如何使用 Python 和 Viktor 创建钢底板设计 Web 应用程序经过@kamalsamaila
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如何使用 Python 和 Viktor 创建钢底板设计 Web 应用程序

经过 Kamal samaila18m2024/05/06
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本文将指导您创建一个基于 Python 的应用程序来设计钢制底板,这对于安全地将柱负载转移到地基至关重要。它涵盖了使用 T 型桩方法计算底板面积、厚度、混凝土承载强度和附加宽度。然后使用 Viktor SDK 将 Python 代码转换为 Web 应用程序,允许工程师输入参数并可视化结构的 3D 模型。这种高效的工具提高了底板设计的准确性,并通过移动设备方便现场检查,从而简化了施工工作流程。
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本文提供了使用 Python 创建底板设计应用程序的指南,利用以 CSV 格式存储的钢材几何属性。


此外,通过利用 Viktor SDK,我们可以无缝地将我们的 Python 实现转换为 Web 应用程序。

此 SDK 提供了在 3D 视图中可视化我们的结构的功能。让我们立即开始行动吧!


底板设计使用等效 T 型短管法来计算轴向力,其中计算 T 型短管在压缩状态下的“有效面积”,并评估 T 型短管在拉伸状态下的底板弯曲。允许水平主要和/或次要剪切,但不允许弯矩,即铰接底座设计。


底板底面与灌浆空间内的垫层材料之间的设计承载强度 fjd 定义为:

fjd = βj * α * fcd


βj = 地基接缝材料系数 = (2/3)

α = 表示基础内集中力扩散的系数

fcd = 设计值混凝土抗压强度 = αcc * fck / ɣc

αcc = 长期效应系数

fck = 混凝土特征圆柱强度

ɣc = 混凝土分项安全系数


Areq = Ned / fjd



C 使用以下公式计算:

Aeff = 4 *(c**2)+ Pcol * c + Acol

因此,你解出了 c。

最后,我们计算底板的厚度 tp:

tp = c * (3 * fjd * Ym0 / _page_fy)**0.50

底板设计工作流程的 Python 实现

# Partial factor of resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is as per EN 1993-1-1. Ym0 = 1.0 # Compute foundation bearing strength which is typically concrete #βj is the foundation joint material coefficient, typically taken as 0.67 as per clause 6.2.5(7) in EN 1993-1-8. beta_j=0.67 #α is a coefficient of diffusion of the vertical load being applied to the foundation. Conservatively this can be taken as 1.5 alpha= 1.5 # αcc is the coefficient that allows for long-term effects on the compressive strength of concrete vs applied actions. Taken as 0.85 in the UK National Annex -> on page # Define alpha_cc # Define gamma_c # define fck # γc is the partial factor of safety of concrete. Taken as 1.5 in the UK National Annex -> on page fjd = beta_j*alpha* (alpha_cc*fck )/gamma_c # Compute the area of the baseplate required Areq = (Ned *1000)/ fjd #Ned is the Ultimate load def calculate_c(Pcol, Acol, Areq): # """ # This function calculates the value of c for the given equation: # Areq = 4 * c^2 + P_col * c + A_col # Args: # Perimeter_of_section: Perimeter of the column section (mm) # Area_of_section: Area of the column section (mm²) # Areq: Required area of the baseplate (mm²) # Returns: # The value of c (mm) # """ a = 4 b = Pcol c = Acol-Areq # Assuming Areq is already calculated discriminant = b**2 - 4 * a * c c1 = (-b + (discriminant)**0.5) / (2 * a) c2 = (-b - (discriminant)**0.5) / (2 * a) return max(c1, c2) c = calculate_c(Pcol,Acol,Areq) # Compute the thickness of the baseplate (tp) tp = c * (3 * fjd* Ym0 / _page_fy)**0.50

最后,将 Python 代码转换为用于底板设计的 Web 应用程序



这是使用 Viktor SDK 中的参数化类实现的。

 class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization): input = Tab("Input") input.profile_type = OptionField( "Profile type", options=["IPE", "HEA", "HEB"], default="IPE", variant="radio-inline", flex=80, ) input.nl1 = LineBreak() input.profile = AutocompleteField( "Profile", options=get_profile_types, default="IPE240", description="The source of profile properties can be found [here](", ) # input.steel_class = OptionField( # "Steel class", options=["S235", "S275", "S355"], default="S235" # ) input.fck = NumberField('Fck', default=25, suffix="MPa") input.Design_load = NumberField('Design_load', default=1000, suffix="KN") input.acc = NumberField('Concrete coeff(acc)', default=0.85) input.yc = NumberField('Partial factor of safety for concrete', default=1.5) input.steel_class = NumberField('steel_class', default=255, suffix="MPa")


计算完成后,使用Viktor SDK中的数据视图方法向用户显示计算结果。

 @DataView("Output", duration_guess=1) def Compute_output(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) data = DataGroup( DataItem("ultimate load ", params.input.Design_load, suffix="KN"), DataItem("beta_j", 0.67), DataItem("alpha", 1.5), DataItem("Bearing capacity of concrete support(fjd) ", round(fjd), suffix="MPa"), DataItem("Areq ", round(Areq), suffix="mm2"), DataItem(" c", round(c), suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness of plate", round(tp), suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data)










