When you repost stories on HackerNoon, we offer canonical linking for individuals looking to grow their personal sites.
Canonical links to company domain must come from company account
If the original source of the story lives on a company’s domain (ex:
The only exception to the rule above is if company founders/executives have marketing strategies around building a personal brand to promote their company. In that case, the founder or executive must get approval from the HackerNoon team to publish under their personal HN profile instead of one owned by the company.
We do not allow canonical links to blog networks or social networks (ex: wordpress.com, reddit.com, linkedin.com, medium.com).
The point of our canonical links is to help the writer’s domain or the company’s domain grow. When you host your blog on a subdomain owned by another company, you are powering their domain and their brand, not yours.
Put simply: canonical links to david.com are ok! Canonical links to david.wordpress.com are not allowed.
Backlink quality and diversity
Reposting and Canonical Linking