Phishing in Ocean’s 8by@zaynksingh
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Phishing in Ocean’s 8

by Zayn Singh4mAugust 31st, 2018
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The latest addition to the well-loved heist series had audiences flocking to theaters to watch Sandra Bullock and her all female crew take on their biggest job yet. Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock), the sister of the deceased Danny Ocean, is released from the big house at the very start of the film. Quickly upon her release — wearing the same clothes as the night she was arrested — Debbie contacts her old partner Lou (Cate Blanchett), a spit-fire rock n roll beauty. Ocean discusses the details of her plan that she dreamt up while in solitary confinement for five years: stealing jewels from the Met Gala. Curiosity got the best of Lou and she signs on to Ocean’s team immediately. Lou and Debbie go hunting to assemble the rest of their team: speed jeweler and diamond expert (Mindy Kaling), a suburban mom, wife, and retired criminal (Sarah Paulson), a genius hacker (Rihanna), a famous fashion designer (Helena Bonham Carter), and a skateboarding sleight-of-hand mastermind (Awkwafina). Anne Hathaway plays Daphne Kluger, Hollywood’s biggest star, who later becomes a pawn in the team’s jewel heist. From there, Ocean and team pull of the largest jewel heist of the century, stealing over 105 million dollars’ worth of jewels.

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