 @GeometryView("3D baseplate View", duration_guess=1) def get_3dView(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Create geometry for column, base-plate and add a concrete slab underneath""" Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) concrete_thickness = 15 * tp steel = Material(color=Color(95, 158, 240), metalness=1) concrete = Material(metalness=0, roughness=1, opacity=0.6) h = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Depth") b = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Width") tw = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Web thickness") tf = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Flange thickness") r = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Root radius") beam_profile = self.get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) beam = Extrusion(beam_profile, Line(Point(0, 0, tp), Point(0, 0, 3 * h)), material=steel) base_plate = SquareBeam(sqrt(Areq), sqrt(Areq), tp, material=steel) # TODO: This area doesn't seem sufficient for large column sizes base_plate.translate((0, 0, tp / 2)) concrete_plate = SquareBeam(6 * h, 6 * h, concrete_thickness, material=concrete) concrete_plate.translate((0, 0, -concrete_thickness / 2)) return GeometryResult([beam, base_plate, concrete_plate]) 


 from math import sqrt # import as px from pathlib import Path from typing import List import numpy as np import pandas as pd from munch import Munch from viktor import ViktorController, Color from viktor.geometry import Point, Extrusion, Line, Material, SquareBeam from viktor.parametrization import ( ViktorParametrization, OptionField, Text, Tab, AutocompleteField, LineBreak, NumberField ) # from viktor.external.spreadsheet import SpreadsheetCalculation, SpreadsheetCalculationInput from viktor.views import DataGroup, DataItem, DataResult, DataView, GeometryView, GeometryResult def get_profile_types(params: Munch, **kwargs): try: file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{params.input.profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) return df["Profile"].values.tolist() except FileNotFoundError: return ["IPE80", "IPE100", "HEA100", "HEA120", "HEB100", "HEB120"] def calculate_c(Pcol, Acol, Areq): # """ # This function calculates the value of c for the given equation: # Areq = 4 * c^2 + P_col * c + A_col # Args: # Perimeter_of_section: Perimeter of the column section (mm) # Area_of_section: Area of the column section (mm²) # Areq: Required area of the baseplate (mm²) # Returns: # The value of c (mm) # """ a = 4 b = Pcol c = Acol - Areq # Assuming Areq is already calculated discriminant = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c c1 = (-b + (discriminant) ** 0.5) / (2 * a) c2 = (-b - (discriminant) ** 0.5) / (2 * a) return max(c1, c2) class Parametrization(ViktorParametrization): info = Tab("Info") info.text_01 = Text( """## Welcome to baseplate design app! """ ) input = Tab("Input") input.profile_type = OptionField( "Profile type", options=["IPE", "HEA", "HEB"], default="IPE", variant="radio-inline", flex=80, ) input.nl1 = LineBreak() input.profile = AutocompleteField( "Profile", options=get_profile_types, default="IPE240", description="The source of profile properties can be found [here](", ) # input.steel_class = OptionField( # "Steel class", options=["S235", "S275", "S355"], default="S235" # ) input.fck = NumberField('Fck', default=25, suffix="MPa") input.Design_load = NumberField('Design_load', default=1000, suffix="KN") input.acc = NumberField('Concrete coeff(acc)', default=0.85) input.yc = NumberField('Partial factor of safety for concrete', default=1.5) input.steel_class = NumberField('steel_class', default=255, suffix="MPa") class Controller(ViktorController): label = 'My Entity Type' parametrization = Parametrization @DataView("profile geometrical Properties", duration_guess=1) def display_geometrical_properties(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Initiates the process of rendering an image of the bending moments of the structure, as well as a view of a few key values related to the bending moments.""" # results = self.calculate_allowable_bending_moment( # params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile # ) results = self.get_geometrical_properties( params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile ) data = DataGroup( DataItem("Depth", results["Depth"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Width", results["Width"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness_of_web", results["Thickeness_of_web"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness_of_flange", results["Thickeness_of_flange"], suffix="mm"), DataItem("Area_col", results["Area_col"], suffix="mm2"), DataItem("Perimeter_col", results["Perimeter_col"], suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data) def calculate_plate_geom(self, params, **kwargs): results = self.get_geometrical_properties( params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile ) # Partial factor of resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is as per EN 1993-1-1. Ym0 = 1.0 # Compute ultimate load (Ned) -> on page # Compute foundation bearing strength which is typically concrete # βj is the foundation joint material coefficient, typically taken as 0.67 as per clause 6.2.5(7) in EN 1993-1-8. beta_j = 0.67 # α is a coefficient of diffusion of the vertical load being applied to the foundation. Conservatively this can be taken as 1.5 alpha = 1.5 # αcc is the coefficient that allows for long term effects on the compressive strength of concrete vs applied actions. Taken as 0.85 in the UK National Annex -> on page # γc is the partial