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I review technology and tools I daily use.
CodeComplete is an AI coding assistant by the search engine Similar to GitHub’s Copilot, you can input a comment on what you need and which language the code should be written in and get the result instantly. However, in contrast to Copilot and most other Code Completion tools, CodeComplete works independently of your coding environment and lets you paste snippets into whatever environment you like most. I like having it always open on my second screen when coding. It works great and has been a true time saver.
GitHub Copilot is a tool that most of us likely know about. Available as an extension for many popular editors, just like with CodeComplete, you can input a comment of what code you’d like to have, and Copilot will create it for you. However, you have to use it as an extension on one of the supported editors. It is still astonishing to see how great Copilot works; it is also an absolute time-saver.
Cogram, a Berlin-based Startup, is a code generation tool for data scientists and Python programmers using SQL queries and Jupyter Notebooks. With Cogram, you can write queries in English that the tool then translates into complex SQL queries with joins and grouping. It supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. This is a must-have for all Data Scientists!
Lastly, similar to CodeComplete and Copilot, Tabnine is a whole-line and full-function code completion tool. I found Tabnine’s greatest strength in its auto-completion feature. Available as an extension, Tabnine supports all major IDE’s and significantly more than Copilot. Tabnine’s first version was developed in Rust by Jacob Jackson when he was still a student at the University of Waterloo.
Have you ever used one of these tools, and how was your experience using them? Are there any other AI tools you can recommend? Let me know in the comments!