Memory Safe Strategy: Mastering the Language Architecture Matrixby@salkimmich
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Memory Safe Strategy: Mastering the Language Architecture Matrix

by Sal KimmichJanuary 8th, 2024
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In the world of software development, selecting the right programming language is crucial, and not always an easy upfront choice.The Language Architecture Matrix allows developers to see how choosing the right programming language shapes convergent software evolution and memory safe design.

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Go, Rust Haskell, Clojure, Perl, Ada Python and Java coexisting in a strange computational future fever dream of modern sofware development.

Mastering the Art of Language Architecture:

In the world of software development, selecting the right programming language is crucial, and not always an easy upfront choice. The Language Architecture Matrix is your strategic ally, guiding you through the myriad choices with insights into each language's core traits, architectural decisions, and their implications for your projects.

The matrix below covers the following for each major language:

Memory-Safe Language

Key Trait

Memory Safety Traits

Architectural Decisions


Tips & Tricks


Additional Info

Commonly Converted From

Reason for Conversion

Why I made this:

Ever wondered how the choice of a programming language can shape the destiny of your entire project?

If you’ve been around computers in the last decade, you’ve probably already been a part of the memory safety revolution, but have you really taken a step back to thing about how that’s affecting the convergant evolution of software language design?

If that’s a curiosity you’d like to chase, then welcome to a journey through the Language Architecture Matrix – not just a chart, but a key to unlocking the architectural essence of programming languages. This adventure is more than making choices; it's about discovering the DNA of coding languages and how they've evolved to meet the challenges of the digital age.

How It Helps in Thinking Architecturally Across Languages:

The matrix is more than a tool; it's a mindset shift. It encourages you to think multilingually in the global city of software development, understanding the cultural, structural, and functional aspects of each language. This approach fosters informed, architecturally sound choices, essential for any seasoned developer.

Let’s Get Started:

At the bottom, you’ll find a matrix to play with. Here’s a few things you can use the matrix to understand from historical examples:

The Great Language Escapades: Historical Stories to Explore the Chart:

Steps with older computer models and a java coffee cup, with people walking up steps to a futuristic city that we will assume is the Great Land of Java Enterprise.

  • Java's Enterprise Odyssey: Explore Java's rise from C++'s shadow in enterprise applications. What made Java the go-to language for large-scale projects?

An iPhone surrrounded by all the technologies that are also impacted: airplanes, cars, a futuristic spaceship.

  • Swift's iOS Revolution: Delve into how Swift's memory safety and modern syntax dethroned Objective-C in the realm of iOS development.

A series of early 80s style consoles and images of the python logo in various colors on each of them. The setting is a desert dune, and only one of these computers has a logo of Perl on it. Above it all looms a giant, majestic python.

  • Python Slithering away from Perl: Investigate Python's ascent over Perl in scripting. What features propelled Python to the forefront?

Using the Matrix to Understand Memory Safety:

Software developer converting memory unsafe language to memory safe language in a dim lit room, suggesting they are behind deadline on their never ending doom of agile sprints.

  • Memory Safety Quest: Identify the shift from memory-unsafe to memory-safe languages. What drove these pivotal changes?

Software architect wearing glasses and using a magnifying glass to see an iPad that is directy in front of their face. They are surrounded by chips in a blended artificial landscape.

  • Architectural Detective Work: Compare two languages and uncover how their design decisions impact their application areas.

A group of causally dressed people of diverse backgrounds with computers in front of them, but all of them have their hands off the keyboard while they attempt to look like they definitely know what they are doing. This is what we call, in the wild, a "Project Managers Only" meeting.

  • Predictive Language Analysis: Forecast the future trajectory of a language based on its current path in the matrix.

Oh, and note that once you get down to Haskell, only real tip is to “Embrace monadic design patterns”, which we might dive into more this year. I hope you enjoy this matrix, and I’d welcome contributors to it! Scroll down to the very bottom of this article for a Dungeons and Dragons matrix of these same languages, it might be even more useful.

Images produced by the DALL·E 2 prompt, matrix produced by years 10+ years of just trying to build the best thing possible, no matter what.

Memory-Safe Language

Key Trait

Memory Safety Traits

Architectural Decisions


Tips & Tricks


Additional Info

Commonly Converted From

Reason for Conversion


Most used in enterprise applications

Garbage Collection, Object-Oriented

JVM provides a sandboxed execution environment

Null references; Manual array bounds checking

Use Optional to avoid nulls; Favor immutability

Java Tutorials, Effective Java

Modern versions have enhanced security features


Java offers a platform-independent JVM, making it a popular choice for enterprise applications transitioning from legacy systems.


Primary language for Windows development

Garbage Collection, Object-Oriented

.NET framework provides a vast library

Null references; Unsafe code blocks

Use using for resource management; Favor LINQ for data manipulation

.NET Docs, C# Station

Modern versions support nullable reference types

Visual Basic, C++

.NET framework provides a vast library and modern features, making it a natural choice for Windows-based applications transitioning from older languages.


Modern alternative to Java for Android

Null safety, Smart casts

Interoperable with Java; Coroutines for concurrency

Still possible to have null pointer exceptions

Use let, apply, and other scope functions; Understand val vs var

Kotlin Docs, Kotlin for Java Developers

Officially supported by Android


Kotlin is fully interoperable with Java but offers more concise syntax and modern features, making it a popular choice for Android development.


