6 Content Ideas to Boost Your Business Growth

Written by syedbalkhi | Published 2021/05/02
Tech Story Tags: social-media-marketing | content-marketing | content-marketing-hacks | content-creation

TLDR Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. He explains specific types of content you should develop to win people over and grow fast. He suggests that you use a giveaway plugin to run a giveaway campaign smoothly. Compounding posts gives you value by adding value by compounding over time. Guest posts are a clever way to cross-promote posts that go live on other websites. The most important thing to do is to create guest posts that appear on other sites.via the TL;DR App

The phrase content is kingexists for a reason. Through articles, how-to posts, infographics, and more, you talk to your audience. The content you make can get people to trust you, engage with you, and ultimately buy your products. 
Regularly creating good content can skyrocket your business’s growth. So let’s explore specific types of content you should develop to win people over and grow fast. 

Contest giveaways

If you’re looking for quick and effective results, then you need to make contest giveaways. After all, everyone likes to get something for free. 
You can get attention fast, build a social media following, grow your email list, and more. 
I suggest that you use a giveaway plugin to run a giveaway campaign smoothly. When you try to build your contest manually, it’s easy to lose track of your leads and miscommunicate. 
While a giveaway plugin can do the following things for you: 
  • Create campaigns and automate the entire contest.
  • Make it possible for users to enter through different means: email login, Facebook, Instagram, and other means.
  • Create additional entries via multiple steps, i.e., liking, following, and sharing the contest to increase the number of entries a person can have and thereby increasing their chances of winning.
  • Build an email list automatically.
  • Choose a giveaway winner in a random manner.
  • Get user-created images, text posts, and other content as submissions.
An example of a viral giveaway
Contest giveaways bring attention to your business and create positive emotions. To give your brand a quick and effective boost in visibility, start a campaign with a giveaway plugin. 

Leverage user-generated content

You don’t have to make all your content to benefit from content marketing. Your audience consists of people making interesting social media posts, forum comments, and blogs that you can leverage. 
A few ways to make use of such user-generated content are as follows:
Build social proof by adding testimonials and shoutouts via social media posts on your website
Use social media shout outs to highlight social proof
Share how your existing customers are using your products. For example, a makeup brand could share Instagram images of customers wearing their makeup products.
Ask your blog readers to send blog posts, ideas, or other types of content and share them on your platform.
When you add content created by your audience on your website, you let your customers speak for you. Doing this also builds the impression that your business is active and has a vibrant community. 

Create compounding posts

This type of content gives you value by compounding over time. That is, rather than making a blog post that brings a sharp boost of traffic tapering to nothing over time, you create a post that slowly but steadily brings traffic over the years.
One compounding blog post is said to create 6x as much traffic as a regular post. 
So, how do you build one? First, to make a compounding post, you need to focus on an evergreen topic - something that people will keep asking about over time. 
Another aspect of a compounding topic is that it is broad rather than focused. 
A compounding post tends to answer questions like what, why, and how. You can learn a lot more about it through Hubspot’s post on this topic. 
It would be best if you did your research using keyword tools and SEO platforms.
Learn about what people’s pain points are and the kind of questions they ask online. A question or search phrase that shows up a lot is a potential candidate for building a compounding post. 
Furthermore, you need to dive into the topic deeply. Add images, references, data points, and answer the question as best as you can so that people keep coming back to it over and over again. 

Start guest posting 

One of the most important things you can do is to create guest posts. That is, you approach another blog or publication and create content for their audience. 
The benefits of making posts that appear on other websites are many:
  • You reach a new audience.
  • Get backlinks ethically by linking to your website in the author bio section.
  • Promote yourself as a thought leader and contribute to your professional community.
And you can also host guest posts on your websites. Inviting experts and other bloggers to write posts that go live on your site is a clever way to cross-promote. 
Creating guest posts will help you get more exposure
It also helps when you build a partnership with other bloggers and publications. 

Offer lead magnets and content upgrades

Do you want to boost your newsletter subscriptions? Then the first thing you should do is create an opt-in form. But to dramatically increase sign-ups, you need to offer a benefit or make a compelling reason for people to agree to drop their email with your brand. 
A lead magnet does precisely that. Create an eBook, a video course, a checklist, or some item you know your audience will want. And then offer it to them by creating a lead magnet opt-in form. When you create a benefit in this way, your audience will find it worthwhile to sign up for your email to get the free item.
Create an attractive lead magnet to build your email list
And if your free book, guide, or other offering is well-made, your audience will stay subscribed and stay tuned to your newsletter content.

Create social feeds

Social feeds are where you show social media posts on your website. You can use a social feeds plugin that lets you display tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram content, and more based on your set parameters. 
When you add social media feeds to your website, you add more content for users to interact with. Like I mentioned in the point about user-generated content, you can use feeds to highlight testimonials and positive shoutouts.
A decisive advantage of adding social feeds to your website is that your audience will be able to interact with your posts by liking, sharing, and commenting. 
A social feed will help you provide content and keep visitors on your site
With a social feeds plugin, you’ll be able to set up quickly and easily with no need for any coding. 

Back to you

Content creates growth. But to grow fast, you need to build and promote your content strategically. Aside from the points given here, remember to make videos and be active on social media, posting daily, if not several times a day. 

Written by syedbalkhi | Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site.
Published by HackerNoon on 2021/05/02