRN) was launched in October 2019 by Dr Yoriko...


EARTH 51 logo

EARTH 51 is a privately held strategic advisory firm with a singular focus ...

Battery Norway

Battery Norway logo

Battery Norway (Norwegian Battery Platform) is a national industrial collab...

BIO Australia

BIO Australia logo

You don't have to own your own business (but it’s cool if you do) or be an ...

Cameroon Economic Policy Institute (CEPI)

Cameroon Economic Policy Institute (CEPI) logo

CEPI is a non-partisan Cameroon-based think tank whose objective is to impr...

Bankers for Net Zero (B4NZ)

Bankers for Net Zero (B4NZ) logo

An initiative bringing together banks, businesses and regulators to enable ...

Centre de Reflexion pour le Sahel (CR-Sahel)

Centre de Reflexion pour le Sahel (CR-Sahel) logo

Le CRS (Centre de Réflexions pour le Sahel) est un Think Thank de Veilles e...

Kampala Analytica

Kampala Analytica logo

Kampala Analytica is an Independent Think Tank reimagining Policy, Business...

Tinkering Hub, Parul University

Tinkering Hub, Parul University logo

The tinkering hub at Parul University is focused on developing future techn...

Lean Community

Lean Community logo

Global Space for Professionals. Dive into a vast library, events, and resou...

Grand Trunk Road Initiatives

Grand Trunk Road Initiatives logo

Grand Trunk Road Initiative is to Provide a platform to bring out Best Mind...

African Youth Security Network

African Youth Security Network logo

The African Youth Security Network was started by two Ghanaian youths with ...

Indonesia CCS Center

Indonesia CCS Center logo

Our mission is to facilitate studies (financial & technical), regulations, ...

IFIA Bharat

IFIA Bharat logo

IFIA-Bharat office in India will focus on : Fostering innovation culture Wo...

Latin American Tax Policy Forum (LATPF)

Latin American Tax Policy Forum (LATPF) logo

The Latin American Tax Policy Forum (LATPF) was founded on October 26, 2021...


Chief logo

Chief is the private network executive women rely on to maximize their lead...

High-growth technology business community

High-growth technology business community logo

Our mission is to support business decision makers in technology driven bus...

Council for Social and Digital Development (CSDD)

Council for Social and Digital Development (CSDD) logo

The Council for Social and Digital Development (CSDD) has been constituted ...


Energy.invented logo

Energy.invented is a platform for energy innovation and collaboration. A ne...

WatchDog.MD Community

WatchDog.MD Community logo

We are think-tank based in the Republic of Moldova that promotes democracy,...


TeamFirst logo

Welcome to TeamFirst! Your premier platform for career growth and business...

National Economic Forum, New Delhi

National Economic Forum, New Delhi logo

The National Economic Forum (NEF) is one of India’s finest not for profit, ...

The Nurubian Institute

The Nurubian Institute logo

Our mission is to better inform ourselves about the insights, ideas, and op...

Ecosystems 2030

Ecosystems 2030 logo

ES2030 is the premier platform for top executives, Heads of State, minister...

San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center

San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center logo

The San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center (PIC) is a 501C3 organiza...

Raisina House

Raisina House logo

Raisina House was set up in 2020 during the peak of the Pandemic to ensure ...


AHG Lab logo

AHG Lab: Empowering Entrepreneurs. Enriching Ecosystems. About Us: At AHG...

Urban Think Tank Empower

Urban Think Tank Empower logo

ABOUT URBAN THINK TANK EMPOWER Urban Think Tank Empower (UTTE) is a non-pro...

Digital Campus Zollverein e.V.

Digital Campus Zollverein e.V. logo

Der Digital Campus Zollverein e.V. ist Impulsgeber, Innovationstreiber & Ne...


Enkelfähig logo

The enkelfähig e.V. is a European movement of like minded company decision ...

Institute for Global Analytics

Institute for Global Analytics logo

IGA aims to connect the global with the local. We harness the social scienc...

Africa InfraDev Services LLP

Africa InfraDev Services LLP logo

Africa InfraDev Services LLP [AIS] is an infrastructure and development sec...


AccelerateKY logo

AccelerateKY is a nonprofit organization focused on unleashing the potentia...

L'Observatoire de la Fintech

L'Observatoire de la Fintech logo

L'Observatoire de la Fintech

ESG Summit Brazil

ESG Summit Brazil logo

Think tank itinerante e independente, que conta com a participação de impor...

International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries

International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries logo

The International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries (ITTLLDC) ...

The Yard Lindholmen

The Yard Lindholmen logo

In the heart of Scandinavia’s mobility center, Lindholmen Science Park, we ...


Vencha logo

Your Challenge You're a funded B2B SaaS business that feels lost amidst shi...

ERM Sustainability Institute

ERM Sustainability Institute logo

The purpose of the Institute is to define, accelerate and scale sustainabil...

Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF)

Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF) logo

Future Crime Research Foundation (FCRF) is an IIT Kanpur incubated Start-Up...

Corship - Corporate Edupreneurship

Corship - Corporate Edupreneurship logo

EU’s #CORSHIP - Corporate #EDUpreneurship project's mission is to establish...


oikoplus logo

Yes, it’s true: there are plenty of communication agencies out there. Why s...


Think Tanks - Startup Scene

PrizesHuge thanks toNotion for sponsoring this Award!

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