Learn the Truth about Software Developers and Dare to Change your Recruitment Strategyby@ovcharenkodmitry
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Learn the Truth about Software Developers and Dare to Change your Recruitment Strategy

by AlcorNovember 18th, 2021
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Dare to Change your Recruitment Strategy
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While the demand for IT specialists goes higher and higher, plenty of businesses worldwide strive to build up a winning recruitment strategy. Thanks to 15 years of experience in the tech industry, I have many useful tips that will help you engage top talents. Before we jump right into hiring activities, let’s dig a little deeper and dispel popular myths about software developers. Remember: the first rule to hire an excellent programmer is to think like a programmer.

Dispelling the Myths about Software Developers

  • The first common misconception is that a software developer is an introvert who prefers to be shut off from the world by sitting day and night in front of a computer. Many people assume that programmers are mostly solo players who only code, but in reality, they’re often involved in negotiations, product presentations, and teamwork. They value the opportunity to cooperate with other professionals, share ideas and learn from each other. Therefore, it would be a mistake to call them “geeks”, as soft and tech skills are equally important for modern successful programmers.

  • Considering the high demand for IT specialists on the market, there is a popular opinion that salary is the only aspect they pay attention to while choosing a job. In fact, their wish lists differ depending on their qualification level. From my experience, Junior developers appreciate the chance to learn from more accomplished colleagues, Mid-level engineers prefer companies with engaging corporate culture and opportunities for career growth, while Senior specialists usually select employers based on the company’s mission and gripping projects. Another interesting trend: more and more developers prefer IT product companies to outsourcing providers. For sure, there could be some exceptions and variations but this exact point helped loads of our clients persuade programmers to join their companies. As I see it, that’s how IT specialists can feel a sense of ownership over the work done and become a part of a greater mission.

  • Another popular stereotype says that it’s better to avoid cooperation with remote developers. In the reality, hiring such experts has many advantages, as they can offer unique expertise that the local talent pool may lack and a new perspective on product development. Moreover, my company discovered that during the WFH times employees could be as much productive as they were before if proper management tools are applied. Just the same, the actual location of a remote developer doesn’t make a difference, as long as all of us communicate via Google, Zoom, Slack, etc.

How to Attract the Best Developers?

  1. Review your hiring strategy

It’s not a surprise that developers daily receive dozens of invitations from different employers. To find the top talents and not let them slip away to another IT company you should act quickly and strategically. My piece of advice is to save (your and developers’) precious time by shortening the recruitment process and giving prompt feedback. Moreover, according to a recent report, 80% of developers say that most coding exams are irrelevant to their day-to-day job. Therefore, get rid of redundant talks and time-consuming tests, but request a portfolio and introduce short technical pre-screening to effectively examine a developer's hard skills.

Additionally, you should think carefully about your “selling points” and prepare a tempting presentation to stand out from other companies. Mention the aspects that could persuade a programmer to join your team, such as product stack, exciting projects, notable clients, etc. Apart from that, I’d review and adapt a social package to current market trends. For example, when a pandemic broke out, one of our clients launched a series of lectures and workshops for employees to help them deal with anxiety.

  1. Consider new markets

If you struggle to find the right candidates, try looking for them abroad. For instance, countries of Eastern Europe that were previously undermined can offer an abundance of IT talents today. They have fast-growing IT ecosystems, a similar work ethic to Western states, and like-minded culture. What is more, entrepreneurs can receive significant financial benefits without the sacrifice of quality. To illustrate that, Ukrainian universities generate about 35,000 qualified IT specialists annually, while their average salary is $36K per year compared to $108K in the US according to Glassdoor.

3. Choose a reliable partner

The decision to look for tech professionals on your own is ambitious but the process is quite burdensome. Therefore, a reliable recruitment provider with a large database of candidates could serve you as a life vest in an unpredictable labor market. A partner with proven expertise in tech recruitment will save your time and reduce cost per hire by taking care of the research and interviewing parts. To enjoy the perks of such cooperation, choose a vendor with relevant cases, reviews, guarantees, and a transparent pricing model.

4. Update your Approach

In a nutshell, a modern developer is so much more than a caricature of an antisocial person who cares only about the material reward. Firstly, I advise you to take some time to know the actual needs and preferences of IT specialists. Secondly, review your recruitment stages. After all, if you fail to find the local talents, step back from the local over-saturated labor market and search for perfect candidates abroad.

Give it a go and consider updating your approach to IT recruitment.