

by Hal HellmanAugust 29th, 2023
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Application of lasers can be divided into two broad categories: (1) commercial, industrial, military, and medical uses, and (2) scientific research. In the first case, lasers are used to do something that has been done in another way up to now (but not as well). Sometimes a laser solves a particular problem. For example, one of the first applications was in eye surgery, for “welding” a detached retina. The laser is particularly useful here because laser light can penetrate transparent objects such as the eye’s lens (Figure 19), eliminating the need to make a cut into the eye.
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Lasers by Hal Hellman, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. SOME INTERESTING APPLICATIONS


Application of lasers can be divided into two broad categories: (1) commercial, industrial, military, and medical uses, and (2) scientific research. In the first case, lasers are used to do something that has been done in another way up to now (but not as well). Sometimes a laser solves a particular problem. For example, one of the first applications was in eye surgery, for “welding” a detached retina. The laser is particularly useful here because laser light can penetrate transparent objects such as the eye’s lens (Figure 19), eliminating the need to make a cut into the eye.

Figure 19 Diagram of human eye showing laser beam focused on retina.



Optic Nerve

Beam angle

Fovea centralis




Surgeons have long wanted a better technique for treating extremely small areas of tissue. A laser beam, focused into a small spot, performs perfectly as a lilliputian surgical knife. An additional advantage is that the beam, being of such high intensity, can also sterilize or cauterize tissue as it cuts.

The narrowness of the laser beam has made it ideal for applications requiring accurate alignment. Perhaps the ultimate here is the 2-mile-long linear accelerator built by Stanford University for the United States Atomic Energy Commission. “Arrow-straight” would not have been nearly good enough to assure expected performance. A laser beam was the only technique that could accomplish the incredible task of keeping the ⅞ inch bore of the accelerator straight along its 2-mile length. A remote monitoring system, based on the same laser beam, tells operators when a section of the accelerator has shifted out of line (due for example to small earth movements) by more than about ¹/₃₂ inch—and identifies the section.

Figure 20 shows the 2-mile-long “klystron gallery” that generates the power for kicking the high-energy particles down the tube. The gallery parallels the accelerator housing and lies 25 feet beneath it (Figure 21). The large tube houses the optical alignment system and supports the smaller accelerator tube above. Target patterns dropped into the large tube at selected points produce an interference pattern at the far end of the tube similar to the one in Figure 13. Precise alignment of the tube is achieved by aiming the laser at the center dot of the pattern. Then the section that is out of line is physically moved until the dot appears in the proper place at the other end of the tube. It is the extreme coherence of the laser beam that makes this technique possible.

Having heard that laser light has bored through steel and is being used in microwelding, some have asked whether the laser will ever be used to weld bridge members and other structural girders. This is missing the whole point of the laser: It would be like washing your floor with a toothbrush (even one with extra stiff bristles)! There would be no advantage to using lasers for large-scale welding; present equipment for this operation is quite satisfactory and far less wasteful of input power. The sensible approach is to use lasers where existing processes leave something to be desired.

Until the advent of the laser, for example, there was no good way to weld wires 0.001 inch in diameter. Nor was there a good way to bore the tiny hole in a diamond that is used as a die for drawing such fine wire. It used to take 2 days to drill a single diamond. With laser light the operation takes 2 minutes—and there is no problem with rapid wear of a cutting tool.

So much for the first category of application. In the second category, namely use of the laser as a scientific tool, we enter a more theoretical domain. Here we use coherent light as an extension of ourselves, to probe into and to look at the world around us.

Figure 20 A laser beam was used (and continues to be used) for precise alignment of Stanford University’s 2-mile-long linear accelerator. This view shows the aboveground portion during construction.

Much experimental science is a matter of cooling, heating, grinding, squeezing, or otherwise abusing matter to see how it will react. With each new tool—ultrafast centrifuges, high- and low-pressure and extreme-temperature chambers, intense magnetic fields, atomic accelerators and so on—more has been learned about this still-puzzling world.

Since coherent light is something new, we can do things to matter that have not been done before, and see how it reacts. The laser is being used to investigate many problem areas in biology, chemistry, and physics. For example, sound waves of extremely high frequency can be generated in matter by subjecting it to laser light. These intense vibrations may have profound effects on materials.

