Make Your Own Youtube player in React using youtube data API v3by@devyendushekhar
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Make Your Own Youtube player in React using youtube data API v3

by Devyendu Shekhar5mFebruary 12th, 2019
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So, in this story, I am going to walk you through the whole journey of how to make your own Youtube Player. It is very easy and I promise you will be ready with your own player within an hour. That’s amazing isn't it? Our end result will look like <a href="" target="_blank">this</a>. If you have gone through the link you might have observed a few things. The videos will be fetched directly from the youtube database through the API they have provided. And some of you might have seen the error message like Daily Limit Exceeded. Oops, it means Google has given limited access to this API. So, while creating the project make sure you don’t play too much with the API, otherwise you will have to wait for the next day 😃 for your quota to be recharged. Enough talking. Let’s make a step by step plan. Here is the <a href="" target="_blank">link </a>for GitHub repository, in case you want to see the code while following along.

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Devyendu Shekhar


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