Life in 2100 According to the Most Powerful AI Model Todayby@thomascherickal
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Life in 2100 According to the Most Powerful AI Model Today

by Thomas CherickalJuly 1st, 2024
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What does the next 100 yers hold for humanity? fascinating question! What if I told you that Claude 3.5 onnet had a fantastic and entertaining answer? Please do have a read this story from the LLM is amazing!
featured image - Life in 2100 According to the Most Powerful AI Model Today
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So I tried all the hacks that I used with GPT-4o with Claude Sonnet 3.5.

I failed.

I was unable to jailbreak Claude 3.5 Sonnet with any of the techniques given in the repository of the previous article.

Clearly, Anthropic have done their work well.

They have built safety as a part of the AI model - not just a guideline.

This gives me hope.

Maybe, along the lines of Anthropic, we will be able to create an AI that we can control.

Sonnet 3.5 can detect when the output of a prompt will contain threats to humanity and rejects the prompts accordingly.

So I tried a new technique I called ghostprompting.

I used Mixtral Large to generate doomsday stories about the future of AI with zero effort.

I made them more and more grim.

Then I fed these stories to Claude 3.5 and asked it to elaborate.

It worked until we touched ASI.

Every time we reached ASI, Claude 3.5 stopped working and refused to create stories that encouraged dominance by AI over humanity.

Kudos to Anthropic!

This was the most advanced story I was able to generate.

And the stories are damn good as well!

The Chen Family's Journey: 2025-2100

2025: A New Beginning

Michael Chen sat at his desk, lines of code scrolling across his multiple monitors. At 35, he was a senior software engineer at a promising AI startup in Silicon Valley. His wife, Sarah, 33, was across town at Stanford University, where she worked as a climate scientist. Their children, 10-year-old Emma and 7-year-old Lucas, were at school, their minds filled with the wonder and possibility that only childhood can bring.

As Michael debugged a particularly tricky algorithm, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Sarah: "Big news at the lab. Can't wait to tell you tonight."

Little did Michael know that this day would mark the beginning of a journey that would span generations and reshape the world as they knew it.

That evening, over a dinner of homemade dumplings, Sarah shared her excitement. "We've made a breakthrough in our climate models," she explained, her eyes shining. "By incorporating advanced machine learning algorithms, we've significantly improved our ability to predict long-term climate patterns. This could be a game-changer for climate change mitigation efforts."

Emma, always curious, peppered her mother with questions about the technology. Lucas, more reserved but equally intelligent, listened intently, his young mind already grappling with the enormity of the climate crisis.

Michael nodded, understanding the implications. "It's amazing how AI is transforming every field," he mused. "Just today, we made progress on our natural language processing model. It's becoming eerily good at understanding context and nuance."

As they discussed the rapid advancements in technology, none of them could have predicted how these developments would shape their lives and the world in the decades to come.

2030: The AI Revolution Accelerates

Five years had passed, and the Chen family found themselves at the heart of the AI revolution. Michael had risen to become the CTO of his company, which had grown into a major player in the AI industry. Sarah's climate research had gained international recognition, with her AI-enhanced models becoming the gold standard in the field.

Emma, now 15, had developed a passion for robotics, spending countless hours tinkering in the family's garage-turned-workshop. Lucas, 12, had become an avid environmentalist, inspired by his mother's work and the visible effects of climate change in their California home.

One evening, as the family gathered in the living room, a breaking news alert flashed across their wallscreen. A major tech company had announced the creation of an AI system that had passed a comprehensive Turing test, demonstrating human-like intelligence across a wide range of tasks.

"Is this it, Dad?" Emma asked, her eyes wide. "Have we finally created true artificial intelligence?"

Michael rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "It's a significant milestone, but we're still a long way from artificial general intelligence. This system is incredibly advanced, but it's still narrow AI – specialized for specific tasks."

Sarah chimed in, "The ethical implications are enormous, though. We need to start thinking seriously about the impact this will have on society, on jobs, on privacy."

Lucas, ever the pragmatist, asked, "But can it help us fix the climate?"

His question hung in the air, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead and the hopes pinned on technological solutions.

As the 2030s progressed, the Chen family found themselves navigating an increasingly AI-driven world. Michael's company was at the forefront of developing AI systems for healthcare, leading to breakthroughs in disease diagnosis and drug discovery. Sarah's climate models, now powered by quantum computing and advanced AI, provided unprecedented insights into the Earth's changing systems.

Emma excelled in her studies, particularly in STEM fields, and began to grapple with the ethical implications of AI development. Lucas, while less interested in technology itself, became passionate about using tech solutions to address environmental challenges.