Hybrid of functional and object-oriented paradigms

Option and Either types, Immutable collections

Mix of object-oriented and functional paradigms

Complexity due to hybrid nature; JVM startup time

Use pattern matching extensively; Favor immutability

Scala Docs, Scala Exercises

Runs on the JVM


Scala offers both object-oriented and functional paradigms, making it appealing for Java applications looking to adopt functional programming.


Modern language for iOS development

Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Optionals

Protocol-oriented programming; Value semantics

Bridging to Objective-C can introduce unsafety

Use optionals (?) to handle potential nil values; Favor value types over reference types

Swift Docs, Hacking with Swift

Interoperable with Objective-C


Swift offers a more modern and safer syntax than Objective-C, making it the primary choice for iOS development.


Most popular scripting language

Dynamic typing, Garbage Collection

Dynamic nature allows for flexible coding patterns

Slower execution; Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)

Use with for resource management; Avoid using mutable default arguments

Python Docs, Python Patterns

GIL can be a bottleneck for multi-threaded applications

Perl, PHP

Python's simplicity and vast libraries make it a popular choice for web and scripting tasks transitioning from older scripting languages.


Best for memory safety without garbage collection

Ownership, Borrowing, Lifetimes

Ownership system prevents data races

Steeper learning curve due to strict compiler

Use the borrow checker to your advantage; Understand String vs &str

Rust Book, Rust by Example

Safe concurrency without a garbage collector

C, C++

Rust's memory safety features without a garbage collector make it appealing for systems programming tasks that require performance and safety.


Known for simplicity and concurrency

Garbage Collection, Static Typing

Simple and efficient concurrency model

No generics; Manual memory management in some cases

Use goroutines and channels for concurrency; Understand zero values

Go Tour, Effective Go

Emphasizes simplicity and efficiency

C, C++

Go's simplicity and built-in concurrency make it a choice for backend services transitioning from C/C++ while wanting to maintain performance.


Modern syntax on the Erlang VM

Immutable data, Lightweight process model

Built on the Erlang VM (BEAM); Metaprogramming capabilities

Limited libraries for certain domains

Use mix for project management; Understand the importance of processes and messages

Elixir School, Elixir Docs

Phoenix framework for web development

Ruby, Erlang

Elixir offers a modern syntax on the Erlang VM, making it appealing for scalable, fault-tolerant systems, especially those transitioning from Ruby on Rails.


Designed for fault-tolerant systems

Lightweight processes, Message-passing

Built for distributed, fault-tolerant systems

Not as efficient for computation-heavy tasks

Understand the actor model; Use pattern matching in function heads

Erlang Docs, Learn You Some Erlang

OTP framework provides design principles for building applications

Prolog, older telecom languages

Erlang's design for fault-tolerant and distributed systems makes it a choice for telecom and messaging systems.


Functional programming on the JVM

Immutability, Functional

Runs on JVM, emphasizes immutability

JVM startup time; Slower than statically-typed languages

Use transducers for efficient data transformation; Understand persistent data structures

Clojure for the Brave and True, Clojure Docs *this book teaches you how to love coding, not just Clojure

Emphasizes concurrency without locks


Clojure offers functional programming on the JVM, making it a choice for Java applications looking to adopt functional paradigms.


Pure functional language

Pure functions, Immutability

Lazy evaluation, strong static typing

Complexity due to pure functional paradigm; Lazy evaluation can introduce space leaks

Use strictness annotations to control evaluation; Embrace monadic design patterns

Learn You a Haskell, Real World Haskell

Popular in academic and theoretical computing

Imperative and object-oriented languages (e.g., Java, C++)

Chosen for its strong emphasis on pure functional programming, leading to more predictable and maintainable code in complex algorithmic development.


Emphasizes high-reliability

Strong typing, Tasking for concurrency

Designed for large, long-lived applications with stringent reliability requirements

Verbose syntax; Steeper learning curve

Use the package and tasking model effectively; Employ the SPARK subset for high-assurance systems

AdaCore University, Ada Programming Wikibook

Widely used in aerospace and defense industries

Lower-level languages (e.g., Assembly, C)

Preferred for its emphasis on safety and reliability in safety-critical applications, such as aerospace and defense, where failure is not an option.

But wait, there’s one last thing:

I want you to consider one more thing when you choose a language. There’s memory safety, then there’s the people you make memories with. Below is the only AI generated part of our original Gadfly Open Source Zine last year: a Dungeons and Dragons matrix that completely validated my personal thoughts on perl.

One useful way to think about open source languages is to use Dungeons and Dragons. It's important to consider the language syntax (things like the lovely, hard typed Haskell or the memory-safe Rust make them interesting contenders when choosing a language to solve a hard problem. Learning to code in any language will help you to think in the syntactical logic of that language, but there's a lot more to choosinga language than that. Open Source doesn't work in a vacuum, and there are communities of developers for every language. Considering developer community reputations when analysing their usefulness is essential. Python isn't always the most efficient, but it's almost always the best community to ask for help. When choosing a language, consider not just the language itself, but the kinds of communities that you'll get into from learnin it. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding oof which language might be the best fit for your project and your personality. For reference: Rust is considered semantically lawful good, and perl is semantically chaotically evil. For community reputation, Haskell is considered lawful good, and Assembly is considered chaotic evil (sorry, the GPT said it not me).

Alright go have fun. Build something beautiful this year.