NAYAMAX is a platform dedicated to the growth of e-commerce in Africa, offering advanced techno...
3ème édition : 16 MARS 2024 L'objectif de cette conférence est de promouvoi...
Le CRS (Centre de Réflexions pour le Sahel) est un Think Thank de Veilles e...
Nous accompagnons les jeunes pour faciliter leur accès à l’emploi salarié o...
SA2IF est une Société de Gestion et d’Intermédiation de droit burkinabé. No...
WAESC offers repair and maintenance services for heavy mining equipment and...
Neb’Rata Consulting and Innovation est une startup éditeur et intégrateur d...
Le CEFORGRIS est un Centre interuniversitaire d’enseignement, de formation ...
Nous évoluons dans le domaine du développement d'application mobile et web ...
Bureau d'études et de travaux d'ingénierie
The Burkina Institute of Technology opened in October 2018 offering interdi...
Domaines d'expertises : Agriculture, Élevage, Environnement, Changement cli...
Le Grand Frère est une plateforme d’orientation scolaire et professionnelle...
APEC est chargée de créer un cadre propice à la mobilisation de l’épargne c...
Afrique Experts Consultants (AfExCo) est un cabinet indépendant d’intervent...
Studio Yafa est un projet média de la Fondation Hirondelle au Burkina Faso ...
Notre cabinet, l'Atelier d'Architecture Nouvelle, allie créativité et exper...
Burkina faso a landlocked country in west africa has a budding startup scene that is slowly gaining momentum the country has a population of over 20 million people with a majority of them living in rural areas the geography of the area is characterized by savannah grasslands forests and the sahel region entrepreneurship has been a part of burkina fasos history with many small businesses and informal markets operating in the country however the technological innovations of the area have been slow to develop with limited access to the internet and technology infrastructure despite these challenges there have been some notable companies founded in the area such as fasopro a mobile payment platform and zabbaan an ecommerce platform the country also has a few local universities such as the university of ouagadougou that offer courses in entrepreneurship and business management the living wage in burkina faso is around 50000 cfa francs per month approximately 90 usd and the unemployment rate is around 6 the city level gdp is around 15 billion usd the rate of new companies starting and ending in burkina faso is relatively low with many entrepreneurs facing challenges such as limited access to funding and a lack of government support however the startup scene is slowly thriving with more entrepreneurs looking to solve local problems and create innovative solutions overall while the startup scene in burkina faso is still struggling there is potential for growth and development in the future with more support from the government and increased access to technology and funding the country could become a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in west africa
With a special thanks to our sponsors
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