本文用于用户识别的机器学习模型中使用的击键动力学是行为生物识别技术。击键动态使用每个人键入的独特方式来确认其身份。这是通过分析 Key-Press 和 Key-Release 上的 2 个击键事件来完成的 - 这些事件构成了计算机键盘上的击键以提取打字模式。本文将研究如何在现实生活中使用这些机器学习模型来预测用户。
上一篇文章描述了我们如何在来自 100 位用户的一组 +880 个键盘输入上训练 3 个 ML 模型,这些用户被要求编写相同的文本 12 次。
生产:当我们想要将此应用程序投入生产时,我们可以简单地将 Flask 代码替换为
Flask 是一个 Web 框架,我们可以用它来复制 Lambda + API 网关。
Lambda 是托管在 AWS 中的无服务器 Web 服务,可以运行用各种语言编写的事件驱动代码,但对于此应用程序,我们将使用 python。
如前所述,您可以在 Github 项目页面上找到所有代码:
{ "info": { "_postman_id": "c62ddbda-e487-432f-998a-4dfc9313f0fa", "name": "BogdanTudorache", "schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json" }, "item": [ { "name": "predict_user", "request": { "method": "POST", "header": [], "body": { "mode": "raw", "raw": "{\n \"Model\": \"RF\",\n \"HT\": {\n \"Mean\": 48.43,\n \"STD\": 23.34\n },\n \"PPT\": {\n \"Mean\": 120.43,\n \"STD\": 37.41\n },\n \"RRT\": {\n \"Mean\": 124.43,\n \"STD\": 45.34\n },\n \"RPT\": {\n \"Mean\": 132.56,\n \"STD\": 47.12\n }\n}", "options": { "raw": { "language": "json" } } }, "url": { "raw": "", "protocol": "http", "host": [ "127", "0", "0", "1" ], "port": "5000" } }, "response": [] } ] }
您可以从 GitHub 下载该文件。
{ "Model": "RF", "HT": { "Mean": 48.43, "STD": 23.34 }, "PPT": { "Mean": 120.43, "STD": 37.41 }, "RRT": { "Mean": 124.43, "STD": 45.34 }, "RPT": { "Mean": 132.56, "STD": 47.12 } }
如果我们想在将所有内容移至 AWS 之前对流程进行沙盒测试,我们必须使用 Flask 复制端到端调用。
在 GitHub 中,您将找到 Flask_lambda_function.py 的完整版本,并且在任何 IDE 中您只需要运行该脚本,因为它会自动启动 Flask 应用程序。
就我而言,我使用的是 IntelliJ Idea,因此我只需运行脚本(单击右键 → 运行):
一旦脚本在 IDE 的底部启动,您将看到 python 控制台,通知 Web 服务已在 localhost 和端口 5000 上启动(我认为这是默认设置,但也可以配置)。
现在,每次我们执行 HTTP 请求 POST 时,我们都会触发 Flask 应用程序,模拟现实生活场景。
@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): # Bellow code should be uncommented when running in AWS:Lambda # above should be commented as well as flask import + app definition # def lambda_handler(event, context): """ Lambda handler: When a request hits the API gateway linked to this lambda_function this is the function that gets called. The request data is passed as the event variable which is a dictionary object, in this case it the json of the POST request from which we extract the body details """ # Parses the details from the POST request: extracts model and input data # Based on model it imports the trained model from local # Outputs the predicted user based on input data try: prediction = functions.predict_user(request.get_json()) # Below code should be uncommented when running from AWS, above should be commented. # prediction = functions.predict_user(event) return jsonify({'statuscode': 200, 'status': 'success', 'predicted user': str(prediction) }) except Exception as e: return jsonify({'statuscode': 400, 'status': 'error', 'message': str(e)})
结构非常简单,我们只是调用另一个函数,即 Predict_user() 并提供来自 POST 请求的 json 正文作为输入。
def predict_user(event): """ Gets the input details from the body of the POST request and returns the predicted user """ # Print the event for debugging purposes print(event) # Check if the message has the correct body structure if ['Model', 'HT', 'PPT', 'RRT', 'RPT'] == list(event.keys()): print(f"Model is:", event['Model']) if event["Model"] == "SVM": # Load the trained SVM model from the joblib file model_path = os.path.join(basedir, 'models', 'svm_model.joblib') model = joblib.load(model_path) elif event["Model"] == "RF": # Load the trained Random Forest model from the joblib file model_path = os.path.join(basedir, 'models', 'rf_model.joblib') model = joblib.load(model_path) elif event["Model"] == "XGBoost": # Load the trained XGBoost model from the joblib file model_path = os.path.join(basedir, 'models', 'xgb_model.joblib') model = joblib.load('model_path') # Extract the features from the event dictionary features = [ event['HT']['Mean'], event['HT']['STD'], event['PPT']['Mean'], event['PPT']['STD'], event['RRT']['Mean'], event['RRT']['STD'], event['RPT']['Mean'], event['RPT']['STD'] ] # Make a prediction using the loaded model and the extracted features prediction = model.predict([features]) # Return the predicted user return prediction[0]
这个函数的编写很简单,根据我们决定加载特定的预训练 ML 模型的模型参数。
使用预先训练的模型,我们进行用户预测并将其返回给请求者。 (见最后邮递员回复照片)
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