Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Zain Muhammad, Director of Salesby@zainmuhammad
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Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Zain Muhammad, Director of Sales

by Zain MuhammadAugust 2nd, 2023
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Zin Muhammad tells HackerNoon a bit about himself in this Meet the Writer interview.
featured image - Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Zain Muhammad, Director of Sales
Zain Muhammad HackerNoon profile picture

If you’re seeing this interview draft, it means you’ve recently published on HackerNoon a story that the community found interesting and/or valuable. For this reason, we would like to help the community get to know you better, as well as find out some writing tips from you.

While this template is automatic, our interest in the answers below is genuine, and our human editors (and some cyborg wannabes) will review it before publishing.

So let’s start! Tell us a bit about yourself. For example, name, profession, and personal interests.

Hey, I'm Zain Muhammad come from the legendary Muhammad Family, who are well-known to be cricketers! But don't worry; I like technology as much as I like cricket.

I dived into the tech industry at the tender age of 17, and it's been a thrilling ride ever since! I've had the privilege of working with some of the best companies in Pakistan, and now, I'm on a mission to build alliances in the tech world and spread my expertise like wildfire.

I like being timely updated with trends and gadgets. In short, tech gadgets are my true love; I can't resist the temptation to try out the latest ones. I firmly believe that technology attracts technology, and with my skillful sales, and marketing personality, I can unlock the true potential of leadership and middle management, providing tailor-made digital solutions wherever I go.

Machine learning, AI, Meta, Crypto, and all things have me utterly fascinated. Who wouldn't be intrigued by the power of tech to shape our future? But I think that's enough about me – let's dive into other things! Bring on your questions!

Interesting! What was your latest Hackernoon Top story about?

I like most of the latest Hackernoon's top stories related to tech, software solutions, and tech giants. I just can't resist the adrenaline rush when it comes to tech tales!

Do you usually write on similar topics? If not, what do you usually write about?

Oh, absolutely! I'm like a tech writing chameleon, blending into various topics. I've got the tech universe covered. I can confidently say no topic's too daring for this wordsmith! However, I love writing about software, cybersecurity, digital products, SaaS, and the list goes on…

Great! What is your usual writing routine like (if you have one?)

My tech writing routine is as smooth as an eye-catching user interface! I kickstart my day with a dose of coffee and a touch of tech inspiration. Armed with my trusty gadgets, I read, explore, and evaluate digital content online. When the tech muse strikes, I spin tech tales that captivate and intrigue readers. Reading and writing are some of my best experiences, and I love every moment of it!

Being a writer in tech can be a challenge. It’s not often our main role, but an addition to another one. What is the biggest challenge you have when it comes to writing?

I like keeping my thoughts simple and thought-provoking. But there is more to take care of, like time constraints, juggling a plateful of tasks, and being a self-proclaimed workaholic. It's like a tech writing adventure! But after all this, my business development goals keep me soaring like a tech-savvy superhero!

What is the next thing you hope to achieve in your career?

In my tech writing journey, my eyes are set on enhancing technology knowledge and experience in the UAE, KSA, and the entire Middle East! I'm on a mission to leverage platforms like HackerNoon to reach laymen, tech giants, and even government organizations in the UAE. Let's unleash a tech evolution and make waves in this potential market!

Wow, that’s admirable. Now, something more casual: What is your guilty pleasure of choice?

My guilty pleasure spills the digital beans! While I love staying updated on current affairs and tech trends, I sometimes feel like a content-hungry monster, gobbling up every bit of information. But as a tech influencer, spreading awareness is my noble quest, so no guilt can hold me back!

Do you have a non-tech-related hobby? If yes, what is it?

Indeed! When I'm not conquering the tech realm with my words, I'm off indulging in a delightful array of hobbies. I enjoy creating captivating stories for books and engaging in real-time conversations with people from various industries. I am constantly seeking to expand my knowledge and learn from diverse perspectives. Oh, and let's not forget my love for adventure, sports, food, and enjoying various cultures.

What can the HackerNoon community expect to read from you next?

The next tale on my writing horizon will be an electrifying exploration of the hottest tech waves and the biggest "wow" moments in Dubai, KSA, and the entire Middle East! I will be investigating potential issues and promoting the importance of software adoption to the public.

What’s your opinion on HackerNoon as a platform for writers?

I think HackerNoon is the best platform for writers! It's like a digital stage where we writers can don our creativity capes, share our thoughts with the world, and promote ourselves fearlessly. It's where the tech influence happens, and our words get the attention they deserve!

Thanks for taking the time to join our “Meet the Writer” series. It was a pleasure. Do you have any closing words?

Thank you for having me! It's been an absolute delight to share my tech writing expertise with you all. Remember, in the ever-evolving world of tech, let's stay curious, embrace challenges, read, and try to stay ahead of everyone else. Keep writing and innovating, and create a tech-infused future together! Until next time, happy writing and tech on!