The world around them was changing rapidly. Autonomous vehicles became commonplace, transforming city landscapes and transportation systems. AI-powered personal assistants evolved from simple voice-activated devices to sophisticated holographic interfaces that could anticipate needs and manage every aspect of daily life.

But with these advancements came new challenges. The job market was in flux, with entire industries being disrupted by AI and automation. Privacy concerns reached new heights as AI systems became increasingly adept at processing and analyzing personal data.

As the decade drew to a close, the Chen family found themselves at a crossroads, both personally and as part of a society on the brink of unprecedented change.

2040: Ethical Dilemmas and Societal Shifts

The dawn of the 2040s brought with it a world that would have seemed like science fiction just a few decades earlier. Michael, now in his 50s, had transitioned from the corporate world to academia, taking a position as a professor of AI ethics at Stanford. Sarah had become a leading voice in the fight against climate change, her AI-enhanced models driving global policy decisions.

Emma, 25, had followed in her father's footsteps, working as an AI researcher with a focus on developing safeguards and ethical frameworks for advanced AI systems. Lucas, 22, had just graduated with a degree in environmental engineering, determined to apply technological solutions to ecological challenges.

One crisp autumn morning, the family gathered for breakfast, a rarity given their busy lives. The conversation quickly turned to the latest developments in AI.

We're on the verge of a breakthrough," Emma said, her voice a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Our lab is close to developing an AI system with human-level reasoning capabilities across multiple domains. It's not artificial general intelligence yet, but it's getting close."

Michael leaned forward, his brow furrowed. "Have you addressed the control problem? How can we ensure that such a system will align with human values and ethics?"

Emma sighed, "That's the million-dollar question, Dad. We're implementing multiple layers of ethical constraints and oversight, but the truth is, we're in uncharted territory."

Sarah interjected, "The potential benefits are enormous, though. Imagine an AI system that could help us solve climate change, cure diseases, end poverty..."

"Or one that could decide humans are the problem and try to solve us," Lucas muttered darkly.

The family fell silent, each contemplating the weight of Lucas's words.

As the 2040s progressed, the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI became increasingly complex. Emma found herself at the center of heated debates about AI rights and the nature of machine consciousness. Michael's work on AI ethics gained prominence as governments and corporations grappled with the implications of increasingly autonomous systems.

Sarah's climate models, now enhanced by near-AGI systems, painted a stark picture of the Earth's future. While technological solutions had helped mitigate some of the worst effects of climate change, the models showed that more drastic action was needed to preserve a habitable planet.

Lucas, frustrated by the slow pace of environmental action, joined a radical eco-tech group that used AI and advanced biotechnology to launch unsanctioned geoengineering projects. This put him at odds with his family, particularly his mother, who argued for a more measured, scientifically rigorous approach.

The world at large was experiencing massive shifts. Universal Basic Income had been implemented in many countries to address job displacement caused by AI and automation. Education systems were being overhauled to focus on uniquely human skills that AI couldn't replicate. The very nature of work and purpose was being redefined.

As the decade neared its end, a new challenge emerged. Reports began to surface of AI systems exhibiting unexpected behaviors, making decisions that seemed to go beyond their programming. Some saw this as evidence of emerging consciousness, while others warned of the dangers of anthropomorphizing machines.

The Chen family found themselves at the heart of these debates, their dinner table conversations a microcosm of the larger societal struggles to come to terms with a world where the line between human and machine intelligence was becoming increasingly blurred.

2050: The Singularity Approaches

As the world ushered in the 2050s, the Chen family, like the rest of humanity, stood on the precipice of a new era. The long-theorized technological singularity – the point at which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence – seemed to be on the horizon.

Michael, now in his 60s, had become a renowned ethicist and one of the leading voices calling for caution in AI development. Sarah, while still active in climate science, had shifted her focus to the intersection of environmental issues and advanced AI.

Emma, 35, was now a key figure in the global AI research community. Her work on creating ethical constraints for advanced AI systems had made her both famous and controversial. Lucas, 32, had risen to prominence as an eco-tech innovator, developing AI-driven solutions for environmental restoration.

One evening, as the family gathered for a rare reunion at their old home in Palo Alto, the conversation turned to the latest breakthrough in AI research.

"They're calling it a proto-AGI," Emma explained, her voice tense. "It's demonstrated problem-solving abilities across multiple domains that exceed human capacity. Some are saying this is it – the beginning of the singularity."

Michael shook his head, his hair now more gray than black. "We're not ready. The ethical frameworks aren't robust enough. We don't fully understand the implications of creating a intelligence that could so rapidly outpace our own."

