NOIR: Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots: Acknowledgments & Referencesby@escholar
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NOIR: Neural Signal Operated Intelligent Robots: Acknowledgments & References

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NOIR presents a groundbreaking BRI system enabling humans to control robots for real-world activities, but also raises concerns about decoding speed limitations and ethical risks. While challenges remain in skill library development, NOIR's potential in assistive technology and collaborative interaction signifies a significant step forward in human-robot collaboration.

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(1) Ruohan Zhang, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), Stanford University & Equally contributed; [email protected];

(2) Sharon Lee, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University & Equally contributed; [email protected];

(3) Minjune Hwang, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University & Equally contributed; [email protected];

(4) Ayano Hiranaka, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University & Equally contributed; [email protected];

(5) Chen Wang, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(6) Wensi Ai, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(7) Jin Jie Ryan Tan, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(8) Shreya Gupta, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(9) Yilun Hao, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(10) Ruohan Gao, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University;

(11) Anthony Norcia, Department of Psychology, Stanford University

(12) Li Fei-Fei, 1Department of Computer Science, Stanford University & Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), Stanford University;

(13) Jiajun Wu, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University & Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), Stanford University.

Abstract & Introduction

Brain-Robot Interface (BRI): Background

The NOIR System



Conclusion, Limitations, and Ethical Concerns

Acknowledgments & References

Appendix 1: Questions and Answers about NOIR

Appendix 2: Comparison between Different Brain Recording Devices

Appendix 3: System Setup

Appendix 4: Task Definitions

Appendix 5: Experimental Procedure

Appendix 6: Decoding Algorithms Details

Appendix 7: Robot Learning Algorithm Details


The work is in part supported by NSF CCRI #2120095, ONR MURI N00014-22-1-2740, N00014- 23-1-2355, N00014-21-1-2801, AFOSR YIP FA9550-23-1-0127, the Stanford Institute for HumanCentered AI (HAI), Amazon, Salesforce, and JPMC.


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