Starting an online business and selling something online without fees is possible. People will often ignore the possibility of doing so and immediately start selling on a platform with high fees. In 2019 there are new solutions and innovations that allow you to sell something online and not pay fees. The key innovation that makes this future a possibility is cryptocurrency. Using blockchain technology for its transactional efficiency enables our zero fee e-commerce platform to exist and thrive. Our online selling solution was built for people looking to avoid fees when they conduct their business.
You can start selling anything for cryptocurrency here:
One of our philosophies at Forra is that your margin belongs to you. We want to help business owners with their company by not forcing excess marketplace, referral, or transactional fees once an item sells.
Selling on is entirely free and is the best way to sell online without fees. You can start selling your items without fees by clicking here.
Selling something without fees is one of the most advantageous ways to grow your online business. Not only do you end up making more on each sale, but you will find yourself growing your business as a whole due to the new sales channel you develop by selling on our online marketplace without Fees. This will also allow you to price your items more competitively, thus bringing you more sales.
People who are worried solely about the price of cryptocurrency are the ones who most likely do not understand the real power some of these blockchains bring to the average person.
This is a break down of the fees you would pay when you sell on the following platforms.
Final Value
Payment Processing Fees
Referral Fees
Selling price$5.99$24.9915% Referral Fee$0.89
Not applied since it’s less than $1
Applied since it’s greater than $1
Minimum Referral Fee$1 applied since it’s greater than $0.89N/A
Sales Fees
Payment Processing Fees
Fees bottle neck sellers and inhibit them from achieving their full potential. Being an online seller is so much more than listing your items for sale on Ebay, Amazon, etsy, or Forra. Some of the best entrepreneurs in the world start by selling small things online. Part of our mission at Forra is to enable these people to be successful.
As a seller, there are times when selling a specific product online on a platform such as Amazon, or eBay is not feasible or profitable due to the high fees.
Selling without fees is important for a multitude of reasons. There are many situations where both the seller and consumer are hurt because of the fees. The seller is hurt in an unfair way where they are forced to pay fees on their own sales. Even if someone who sells something online makes a sale themselves on their own site they are forced to pay some sort of processing fee. On Forra, you do not have to pay anything. Your sale and money is yours regardless of where it comes from.
When fees are involved in selling something online most business owners will compensate by slightly raising their prices to negate those fees. When the normal way of doing business is to sell something online without fees the costs of goods goes down and therefore the price should as well. Competition will drive those selling for a higher price to new much lower levels.
When you sell something without fees everyone wins. The consumer will have a cheaper price and the seller will receive more from the sale.
Let’s dive back into why selling online without fees matter as an entrepreneur.
The following example is important to comprehend:
If you sell a $100 item on Amazon you are most likely going to wind up actually making around $88 depending on the category if you ship it yourself. You would make far less If you were to use their fulfillment service Amazon FBA. Amazon FBA charges vary drastically from product to product and have a tendency to increase fairly often.
If you sell a $100 item using Forra you will receive a total of $100 in the cryptocurrency of your choice.
Because our ecommerce platform is zero fee we are allowing people to build higher margin businesses. This increase in margin allows business owners to move faster, hire more man power, and live a much richer life.
The overarching theme of this blog is how to sell online without paying fees. The only viable solution to do so is our platform, we allow users to sell anything to anyone without paying fees. Our platform uses cryptocurrency to ensure that transactions are as cheap as possible. You can click the link here to sign up, or join our discord to speak to our users as well as the founders.
Originally published at