Senior Developer @ Purple Dot | ex-Lead Developer @ | he/him
In the book 'Power of when' Micheal Breus talks about how most of us fit into a chronotype, which determines how our biological cycles are dictated. There are four chronotypes:
Each chronotype is unique in how their energy levels fluctuate throughout the day. For example, Lions are early risers and can get a lot done before breakfast; Bears are most productive mid-morning and early afternoon; Wolfs are nocturnal workers; Dolphins are evening workers.
The most common chronotype is the Bear, and so am I. Given that statistic, you can see how many social customs and rituals are designed to suit the Bear chronotype. Such as drinking and socializing around 6 PM. But unfortunately, the typical workday is not. Most meetings are scheduled mid-morning, which is the most productive time for Bears, effectively reducing peak performance time by half.
For more info on this, you can read this wonderful article by Bert Baker.
So I am 5 and a half hours behind most of my coworkers, which means when I am sitting to work in the morning, most of them are probably sound asleep. This comes with a few advantages:
Although I mentioned all the good stuff above, I also know that it took me a little while to get to this stage of productivity, so here are a few tips to help you be more productive while working remotely:
Clarify the overlap
Whether it's your bosses or your co-workers, let them know what your working hours are. Let them know how long you will be available and schedule meetings within that time.
Don't forget when your workday begins and ends
Many people look to social cues to begin certain activities. Most people will wake up when others are waking up, eat when others are eating, and by the same logic, work while others are working. So make sure to have an internal clock of when your workday begins and ends.
Make the overlap count
Given that your coworkers might have less time to communicate with you, make it count. Schedule meetings within that interval, prioritize the right meetings, and ensure that your absence is not a blocker for your coworkers' productivity.
Pro tip: You can add a second timezone to your Google Calendar (under Settings → General → Time zone)
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