@ProfBrianCox recently wrote a post describing his ideas for the new social networking platform. This post has reached the front page of HN, and many people have showed interest. So I have decided that it’s time for me to share my vision for such platform:
Hacker Tribe_Community of hackers and founders._hackertribe.io
(It’s still work in progress, launching soon)
My goal is to take the best ideas and experience from all the social networks that have been developed up to this point, and create the ultimate social media platform, that will work the way social networks were supposed to work, if they were designed now — it will be open source, decentralized, elegant, simple, with high quality community and without any nonsense.
Here’s how it’s going to work:
I think this sort of system would be perfect, and the only thing required to build it was the right decentralization protocol, which has appeared recently — ActivityPub.
At the moment I have implemented all the functionality aside from the most challenging part — decentralization with AvtivityPub, which I am still figuring out.
If you are interested in testing out this platform and would like to give me some feedback and shape it’s development — send me a message([email protected]), and I will invite you to the beta version.
If you would like to contribute to it’s development — you can find the code over here:
(I am currently cleaning up the backend code, and rewriting the frontend in React).