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Founder @ NowSourcing | Contributor at Hackernoon | Advisor: Google Small Biz, SXSW
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Did you know that 236.1 million ransomware attacks occurred worldwide in the first half of 2022 alone? Traditional security approaches are not as effective in protecting against these attacks due to the increase of data encryption. Hackers are utilizing security weaknesses to increase how effective their attacks are, and this can be detrimental to companies. In order to increase the overall security of online networks, many organizations are implementing Network and Detection Response (NDR) Systems.
NDR systems work by monitoring network traffic across the entire network, detecting threats from all sides to avoid any gaps in security. Hackers are able to utilize network dark space, or any network infrastructure that doesn't have configuration data like firewalls and routers, and this is how encrypted attacks occur.
As of 2021, 90% of web traffic was encrypted, and this can be difficult for traditional attacks to detect. NDR systems are able to detect malware breaches that are encrypted without having to decrypt it, making them more effective than legacy tools.
Another way hackers are able to attack networks is by covering their tracks which increases the time it takes for IT support teams to detect them. In fact, it can take up to a year for traditional security systems to detect a breach and alert the support team. With NDR systems, if there is a network breach, the system provides real-time alerts to response teams. This allows for solutions to be found much faster than with legacy tools.
IT teams are then able to streamline their processes and focus on only the threats that need to be taken care of immediately, rather than having to examine each threat individually. NDR systems can also attribute any malicious behavior to a specific IP address to track any future potential cyberattacks.