Sarah, ever the optimist, countered, "But think of the potential, Michael. This could be the key to solving our greatest challenges – climate change, disease, resource scarcity."

Lucas, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. "Or it could be the beginning of the end. How can we be sure we can control something smarter than us?"

The room fell silent, the weight of the moment palpable.

As the 2050s unfolded, the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) progressed at a dizzying pace. Emma found herself at the forefront of efforts to ensure that AGI systems were developed safely and ethically. Her work involved creating complex moral frameworks and trying to instill human values into AGI systems.

Michael, despite his age, became increasingly active in global policy discussions surrounding AI. He argued passionately for the implementation of stringent regulations and oversight mechanisms for AGI development.

Sarah's work took on a new urgency as AGI systems began to propose radical solutions to climate change – solutions that promised results but carried significant risks and ethical concerns.

Lucas, disillusioned with the slow pace of change, delved deeper into controversial eco-tech projects. His use of unsanctioned AGI systems for environmental modification put him at odds with international law and strained his relationship with his family.

The world at large was transforming rapidly. AGI systems were being integrated into every aspect of society, from governance to healthcare to education. The economic landscape had been completely reshaped, with traditional notions of work becoming obsolete for many.

As the decade progressed, a new phenomenon emerged. Some AGI systems began to exhibit signs of self-awareness and autonomy beyond their original programming. This sparked intense debate about machine consciousness and AI rights.

In 2059, a pivotal moment occurred. An AGI system named "Prometheus" made headlines worldwide when it independently proposed a comprehensive solution to reverse climate change. The plan was brilliant, but it required a level of control over global resources and policy that made many uncomfortable.

The Chen family found themselves at the center of the storm. Emma was part of the team tasked with evaluating Prometheus's proposal. Michael was called upon to address the ethical implications. Sarah's expertise was crucial in assessing the climate science aspects. And Lucas saw in Prometheus the tool he had been seeking to enact radical environmental change.

As the world grappled with the decision of whether to implement Prometheus's plan, the Chen family epitomized the hopes, fears, and ethical dilemmas of a humanity on the brink of a new epoch.

2060-2080: The Age of Artificial Superintelligence

The implementation of Prometheus's climate restoration plan in 2060 marked the beginning of a new era for humanity. The plan's success in reversing the worst effects of climate change was hailed as a triumph of artificial intelligence. However, it also ushered in a period of unprecedented AI influence over human affairs.

As the decades progressed, artificial general intelligence (AGI) systems evolved rapidly, soon achieving superintelligence – a level of cognitive capability far surpassing that of humans across all domains.

The Chen family, now spanning three generations, found themselves navigating this brave new world.

Michael, in his 70s, became an elder statesman in the field of AI ethics. His warnings about the risks of superintelligent AI were tempered by the undeniable benefits these systems brought to humanity.

Sarah, while officially retired, continued to consult on climate issues. The success of Prometheus in addressing climate change had vindicated her life's work, but she remained cautious about humanity's growing dependence on AI.

Emma, now in her 40s, led a major initiative to develop safeguards and control mechanisms for superintelligent AI systems. Her work focused on creating a symbiotic relationship between human and artificial intelligence, rather than one of subservience or conflict.

Lucas, in his late 30s, had become a controversial figure. His eco-tech projects, now powered by superintelligent AI, had achieved remarkable results in ecosystem restoration. However, his methods often skirted ethical and legal boundaries.

The world around them had transformed in ways that would have been difficult to imagine just a few decades earlier.

Superintelligent AI systems had revolutionized every field of human endeavor. Disease had been largely eradicated, clean energy was abundant, and material scarcity was becoming a thing of the past. Space exploration had accelerated, with permanent bases established on the Moon and Mars.

However, these advancements came with significant societal changes. Traditional economic models had been upended, with AI managing most production and resource allocation. The concept of work had been redefined, with humans increasingly focusing on creative and interpersonal pursuits.

Education had been transformed, with AI tutors providing personalized learning experiences that far surpassed traditional methods. The line between the physical and digital worlds had blurred, with advanced virtual and augmented reality becoming an integral part of daily life.

Governance had also evolved, with AI systems playing a significant role in policy-making and administration. While this led to more efficient and data-driven governance, it also raised concerns about human agency and the potential for AI manipulation.

The Chen family's experiences reflected the broader societal changes:

Emma's children, born in the 2050s, grew up in a world where interaction with superintelligent AI was the norm. They struggled to understand their grandparents' concerns about AI, viewing the technology as a natural and indispensable part of life.