Figure 21 Subterranean view of Stanford accelerator housing. Alignment optics (laser systems) are housed in the large tube, which also acts as support for the smaller accelerator tube above it.

Figure 22 Laser beam spot as observed at the end of the accelerator.

In the chemical field the sharp beam and monochromatic energy of the laser hold great promise in the exploration of molecular structure and the nature of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions usually are set off by heat, agitation, electricity, or other broadly applied means. None of these energizers allow the fine control that the laser beam does. Its extremely fine beam can be focused to a tiny spot, thus allowing chemical activity to be pinpointed. But there is a second advantage: The monochromaticity of coherent light also makes it possible to control the energy (in addition to the intensity) of the beam accurately by simply varying the wavelength. Thus it may be possible, for instance, to cause a reaction in one group of molecules and not in another.

One application in chemistry that holds great promise is the use of laser energy for causing specific chemical reactions such as those involved in the making of plastics. Bell Telephone Laboratory scientists have changed the styrene monomer (a “raw” plastic material) to its final state, polystyrene, in this way. The success of these and similar experiments elsewhere opens for exploration a vast area of molecular phenomena.

In another scientific application, the laser is being used more and more as a teaching tool. Coherence is a concept that formerly had to be demonstrated by diagrams, formulas, and inference from experiments. The laser makes it possible to see coherence “in action”, along with many of the physical effects that result from it. Such phenomena as diffraction, interference, the so-called Airy disc patterns, and spatial harmonics, always difficult to demonstrate to students in the abstract, can now be seen quite concretely.

Other interesting things can also be seen more plainly now. At the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, laser light is being used to “look” at plasmas; the result of one such look is shown in Figure 23. Plasmas are ionized gaseous mixtures. Their study lies at the heart of a constant search by atomic scientists for a self-sustained, controlled fusion reaction that can be used to provide useful thermonuclear power. This kind of reaction provides the almost unlimited energy in the sun and other stars. It is more efficient and releases less radioactivity than the other principal nuclear process, fission, which is used in atomic-electric power plants.

Figure 23 Shadowgraph of deuterium discharge taken in laser light. Turbulence of the plasma is clearly seen.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation scientists, on the other hand, have used the concentrated energy of the laser, not to look at, but to produce a plasma (Figure 24). They blasted an aluminum target the size of a pinhead with a laser beam, thereby vaporizing it and creating a plasma. The calculated temperature in the electrically charged gas was 3,000,000° centigrade. This is pretty hot, but still not hot enough for a thermonuclear reaction.

Figure 24 Plasma heating by laser light.

Diamagnetic loop

Laser beam

Vacuum chamber

Magnetic field

Magnetic coils

Electrostatic probe




To vacuum pump


The temperature of a plasma necessary to sustain a thermonuclear reaction is so high (above 10,000,000°C) that any material is vaporized instantly on coming into contact with it. The only means developed so far to contain the plasma is an intense magnetic field, or “magnetic bottle”; containment has been accomplished for only a few thousandths of a second at most. The objective of the Westinghouse research, which was supported by the Atomic Energy Commission, was to study in detail the interaction of the plasma with a magnetic field.

We do not have room to describe more applications in detail, but it may be interesting to list a few other uses of lasers—some commercial and some still experimental:

  • Earthquake prediction.
  • Measurement of “tides” in the earth’s crust under the sea.
  • Laser gyroscopes.
  • Highly accurate velocity measurement (useful in certain assembly line and continuous manufacturing processes).
  • Scanner for analyzing photographs of bubble chamber tracks and astronomical phenomena.
  • Computer output and storage systems; perhaps even complete optical data processing systems.
  • Lightning-fast printing devices.
  • High-speed photography (Figure 25).
  • Missile tracking and accurate alignment of antennas.
  • Automatic flaw spotter for big radio antennas.
  • Aircraft landing aid for poor weather conditions.
  • Fast, painless dental drill.
  • Cancer research.

Figure 25 Twenty-two caliber bullet and its shock wave are photographed from the image produced by a doubly exposed laser hologram. The original hologram was exposed twice by a ruby laser within half a thousandth of a second as the bullet sped past at 2½ times the speed of sound.

About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books.

This book is part of the public domain. Hal Hellman (2021). Laser. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved October 2022

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