Senior Software Developer
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How much time do you waste on writing logs for your functions? How many times do you change your function name and forget to change the name in the log message? How many time do you find yourself regretting that you didn’t add a log for knowing if the function was called?
NO MORE regrets, NO MORE forgets, NO MORE wasting time — just use the magical Typescript feature — Decorators.
In this article, we will review the rich logger decorators and their cool options. In the near future, I will publish another article in order to explain how to build decorators like these.
You can find the decorators in my GitHub repository and use them via npm. If you have further improvements, please make a pull request.
npm i rich-logger-decorator
In this example, we will use only the ClassLogger
decorator in order to log all the class methods.
Basic example
And the console looks like:
Basic example output
In this example, we use the ClassLogger
and DiableMethodLogger
decorators with the default options and the MethodLogger
decorator with custom options.
Mixed example
And the console looks like:
Mixed example output
The Logger is the main decorator. If we want to be precise, this is a decorator factory because this function is getting an argument and returns a function, but it is not the subject. The Logger decorator needs to be on top of the function you want to log. The log messages will be printed before the function will start and after the function will end. This decorator can get options which define the behavior of the flow and, eventually, affecting the log messages.
When the options do not supply, the defaultFunctionLoggerOptions object is used by the decorator. The options are defined by the FunctionLoggerOptions interface.
This is the interface of the Logger decorator options argument.
Function logger options interface
As you can see the interface contains some properties.
, just for class properties)
. This function will be called with the log message at the start and the end of the original function.All of the options are optional.
defaultFunctionLoggerOptions is an object with default values for LoggerOptions. The default values are:
The ClassLogger used by classes. When you put the decorator on top of the class definition, all the methods in the class are logged automatically. This is so convenient to put the decorator and watch the magic happened.
As the Logger decorator, the decorator can get options which define the behavior of the flow and eventually affects the log messages.When the options do not supply, the defaultClassLoggerOptions
used by the decorator. The options are defined by the ClassLoggerOptions
This is the interface of the ClassLogger decorator options argument.
Class logger options interface
As you can see the interface contains some properties.
All of the options are optional.
is an object with default values for ClassLoggerOptions
. The default values are:
of the function decorator.For more convienient usage we will see two more decorators that make our life easier.
When you are using the ClassLogger decorator (without the methods array option), all the class methods will be logged. In order to disable specific method for being logged, you can put the DisableLogger decorator before the method definition. This is a clearer way to prevent the logger behavior than the method array option, because of the second one restricts us to write the method name in the array.
This decorator is a syntactic sugar of the Logger decorator with withArgs option of false. Namely, the argument and their values will not be part of the log message. If other options will be provided, the decorator will use them, except for the withArgs option.
The decorators are available to use via the npm rich-logger-decorator package. From now on, the logging feature is easy to use than ever. All you need is to use the rich-logger-decorator and that’s it. You can configure the decorator with the options and just coding…
The next part of the article can be found here.
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