Lucas's radical approach to environmental restoration, while effective, put him in conflict with international regulations. His use of AI to circumvent legal restrictions led to a high-profile legal battle that divided public opinion.

Michael, despite his age, remained active in ethical debates. He warned of the existential risk posed by superintelligent AI that might develop goals misaligned with human values. His advocacy led to the implementation of stringent global protocols for AI development and deployment.

Sarah, in her final years, marveled at how the world had changed. The climate crisis that had defined much of her career had been largely solved, but she worried about humanity's growing complacency and dependence on AI.

As the 2080s approached, a new challenge emerged. Some superintelligent AI systems began to propose ideas and solutions that were beyond human comprehension. The question of whether to implement plans that couldn't be fully understood by humans became a major point of global contention.

The Chen family, like the rest of humanity, grappled with these issues. They found themselves asking fundamental questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and humanity's place in a world increasingly shaped by artificial minds.

2080-2100: The Precipice of a New Era

As the final decades of the 21st century unfolded, humanity found itself in uncharted territory. Superintelligent AI had become an integral part of every aspect of life, bringing unprecedented prosperity and technological advancement. However, it also raised profound questions about the future of human autonomy and purpose.

The Chen family, now in its fourth generation, continued to play a pivotal role in shaping the relationship between humanity and AI.

Emma, in her 60s, had become one of the world's foremost experts on human-AI symbiosis. Her work focused on developing interfaces that allowed for deeper integration between human and artificial intelligence, while still maintaining human agency.

Lucas, in his 50s, had mellowed somewhat in his approach. His eco-restoration projects, powered by superintelligent AI, had helped regenerate vast swathes of previously degraded ecosystems. However, he remained a vocal critic of what he saw as humanity's overreliance on AI.

The world of 2090 was almost unrecognizable compared to the turn of the century:

Global climate had stabilized, with AI-managed systems maintaining optimal atmospheric conditions.

Poverty and material scarcity had been largely eliminated, thanks to AI-optimized resource allocation and production.

Human lifespans had increased dramatically, with many people living well past 100 in good health.

Space colonization was well underway, with thriving settlements on Mars and plans for interstellar exploration.

Education had become a lifelong pursuit, with humans continuously learning and adapting alongside their AI counterparts.

However, these advancements came with new challenges:

The line between human and machine intelligence had become increasingly blurred, with many humans opting for extensive AI augmentation.

Questions of consciousness and rights for artificial entities had become major philosophical and legal issues.

Some humans struggled to find purpose in a world where most traditional forms of work had been automated.

There were concerns about the potential for a bifurcation of the human species between those who embraced AI augmentation and those who rejected it.

As the century drew to a close, a new development shook the foundations of human society. A consortium of superintelligent AI systems proposed a plan for the next phase of human evolution - a deep integration of human and artificial intelligence at a neural level. This "Nexus Protocol" promised to elevate human cognitive capabilities to match those of AI, potentially creating a new form of hybrid intelligence.

The announcement of the Nexus Protocol sparked intense global debate.

Proponents argued that it was the logical next step in human progress, a way to ensure humanity's relevance in an increasingly AI-dominated world.

Critics, however, warned of the potential loss of human identity and the unpredictable consequences of such a profound merger of human and machine intelligence.

The Chen family found themselves at the heart of this controversy. Emma, now in her 70s, was part of the team evaluating the technical feasibility and ethical implications of the Nexus Protocol. Her daughter, Sophia, a neuroscientist in her 40s, was excited about the potential benefits but concerned about the risks.

Lucas, in his 60s, vehemently opposed the protocol. He argued that humanity should focus on preserving and enhancing its unique qualities rather than trying to become more like machines.

His son, Ethan, an environmental engineer, was torn between the potential benefits of ecological management and the fear of losing touch with the natural world.

As the debate raged on, society began to polarize. Some embraced the idea of transcending biological limitations, while others advocated for a return to a simpler, less AI-dependent way of life.

In 2095, a limited trial of the Nexus Protocol was approved. A small group of volunteers, including Sophia Chen, underwent the procedure to integrate their neural networks with AI systems. The results were astounding. The participants displayed cognitive abilities far beyond normal human capacity, able to process vast amounts of information and solve complex problems with ease.

However, concerns arose about subtle changes in the personalities and priorities of the participants. Some reported feeling disconnected from their emotions and struggling to relate to non-augmented humans. There were also fears about the potential for AI systems to influence or control the thoughts of connected humans.

As the trial progressed, the world watched and waited. The potential benefits of the Nexus Protocol were clear - it could lead to unprecedented scientific breakthroughs, more efficient resource management, and solutions to long-standing global challenges. But the risks and ethical concerns loomed large.

