Stateless Minds' CEO Says The World Needs True Decentralization More Than Ever

Written by mar1n3r0 | Published 2022/08/16
Tech Story Tags: noonies | hackernoon | noonies-awards | noonies2022 | hackernoon-writers | hackernoon-community | noonies-interview | decentralization

TLDRMarin Kirkov is the CEO of Stateless Minds LLC. He has been nominated for the [Web 3 category of the [2022 Noonies Awards] for the Web 3 category. He says Web3 is one of the most exciting technologies in the current tech landscape because the world needs true decentralization more than ever. Learn more about my thoughts and opinions on Web 3 and my journey in the tech industry via the interview below. I started out of passion for innovation, cooperation and solidarity. I am much more interested now in the concept for moneyless economy.via the TL;DR App

Hey HackerNoon Readers! I’m Marin Kirkov and I’m the CEO of Stateless Minds LLC.

I want to thank the HackerNoon community and staff for their nomination in the Web 3 category, as well as BingX for sponsoring the Web 3 category of the 2022 Noonies awards.

I’ve been nominated for the following awards and if you like my writing, please do check out these award pages and vote for me:

  1. HackerNoon Contributor of the Year- FUTURE-OF-FINANCE
  2. HackerNoon Contributor of the Year- FUTURISM

Web 3 is one of the most exciting technologies in the current tech landscape because the world needs true decentralization more than ever. Learn more about my thoughts and opinions on Web 3 and my journey in the tech industry via the interview below.

1. Please tell us your story. What do you currently do in the Web 3 landscape and how did you get started doing it?

I am currently tinkering with IPFS. It’s a project that caught my attention because it allows users to co-host dapps. I use it with WebAssembly exclusively to create full-stack dapps living on the edge. I started out with a passion for innovation, cooperation and solidarity.

2. Tell us more! What are the things you make / write / manage / build in the world of Web3?

I mainly maintain Cyber-Stasis. A post-money economy simulator in the form of a free fictional game based on gift economy. It tests the hypothesis of having a market system without any exchange be it barters or money.

3. What is your inspiration for writing and what made you want to get published on HackerNoon?

I recently felt the urge to write after many years of thinking that I have no talent for it. It just came naturally this time. As a long-term reader of HackerNoon it was and still is the cool place to be!

4. What do you think is the most exciting development in Web3 right now? and on a personal level, what are you most excited or passionate about in this space?

I would say IPFS again. It’s just one of those things that try to change the web as a whole. On a personal level, I am much more interested now in the concept of a moneyless economy and cooperative living.

5. What are your concerns about Web3 and why do they worry you?

The thing that worries me the most is the labeling and deciding what’s Web3 and what’s not. Words are powerful and worth being free of context.

6. If we gave you $10 million to invest in a web 3 project today, what would you invest in and why?

Money is just a concept and not a real-world asset. I would invest them in communities experimenting with a moneyless society as well as educational institutions researching the topic.

7. What are you currently learning?

Software architecture, alternative economics theory, political anarchy, liquid democracy.

8. What’s the best advice you’ve ever given someone?

Don’t underestimate yourself. Life is worth losing.

9. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Relax, it’s all just a projection of reality.

Written by mar1n3r0 | Creator of VisioneerHub and Cyber Stasis.
Published by HackerNoon on 2022/08/16