There was still much fighting to be doneby@edgarriceburroughs

There was still much fighting to be done

by Edgar Rice Burroughs3mMarch 31st, 2023
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There was still much fighting to be done, for though we had driven the Kalkars from The Capital they held the country to the south and west and we could not be satisfied until we had driven them into the sea, and so we prepared to ride to the front again that very night, but before we left I wanted a word with Bethelda who was to remain here with a proper retinue and a sufficient guard in the home of her people. Leading Red Lightning I searched about the grounds around the ruins and at last I came upon her beneath a great oak tree that grew at the northeast corner of the structure, its mighty limbs outspreading above the ruin. She was alone and I came and stood beside her. “I am going now,” I said, “to drive your enemies and mine into the sea. I have come to say good-bye.” “Good-bye, Julian.” She held out her hand to me.
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Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs


Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

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Edgar Rice Burroughs HackerNoon profile picture
Edgar Rice Burroughs@edgarriceburroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.



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