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Blockchain Engineer
This is an opinionated way of developing with Python locally. You’ve probably discovered that it’s a pain in the ass to manage different projects with dependencies targeting different Python versions on your local machine.
To complicate things, there are multiple ways of installing Python too:
or apt
😕This guide uses pyenv to manage Python installations, and Pipenv to manage project dependencies (instead of raw pip).
Let’s install via brew
$ brew install pyenv
If you’re not on Mac, please see pyenv’s installation instructions.
Add the following to your ~/.bash_profile
, or ~/.bashrc
(depending on your shell) to automatically initialize pyenv when your terminal loads:
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
See all available Python versions:
$ pyenv install --list
Let’s install Python 3.6.6
$ pyenv install 3.6.6
Installed Python-3.6.6 to /Users/dvf/.pyenv/versions/3.6.6
pyenv won’t change your global interpreter unless you tell it to:
$ python --version
Python 2.7.14
$ pyenv global 3.6.6
Python 3.6.6
pyenv allows you to install different versions of Python local to a directory. Let’s create a project targeting Python 3.7.0:
$ pyenv install 3.7.0
Installed Python-3.7.0 to /Users/dvf/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0
$ mkdir my_project && cd my_project$ python --version
Python 3.6.6
$ pyenv local 3.7.0$ python --version
Python 3.7.0
Now whenever you find yourself in my_project
you’ll automatically use the Python 3.7.0 interpreter.
🤚Did that make sense? If not, stop here and take some time to play around with pyenv—it works by installing all Python interpreters in
and dynamically adjusting your$PATH
depending on your current directory.
Pipenv is the officially recommended way of managing project dependencies. Instead of having a requirements.txt
file in your project, and managing virtualenvs, you'll now have a Pipfile
in your project that does all this stuff automatically.
Start off by installing it via pip
, it’s a rapidly evolving project so make sure you have the latest version (2018.10.13 at the time of writing):
$ pip install -U pipenv
Let’s set up Pipenv in your project:
$ cd my_project$ pipenv install
Creating a virtualenv for this project…
Pipfile: /Users/dvf/my_project/Pipfile
Using /Users/dvf/.pyenv/versions/3.7.0/bin/python3.7 (3.7.0) to create virtualenv…
You’ll find two new files in your project: Pipfile
and Pipfile.lock
If you’re installing in a pre-existing project, Pipenv will convert your old
into aPipfile
. How cool is that?
This is what your Pipfile
should look like for a fresh project:
[[source]]url = ""verify_ssl = truename = "pypi"
[requires]python_version = "3.7"
Notice that we didn’t activate any virtual environments here, Pipenv takes care of virtual environments for us. So, installing new dependencies is simple:
$ pipenv install django
Installing django...
Installing collected packages: pytz, djangoSuccessfully installed django-2.1.2 pytz-2018.5
Adding django to Pipfile's [packages]…Pipfile.lock (4f9dd2) out of date, updating to (a65489)…Locking [dev-packages] dependencies…Locking [packages] dependencies…Updated Pipfile.lock (4f9dd2)!
Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (4f9dd2)…
🐍 ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ 2/2 — 00:00:01
To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.Alternatively, run a command inside the virtualenv with pipenv run.
If you inspect your Pipfile
you’ll notice it now contains django = "*"
as a dependency.
If we wanted to install dev dependencies for use during development, for example YAPF, you’d add --dev
to the install step:
$ pipenv install --dev yapf
is super important because it does two things:
Let’s see what it currently looks like:
{"_meta": {"hash": {"sha256": "627ef89...64f9dd2"},"pipfile-spec": 6,"requires": {"python_version": "3.7"},"sources": [{"name": "pypi","url": "","verify_ssl": true}]},"default": {"django": {"hashes": ["sha256:acdcc1...ab5bb3","sha256:efbcad...d16b45"],"index": "pypi","version": "==2.1.2"},"pytz": {"hashes": ["sha256:a061aa...669053","sha256:ffb9ef...2bf277"],"version": "==2018.5"}},"develop": {}}
Notice that the versions of each dependency are pinned. Without a very good reason, you would always want this file committed to your source control.
Until Pipenv it was difficult to use private Python repositories, for example if you’d like to host private Python libraries within your organization. Now all you need to do is define them as an additional sources in the Pipfile
[[source]]url = ""verify_ssl = truename = "pypi"[[source]]url = ""verify_ssl = truename = "some-repo-name"[packages]django = "*"my-private-app = {version="*", index="some-repo-name"}[dev-packages][requires]python_version = "3.7"
Notice that we told my-private-app
to use the private repo. If omitted, Pipenv will cycle through indexes until it finds the package.
💡Pipenv will also consume any environment variables in values, which is useful if you have sensitive credentials you don’t want sitting in source control (this was my contribution
When deploying it’s important that your deploy fails if there’s a mismatch between installed dependencies and the Pipfile.lock
. So you should append --deploy
to your install step which does just that:
$ pipenv install --deploy
You could also check which dependencies are mismatched:
$ pipenv check
And see which sub-dependencies are installed by packages:
$ pipenv graph --reverse
Django2.1.2 [requires: pytz]**setuptools40.4.3**wheel==0.32.2yapf==0.24.0
If you’re actively developing a project, it’s helpful to activate the virtual environment:
$ pipenv shell
Launching subshell in virtual environment…
Or, if you’d like to execute a command inside the venv:
$ pipenv run python runserver
You can also add scripts to Pipfile
similar to npm
[[source]]url = ""verify_ssl = truename = "pypi"
[packages]django = "*"
[dev-packages]yapf = "*"
[scripts]server = "python runserver"
[requires]python_version = "3.7"
Now you can execute the script:
$ pipenv run server
We’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg. If you’ve like to learn more about Pipenv, I encourage you to read the great documentation.
I hope this was helpful to you. And I’d love to hear any thoughts or suggestions you have in the comments!