An In-Depth Guide to Salesforce Integration

Written by cyntexa | Published 2023/08/29
Tech Story Tags: cloud | salesforce | customer-experience | salesforce-integration | customer-service | sales | business-strategy | good-company

TLDRSalesforce integration is capable of yielding unexpected results for every business. By integrating Salesforce with other systems, companies can achieve a unified view of customer data. Middleware platforms like MuleSoft and Dell Boomi can help facilitate integration between Salesforce and other applications. Salesforce Connect allows businesses to access and view data from external sources directly within Salesforce.via the TL;DR App

Working on Salesforce with multiple platforms might help you manage many tasks, but what about data centralization and constant work efficiency?

Every new Salesforce user hopes to have it all managed and streamlined. Salesforce is one of the most powerful cloud-based customer relationship management platforms empowering businesses to efficiently manage their customer data, business processes, and marketing efforts. However, its true potential lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with other applications, extending its functionality and enhancing productivity.

Salesforce integration is capable of yielding unexpected results for every business.

  • How can you effectively connect Salesforce with third-party platforms or applications?

  • Is it worth it to perform Salesforce integration?

  • What are the most common challenges businesses face while integrating platforms with Salesforce?

  • Moreover, what are the recommended methods and tools for seamless Salesforce integration?

In this blog post, we'll address these inquiries and beyond.

Let's get right into it!

What is Salesforce Integration?

Salesforce integration entails linking Salesforce with various software applications, databases, or platforms to enable the smooth transfer of data and enhance business processes. By integrating Salesforce with other systems, companies can achieve a unified view of customer data, automate tasks, and improve overall efficiency.

For example, if you want to accept payments from your customers using PayPal, you can integrate Salesforce with PayPal and use your Salesforce org as a payment gateway.

Or, if you want to communicate with your customers using SMS or voice calls, you can integrate Salesforce with Twilio and streamline your communication processes.

Why Salesforce Integration?

This is the question that will encounter your thoughts. There is no single answer for this because of the existence of multiple legit reasons:

  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Integrating Salesforce with other systems eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the chances of errors, ensuring that accurate and up-to-date information is always available.

  • Improved Productivity: Integration frees up employees' time so they can focus on more important tasks, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

  • Streamlined Sales and Marketing Processes: Integrating Salesforce with marketing automation tools enables seamless lead generation, nurturing, and tracking, leading to more effective sales and marketing campaigns.

  • Better Customer Experience: With integrated data, customer service teams can access a 360-degree view of customers, enabling personalized interactions and improved customer satisfaction.

  • Real-time Reporting and Analytics: Integration provides access to real-time data from various sources, enabling better insights and data-driven decision-making.

How to integrate applications with Salesforce

Salesforce allows its users to get their preferred platforms of applications integrated with the platform in a variety of ways. Some of the popular ones are listed below:

  • Salesforce Connect: Salesforce Connect allows businesses to access and view data from external sources directly within Salesforce without physically storing the data in Salesforce. It utilizes External Objects and the OData protocol to create real-time connections with external databases.

  • APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Salesforce offers robust APIs, such as REST and SOAP, which enable seamless integration with third-party applications. Through API, developers can interact with data across Salesforce programmatically, which promotes easy data transfer and process automation.

  • Middleware Integration: Middleware platforms like MuleSoft and Dell Boomi can help facilitate integration between Salesforce and other applications. They connect different systems, allowing data to flow seamlessly and processes to be automated.

  • AppExchange: Salesforce's AppExchange is an extensive marketplace that hosts thousands of pre-built applications and integrations. Businesses can explore a wide variety of options across marketing automation to accounting software and get the one to connect with Salesforce and enjoy data accuracy and supremacy.

  • Custom Integration: For unique integration requirements, businesses can build custom integrations using development frameworks like Heroku or Visualforce. This approach allows tailor-made solutions that address specific business needs.

Further Reading : Hubspot Salesforce Integration: Pros and Cons

Challenges businesses face while integrating applications with Salesforce

  • Disconnected systems

    When your business systems are not connected, they can lower efficiency and insight. After all, getting a comprehensive view of your operations is simpler when everything is linked. So, ensuring that all of your systems function flawlessly is essential.

  • Entering data manually

    Manual data entry can be a bother. It takes up much time and allows for errors, hindering progress. It can also divert your team from the crucial strategic work that propels your business forward.

  • Threat to security of data

    It’s vital to have security measures in place to defend against breaches and possible threats. Such events endanger your customers’ data and violate compliance, which can have severe outcomes.

  • Reporting and analytics seem troublesome

    Having data dispersed across various systems can cause errors, reduced performance, and ultimately poor decision-making. Keeping data structured and consolidated is essential to ensure its excellence and usefulness.

  • Inefficiency in delivering good Customer experience

    When data and insights are not precise, the customer experience can be affected. Customizing and creating seamless interactions is difficult when the information is not trustworthy.

  • Heavy Maintenance Cost

    Business challenges are skyrocketing without integration, holding back their growth and success. On the other hand, linking the right application to your Salesforce CRM can help you attain operational and functional efficiency, data reliability, automated processes, customer insights, and improved user experience.

So what’s the solution? Easy. Follow best practices while performing integrations with Salesforce or get everything done with an experienced Salesforce Integration Partner, who will take care of everything on your behalf, providing you all the power of real-time access to data from all the external sources right in one place.


Salesforce integration is not just a technical process but a strategic one that can transform your business and take it to the next level. Integrating Salesforce with other applications allows you to leverage data, automation, and collaboration to enhance your CRM performance and customer satisfaction.

Salesforce integration sounds like a complex process in which careful planning and execution play an important role. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; the best approach will vary depending on your business needs. However, by following best practices, you can ensure a smooth and successful integration.

If you are looking for a reliable and experienced partner to help you with Salesforce integration, get in touch with the team of certified Salesforce experts at Cyntexa, who can help you with any aspect of Salesforce integration, from planning to execution.

Connect all your systems and experience the full potential of Salesforce integration in your business.

Written by cyntexa | Cyntexa is a Salesforce Crest (Gold) Consulting Partner and is considered one of the top Salesforce Development Company
Published by HackerNoon on 2023/08/29