Causal Clustering: Design of Cluster Experiments Under Network Interference: Referencesby@escholar

Causal Clustering: Design of Cluster Experiments Under Network Interference: References

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A list of the references drawn from for the research conducted by Davide Viviano and team on Designing Cluster Experiments Under Network Interference.
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EScholar: Electronic Academic Papers for Scholars

EScholar: Electronic Academic Papers for Scholars


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(1) Davide Viviano, Department of Economics, Harvard University;

(2) Lihua Lei, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University;

(3) Guido Imbens, Graduate School of Business and Department of Economics, Stanford University;

(4) Brian Karrer, FAIR, Meta;

(5) Okke Schrijvers, Meta Central Applied Science;

(6) Liang Shi, Meta Central Applied Science.

Abstract & Introduction


(When) should you cluster?

Choosing the cluster design

Empirical illustration and numerical studies

Recommendations for practice


A) Notation

B) Endogenous peer effects

C) Proofs


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This paper is available on arxiv under CC 1.0 license.

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