Service Workersby@amasand23
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Service Workers

by Ankita Masand6mAugust 11th, 2018
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On my train journey way back home, I was amazed over the number of apps I have in my phone and that, I’ve different apps to serve my disparate demands. Living in an internet age and I, being a Web Developer, who is highly obsessed with the word ‘Web’ in my title, felt kind of disappointed and immediately switched back to my browser to navigate to the website, to read the blog that I was peacefully reading on the native app before a weird kind of feeling popped in. To my surprise, it’s been 50 seconds and all I can see is the loading icon, slowly some content started appearing on the page. While I was watching over the trees outside the train and waiting patiently for the site to breath, images started appearing one by one and after it felt like ages, I can feel, my browser sighed after having done a lot of hard work communicating back & fro to the server to get all the needed resources. I can easily feel the pain, that the users go through while browsing their favorite content on the web and completely understand the urge to switch back to the native app experience.

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