In a groundbreaking move on February 11, the web3 development titan Wemade unveiled una Messenger, an evolved iteration of the "PAPYRUS Messenger." This marks a significant advancement for the WEMIX Foundation's "
una Messenger transcends its predecessors by creating and linking extensive communities within the blockchain ecosystem through token-based interactions. It introduces both official and private channels, enabling discussions on tokens, NFTs, and other digital assets across various blockchain networks. This initiative supports an innovative communication model by utilizing the una Wallet, WEMIX Wallet, PLAY Wallet, or Wepublic Wallet.
The platform takes a significant step by integrating Wepublic Wallet and DAO, allowing users to establish transparent and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). This integration facilitates enhanced communication within the DAOs, with SBT (Soul Bound Token) serving as a qualification proof for entering specific channels in una Messenger.
una Messenger is set to introduce "una Swap," an omnichain feature enabling asset swaps across multiple chains in a single transaction, alongside the "mudskipper" function for streamlined cross-chain transfers. Additionally, the unagi Naming Service (uNS) will revolutionize user experience by replacing lengthy wallet addresses with unique, personalized identities.
With these innovations, una Messenger positions itself as a unified platform for dynamic and immersive user experiences, establishing a new standard for blockchain communication.
For more information, visit or download una Messenger from the
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