factor of safety of concrete. Taken as 1.5 in the UK National Annex -> on page fjd = beta_j * alpha * (params.input.acc * params.input.fck) / params.input.yc # Compute area of baseplate required Areq = (params.input.Design_load * 1000) / fjd c = calculate_c(results["Perimeter_col"], results["Area_col"], Areq) # Compute the thickness of baseplate (tp) tp = c * (3 * fjd * Ym0 / params.input.steel_class) ** 0.50 return Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp @DataView("Output", duration_guess=1) def Compute_output(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) data = DataGroup( DataItem("ultimate load ", params.input.Design_load, suffix="KN"), DataItem("beta_j", 0.67), DataItem("alpha", 1.5), DataItem("Bearing capacity of concrete support(fjd) ", round(fjd), suffix="MPa"), DataItem("Areq ", round(Areq), suffix="mm2"), DataItem(" c", round(c), suffix="mm"), DataItem("Thickness of plate", round(tp), suffix="mm"), ) return DataResult(data) @staticmethod def get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) -> List[Point]: """Generates the points which make up the chosen profile for the column cross-section""" # Get points for top flange points = [ Point(-b / 2, (h / 2) - tf), Point(-b / 2, h / 2), Point(b / 2, h / 2), Point(b / 2, (h / 2) - tf), ] # Get curve for top right angles = np.linspace(np.pi / 2, np.pi, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) + tw / 2 + r y = r * np.sin(angles) + h / 2 - tf - r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get curve for bottom right angles = np.linspace(-np.pi, -np.pi / 2, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) + tw / 2 + r y = r * np.sin(angles) - h / 2 + tf + r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get points for bottom flange points.extend([ Point(b / 2, - (h / 2) + tf), Point(b / 2, -h / 2), Point(-b / 2, -h / 2), Point(-b / 2, -(h / 2) + tf), ]) # Get curve for bottom left angles = np.linspace(1.5 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) - tw / 2 - r y = r * np.sin(angles) - h / 2 + tf + r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Get curve for top left angles = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, 10) x = r * np.cos(angles) - tw / 2 - r y = r * np.sin(angles) + h / 2 - tf - r for _x, _y in zip(x, y): points.append(Point(_x, _y)) # Repeat the first point to close the profile points.append(Point(-b / 2, (h / 2) - tf)) return points @GeometryView("3D baseplate View", duration_guess=1) def get_3dView(self, params: Munch, **kwargs): """Create geometry for column, base-plate and add a concrete slab underneath""" Ym0, beta_j, alpha, fjd, Areq, c, tp = self.calculate_plate_geom(params) concrete_thickness = 15 * tp steel = Material(color=Color(95, 158, 240), metalness=1) concrete = Material(metalness=0, roughness=1, opacity=0.6) h = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Depth") b = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Width") tw = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Web thickness") tf = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Flange thickness") r = self.get_profile_property(params.input.profile_type, params.input.profile, "Root radius") beam_profile = self.get_beam_profile(h, b, tw, tf, r) beam = Extrusion(beam_profile, Line(Point(0, 0, tp), Point(0, 0, 3 * h)), material=steel) base_plate = SquareBeam(sqrt(Areq), sqrt(Areq), tp, material=steel) # TODO: This area doesn't seem sufficient for large column sizes base_plate.translate((0, 0, tp / 2)) concrete_plate = SquareBeam(6 * h, 6 * h, concrete_thickness, material=concrete) concrete_plate.translate((0, 0, -concrete_thickness / 2)) return GeometryResult([beam, base_plate, concrete_plate]) @staticmethod def get_profile_property( profile_type: str, profile: str, property_name: str ) -> float: """Retrieve the profile properties based on the profile type, profile and property :param profile_type: One of the following profile types: HEA, HEB or IPE. :param profile: Profile name, eg IPE80 (IPE was given as profile_type) :param property_name: The name of the property, eg Weight """ file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) return df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, property_name].item() @staticmethod def get_geometrical_properties( profile_type: str, profile: str ): """Calculates the allowable bending moment based on the given parameters. :param profile_type: One of the following profile types: HEA, HEB or IPE. :param profile: Profile name, eg IPE80 (IPE was given as profile_type) :param steel_class: The steel class, eg S235 :return: A dict with the moment of inertia, profile height, yield strength and allowable bending moment. """ file_path = ( Path(__file__).parent / "profiles" / f"steel-profiles-{profile_type}.csv" ) df = pd.read_csv(file_path, header=[2], skiprows=[3, 4, 5]) Depth = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Depth"].item() Width = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Width"].item() Thickeness_of_web = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Web thickness"].item() Thickeness_of_flange = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Flange thickness"].item() Area_col = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Area"].item() Perimeter_col = df.loc[df["Profile"] == profile, "Perimeter"].item() Perimeter_col = Perimeter_col * 1000 return { "Depth": Depth, "Width": Width, "Thickeness_of_web": Thickeness_of_web, "Thickeness_of_flange": Thickeness_of_flange, "Area_col": Area_col, "Perimeter_col": Perimeter_col }



利用可以帮助我进行此类检查的 Python 脚本,并使用 Viktor SDK 将脚本转换为可共享且易于访问的 Web 应用程序,这很容易,并且提高了底板设计工作流程的效率。
