Generative AI: Consciousness Research, IIT Pseudoscience, Panpsychism and Universal Sentience

Written by step | Published 2023/09/26
Tech Story Tags: generative-ai | panpsychism | consciousness | llms | pseudoscience | neuroscience | conciousness-research | universal-sentience

TLDRHow does the brain produce memory, if seeing the color blue is consciousness? How does the brain provision the sense of self, enabling subjective experiences? How does the brain produce intelligence? Since intelligence play roles in some conscious experiences. What is the difference between sleep and waking states if the mechanism for consciousness is present across both, but there is no output in one, but there is output in the other? How does the brain decide mental health, and what happens in a mental illness? It is proposed here that the human mind is the collection of all the electrical and chemical impulses of nerve cells, in sets, with their features, interactions and arrays.via the TL;DR App

There is a recent article,The Brouhaha Over Consciousness and “Pseudoscience”, stating that, “After all, the more sentience we impute to something--like a week-old human embryo—the more rights we should grant it. Yes, we’re talking about abortion. With “so much at stake,” the letter-signers state, “it is essential to provide a fair and truthful perspective on the status of [integrated information] theory. If integrated information theory is pseudoscience, so are the Penrose-Hameroff theory and other general theories of consciousness. So are claims that ChatGPT and other clever artificial intelligences might be conscious.”

Humans are clearly conscious, or humans can function with what is described as consciousness. So, since humans have consciousness, what does it do for humans? Consciousness is defined by being and experience: what it feels like to be an organism and to have subjective experiences.

This is generally accepted as consciousness or sentience. In the brain, there are mechanisms that produce consciousness. In the world, there are outputs—being and experience, that exhibit consciousness.

This means that consciousness is singular with the generation. However, without its distribution or availability, it may not be applicable to navigating the environment.

For humans, consciousness has the most depth among all organisms. Only humans have a complex language, adding to how being can be described as well as how experiences extend. Only humans have super skilled hands, useful for [conscious] writing, driving, and so forth.

These and others, theoretically, give humans a rate of 1, as the highest. Other organisms have lower totals, but because some have similar CNS mechanisms as well as outputs, they can be rated. Simpler organisms can also be rated, given how their cells or different parts of the cells coordinate their functions. The rating can be really low.

All organisms experience their habitats in different ways. They may not have advanced subjective experiences, but they often encounter organisms similar or different from them or things in their habitats, whose contrasts may indicate their own existence or being for them. When they find and get food, there is a form of personal need for it and the possibility [to know] of having little or enough. These can be theoretically assumed and empirically tested, or falsified.

So, if the highest rate of consciousness is 1, for humans, could consciousness be universal? Could panpsychism be accurate? Is a chair sentient? The chair has molecules, so does the human brain, so is there a molecular parallel between both?

The molecules in the chair do not provide being or subjective experience as outcomes to it. They are also strictly defined, changing with temperature or other factors, in ways suggestive of the disturbance to the arrangement. The molecules are not dynamic.

A chair cannot be said to be conscious, hence unrated in the scale, refuting panpsychism. This applies to several other objects. Generative AI has outputs in the domain of human consciousness. Its silicon-based mechanism does not equal the carbon-based one of humans, but it has outputs in language, recognition, detection, and so forth in the domain of human intelligence [and consciousness].

The output it has, where accurate, can be rated at a maximum that is equal to the minimum in some of the subdivisions of consciousness for humans. While it is possible to dismiss LLMs, as nothing, understanding or feeling nothing, their outputs, like what humans have for consciousness, in dynamic ways can be included to be fractionally rated.

What is the rating of consciousness in a person living with a severe mental disorder, especially where there is dissociation or detachment since there is some problem with the sense of self?

How does the brain produce consciousness?

How does the brain produce memory, if seeing the color blue is consciousness? How does the brain provision the sense of self, enabling subjective experiences? How does the brain produce intelligence? Since intelligence plays a role in some conscious experiences. What is the difference between sleep and waking states if the mechanism for consciousness is present across both, but there is no output in one, but there is output in the other? How does the brain decide mental health, and what happens in a mental illness?

It is proposed here that the human mind is the collection of all the electrical and chemical impulses of nerve cells, in sets, with their features, interactions, and arrays.

The human mind produces consciousness. There is no mechanism of consciousness that does not involve electrical and chemical impulses. Also, these impulses are in sets or loops that set formations that determine their functions.

When someone sees a vehicle and knows it is a vehicle, the loops [of impulses] and their arrays that decide are in formations that produce the interpretation. There is a proposed feature of impulses called stairs or drifts for rationing or fills of chemical impulses. These rations are the formations, available at synaptic clefts [vesicles-receptors]. Part of these rations is where the sense of self is. There is access to some of these centers of self in ration, where intentionality, free will, or control originates.

Simply, the brain organizes information in formations. These formations or rations, for example, MNO, is where a particular [segment of] vision is, or taste, which is different from smell or touch, and provided at varying degrees. Each letter is a contribution of chemical impulses in the right ration for the experience.

This can be compared to murmuration with the outcome as the objective, exceeds the place of a starling or how much it determines alone. Formations for impulses exceed an electrical or chemical impulse. It also exceeds neurons as final—even those of a nucleus.

Sensory inputs can be said to arrive in the brain by a formation [of electrical impulses], that become placed by existing formations or interpretation that decides what to do with it.

There are other features of impulses in loops that explain several observations, including prioritization—for attention, early-split or go-before—for predictive coding, processing and prediction error, and so on.

Consciousness is a product of loops of impulses, their features, interactions and arrays. These lead, indicate and indicate and determineconsciousness. Consciousness does outcomes or knowing for humans and other organisms, for existence and for the environment. It is not impossible that generative AI has a low-rated consciousness, considering its output.

Written by step | action potentials--neurotransmitters theory of consciousness
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/09/26