

by Hal HellmanAugust 30th, 2023
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It is almost self-evident that no single device, even one as incredible as the laser, could accomplish all the feats mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. After all, some of these applications require high power but not extremely high monochromaticity, while in others the reverse may be true. Yet, by its very nature, any laser produces a beam with one, or at the most a few, wavelengths, and many different materials would be needed to provide the many different wavelengths required for all the tasks listed. Also, the first laser was a pulsed device. Light energy was pumped in and a bullet of energy emerged from it. Then the whole process had to be repeated. Pulsed operation is fine for spot-welding and for applications such as radar-type rangefinding, where pulses of energy are normally used anyway. With lasers smaller objects can be detected than when using the usual microwaves. But a pulsed process is not useful for communications. In other words, pulsing is good for certain applications but not for others.
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Lasers by Hal Hellman, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. A MULTITUDE OF LASERS


It is almost self-evident that no single device, even one as incredible as the laser, could accomplish all the feats mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. After all, some of these applications require high power but not extremely high monochromaticity, while in others the reverse may be true. Yet, by its very nature, any laser produces a beam with one, or at the most a few, wavelengths, and many different materials would be needed to provide the many different wavelengths required for all the tasks listed.

Also, the first laser was a pulsed device. Light energy was pumped in and a bullet of energy emerged from it. Then the whole process had to be repeated. Pulsed operation is fine for spot-welding and for applications such as radar-type rangefinding, where pulses of energy are normally used anyway. With lasers smaller objects can be detected than when using the usual microwaves. But a pulsed process is not useful for communications. In other words, pulsing is good for certain applications but not for others.

And of course solid crystals are difficult to manufacture. Hence, it was natural for laser pioneers to look hopefully at gases. Gas lasers would be easier to make—simply fill a glass tube with the proper gas and seal it.

But other advantages would accrue. For one thing the relatively sparse population of emitting atoms in a gas provides an almost ideally homogeneous medium. That is, the emitting atoms (corresponding to chromium in the ruby crystal) are not “contaminated” by the lattice or host atoms. Since only active atoms need be used, the frequency coherence of a gas laser would probably be even better than that of the crystal laser, they reasoned.

It was less than a year after the development of the ruby laser that Ali Javan of Bell Telephone Laboratories proposed a gas laser employing a mixture of helium and neon gases. This was an ingeniously contrived partnership whereby one gas did the energizing and the other did the amplifying. Gas lasers now utilize many different gases for different wavelength outputs and powers and provide the “purest” light of all. An additional advantage is that the optical pumping light could be dispensed with. An input of radio waves of the proper frequency did the job very nicely.

But most significant of all, Javan’s gas laser provided the first continuous output. This is commonly referred to as CW (continuous wave) operation. The distinction between pulsed and CW operation is like the difference between baking one loaf of bread at a time and putting the ingredients in one end of a baking machine and having a continuous loaf emerge at the other.

When a non-expert thinks of a laser, he is apt to think of power—blinding flashes of energy—as illustrated in Figure 26. As we know, this is only a small part of the capability of the laser. Nevertheless, since lasers are often specified in terms of power output it may be well to discuss this aspect.

The two units generally used are joules and watts. You are familiar with a watt and have an idea of its magnitude: think, for example, of a 15-watt or a 150-watt bulb. A watt is a unit of power; it is the rate at which (electrical) work is being done.

Figure 26 High power is demonstrated as a laser beam blasts through metal chain.

The joule is a unit of energy and can be thought of as the total capacity to do work. One joule is equivalent to 1 watt-second, or 1 watt applied for 1 second. But it can also mean a 10-watt burst of laser light lasting 0.1 second, or a billion watts lasting a billionth of a second.

In general, the crystal (ruby) lasers are the most powerful, although other recently introduced materials, such as liquids (see Figure 27) and specially prepared glass, are providing competition. With proper auxiliary equipment, bursts of several billion watts have been achieved; but the burst lasts only about 100 millionths of a second. For certain uses, that’s just what is wanted: a highly concentrated burst of energy that does its work without giving the material being “shot” a chance to heat up and spread the energy, perhaps damaging adjacent areas.

Figure 27 Active substance for a modern liquid laser is made in an uncomplicated 10-minute procedure. Bluish powder of the rare earth, neodymium, is dissolved in a solution of selenium oxychloride and sealed in a glass tube.

Since the joule gives a measure of the total energy in a laser burst it is not applicable to CW output. Power in this area began low—in the milliwatt (one thousandth of a watt) region—but has been creeping up steadily. A recent gas laser utilizing carbon dioxide has already reached 550 watts of continuous infrared radiation. This is the giant 44-footer shown in Figure 28. An advantage of gas (and liquid) lasers is that they can be made just about as large as one wishes. By way of comparison, the smallest gas laser in use is shown in Figure 29.

Figure 28 A giant 44-foot gas laser produces 550 watts of continuous power and is expected to reach 1000 watts. Glowing of the tube comes from gas discharge, not from laser light, which is in the infrared region and cannot be seen.

One of the least satisfactory aspects of the laser has been its notoriously low efficiency. For a while the best that could be accomplished was about 1%. That is, a hundred watts of light had to be put in to get 1 watt of coherent light out. In gas lasers the efficiency was even lower, ranging from 0.01% to 0.1%.

In gas lasers this was no great problem since high power was not the objective. But with the high-power solid lasers, pumping power could be a major undertaking. A high-power laser pump built by Westinghouse Research Laboratories handles 70,000 joules. In more familiar terms, the peak power input while the pump is on is about 100,000,000 watts. For a brief instant this is roughly equal to all the electrical power needs of a city of 100,000 people.

Two relatively new developments have changed the efficiency levels. One, the carbon dioxide gas laser, is quite efficient, with the figure having passed 15%. The second is the injection, or semiconductor laser, in which efficiencies of more than 40% have been obtained. Unless unforeseen difficulties arise this figure is expected to continue to rise to a theoretical maximum of close to 100%.

Figure 29 A miniature gas laser produces continuous output in visible red region.

The semiconductor laser is to solid and gas lasers what the transistor was to the vacuum tube; all the functions of the laser have been packed into a tiny semiconductor crystal. In this case, electrons and “holes” (vacancies in the crystal structure that act like positive charges) accomplish the job done by excited atoms in the other types. That is, when they are stimulated they fall from upper energy states to lower ones, and emit coherent radiation in the process. Aside from this the principle of operation is the same.

The device itself, however, is vastly different. For one thing it is about the size of this letter “o” (Figure 30). For another, it is self-contained; since it can convert electric current directly into laser light—the first time this has been possible—an external pumping source is not required. This makes it possible to modulate the beam by simply modulating the current. (A different approach has been to modulate a magnetic field around the device. This, it turns out, can also be done with some newer solid crystal lasers.)

An additional advantage offered by the semiconductor laser is simplicity. There are no gases or liquids to deal with, no glassware to break, and no mirrors to align. Although it will not deliver high power, it can already deliver enough CW power for certain communications purposes. Its simplicity, efficiency, and light weight make it ideal for use in space.

Figure 30 A tiny injection laser works in infrared region. The beam is visible because photo was taken with infrared film. The laser itself is a tiny crystal of gallium arsenide inside the metal mount being held between the fingers.

About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books.

This book is part of the public domain. Hal Hellman (2021). Laser. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved October 2022

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