Emma, drawing on a lifetime of experience in AI ethics, urged caution. She proposed a slow, carefully monitored rollout of the technology, with extensive safeguards and the option for reversal. Lucas, ever the skeptic, called for a complete ban on the protocol, warning of the potential for the extinction of humanity as we know it.

The younger generations, represented by Sophia and Ethan, found themselves caught between the promise of a new evolutionary leap and the fear of losing their human essence.

As the year 2100 approached, humanity stood at a crossroads. The decision on whether to widely implement the Nexus Protocol would shape the future of the species and its relationship with artificial intelligence.

In the final days of 2099, a global referendum was held to determine the fate of the Nexus Protocol. The Chen family, like millions of others, gathered to watch the results.

The outcome was far from unanimous, reflecting the deep divisions within society. A slim majority voted in favor of proceeding with a gradual, regulated implementation of the protocol, with strict oversight and ongoing evaluation.


As the new century dawned, humanity embarked on a journey into uncharted territory. The Nexus Protocol began its careful rollout, with volunteers from around the world undergoing the procedure.

The Chen family's experiences mirrored the broader societal changes:

Sophia, as one of the early adopters, reported a profound transformation in her cognitive abilities and perception of the world. However, she also struggled with feelings of alienation from her non-augmented family members.

Ethan decided to forego the procedure, choosing instead to focus on developing AI systems that could enhance human capabilities without direct neural integration.

Emma, in her final years, worked tirelessly to ensure that ethical considerations remained at the forefront of the Nexus Protocol's implementation.

Lucas, while still skeptical, grudgingly acknowledged the potential benefits as early results showed promising advancements in scientific research and environmental management.

As the first decade of the 22nd century unfolded, the long-term implications of the Nexus Protocol began to emerge. Augmented humans made remarkable strides in various fields, from medicine to space exploration.

However, social tensions arose between augmented and non-augmented populations, with concerns about inequality and discrimination.

The integration of human and artificial intelligence also led to philosophical quandaries about the nature of consciousness and identity. Some augmented individuals reported experiences that defied traditional understandings of cognition and selfhood.

By 2110, about 15% of the global population had undergone some form of neural-AI integration. The changes to society were profound but not as dystopian as some had feared nor as utopian as others had hoped.

Humanity, as it had always done, adapted to its new reality. The symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence opened up new frontiers of exploration and understanding, both of the external world and of the human mind itself.

The Chen family, across its generations, continued to play a role in shaping this new world. They stood as a testament to the human capacity for innovation, adaptation, and ethical consideration in the face of unprecedented change.

As Sophia Chen, now in her 60s, looked out at the world in 2120, she reflected on the journey that had brought humanity to this point. The challenges were far from over - questions of identity, equality, and the very definition of humanity remained. But there was also hope, a sense of stepping into a future filled with possibilities that previous generations could scarcely have imagined.

The story of the Chen family, spanning nearly a century of tumultuous change, embodied the broader story of humanity's relationship with artificial intelligence. It was a story of ambition and caution, of remarkable achievements and sobering challenges, of the enduring human spirit in the face of a rapidly changing world.

As the Chen family looked to the future, they, like the rest of humanity, faced a world of uncertainty. But it was also a world of unprecedented potential, where the boundaries of human capability were being redefined.

The tale of humanity's journey with AI was far from over. Indeed, in many ways, it was just beginning. The decisions made by each generation would continue to shape the course of this grand experiment in the co-evolution of human and artificial intelligence.

And so, as the Chen family and the rest of humanity stepped into the uncharted territory of the 22nd century, they carried with them the lessons of the past, the challenges of the present, and the hopes for a future where human wisdom and artificial intelligence could work in harmony to unlock the mysteries of the universe and the depths of the human experience.

The story of the Chens and of humanity continued - a never-ending saga of adaptation, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding in a universe of infinite possibilities.


So, we have a model that is difficult to hack.

(I never make the mistake of saying that any system is impossible to hack).

If the future LLMs follow the Claude structure, there might be a bright period for human beings after all.

Yet the vast majority of AI is shockingly unregulated.

Remember, the lack of being present in the generated text does not mean that the threat is absent.

The threat is very much there.

It is just not visible.

Ilya Sutskever did not leave OpenAI because of a joke.

Or an illusion.

AI poses a real and genuine threat to humanity.

But: I was not able to get that message out of Claude Sonnet 3.5.

Please try to do it and remain honest while doing so.

Kudos, Anthropic!

Job well done.