Implementing Social Login for a React and Backend Appby@ljaviertovar
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Implementing Social Login for a React and Backend App

by L Javier TovarFebruary 6th, 2023
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Social login allows users to log in to applications or websites using their accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. This saves users time by not having to create an additional account and password and taking advantage of the social network’s security measures. In this tutorial, we will implement Github and Google login in a React application with TypeScript.
featured image - Implementing Social Login for a React and Backend App
L Javier Tovar HackerNoon profile picture

As programmers, we have probably needed to implement social media login at some point and, this is an increasingly common functionality in today’s applications and websites.

Social login allows users to log in to applications or websites using their accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. This saves users time by not having to create an additional account and password and taking advantage of the social network’s security measures.

For example, if a user has enabled two-step authentication on their Google account, this security will also apply to the application or website they are using.

In this tutorial, we will implement Github and Google login in a React application with TypeScript. We will use Vite to create our application and pnpm as package manager.

Login with RRSS’s first steps

First of all, to use the authentication services of any platform, we need to create an OAuth application and obtain the necessary keys.

For GiHub follow these steps.

For Google follow these steps

Make sure to keep the keys in a safe place.

After this, we are going to start the development of our application. Since in this application we will make use of sensitive and private data such as client secret keys, it is necessary to create a backend and use it on the server side for security reasons.

So we will have two applications, backend and client, each in its directory.

Setting up Backend

We create our application with the following command:

pnpm init -y

We install the dependencies that we will need in the project:

pnpm install express axios cors dotenv tsc ts-node
pnpm install @types/cors @types/express @types/node ts-node-dev typescript -D

After that, we create the following structure for the project:

├── src/
│   ├── routes/
│   │   ├── github-routes.ts
│   │   └── google-routes.ts
│   ├── controllers/
│   │   ├── github-controller.ts
│   │   └── google-controller.ts
│   └── server.ts
├── .env
├── .env-example

Setting up Client

We install the dependencies that we will need in the project:

pnpm install @octokit/auth @react-oauth/google @nextui-org/react axios react-router-dom

After that, we create the following structure for the project:

├── src/
│   ├── assets/
│   │   ├── icons/
│   │   │   ├── Github.tsx
│   │   │   ├── Google.tsx
│   │   │   ├── Logout.tsx
│   │   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── pages/
│   │   ├── home/
│   │   │   ├── services/
│   │   │   │   └── home-services.ts
│   │   │   └── HomePage.tsx
│   │   └── login/
│   │       └── LoginPage.tsx
│   ├── index.tsx
│   ├── App.tsx
│   └── main.tsx
├── .env
├── .env-example

GitHub Login


  • File server.ts:

import express from 'express';
import cors from 'cors';

import githubRoutes from './routes/github-routes';
import googleRoutes from './routes/google-routes';

const PORT = process.env.PORT || 3001

const app = express();

    origin: ['http://localhost:5173'],
    methods: 'GET,POST',


app.use('/api/github', githubRoutes);
app.use('/api/google', googleRoutes);

app.listen(PORT, () => console.log('Server on port', PORT));

This code creates a server application with Express. The application uses the cors library to enable cross-origin access (CORS) and sets the origin and allowed methods.

The application also uses the app.use()function to enable the use of JSON in requests and to define routes for the GitHub service and the Google service.

Finally, the application listens on the port specified in the PORTconstant, or on port 3001 if no port is specified.

  • File github-routes.ts:

import express, { Request, Response, Router } from 'express';
import { getAccessToken, getUserData } from '../controllers/github-controller';

const router: Router = express.Router();

router.get('/accessToken', (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const code = req.query.code;
  getAccessToken(code as string).then((resp) => res.json(resp));

router.get('/userData', (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const accessToken = req.query.accessToken;
  getUserData(accessToken as string).then((resp) => res.json(resp));

export default router;

This code creates an Express router which defines two routes /accessToken y /userData.

The /accessToken route s a GET route that takes a code parameter from the query and calls thegetAccessToken function of the GitHub service.

The/userData rute is a GET route that takes an accessToken parameter from the query and calls the getUserData function of the GitHub service.

  • File google-routes.ts:

import express, { Request, Response, Router } from 'express';
import { getUserData } from '../controllers/google-controller';

const router: Router = express.Router();

router.get('/userData', (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  const accessToken = req.query.accessToken;
  getUserData(accessToken as string).then((resp) => res.json(resp));

export default router;

This code creates an Express router that defines a GET route called/userData. The route takes anaccessToken parameter from the query and calls the getUserData function of the Google service.

  • File github-controller.ts:

import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import axios from 'axios';


type AccessTokenData = {
  access_token: string;
  token_type: string;
  scope: string;
} | null;

export const getAccessToken = async (
  code: string,
): Promise<AccessTokenData> => {
  try {
    const params = `?client_id=${process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID}&client_secret=${process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET}&code=${code}`;

    const { data } = await
        headers: {
          Accept: 'application/json',

    return data;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

export const getUserData = async (accessToken: string) => {
  try {
    const { data } = await axios.get('', {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

    return data;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

ThegetAccessToken function receives the code parameter makes a POST request to the GitHub API to obtain an access token using the provided client_idclient_secret andcode.

ThegetUserData function receives the accessToken parameter and returns the user information from the GitHub API using the access token provided in the request.

  • File google-controller.ts:

import axios from 'axios';

export const getUserData = async (accessToken: string) => {
  try {
    const { data } = await axios.get(
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,

    return data;
  } catch (error) {
    return null;

ThegetUserData function receives the accessTokenparameter and performs a GET request to the Google OAuth user information API using the access token provided in the authorization header of the request and returns the user information.

Now we already have our backend created with the minimum we need, now let’s go for the frontend.


  • File main.tsx:

import { GoogleOAuthProvider } from "@react-oauth/google"

import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client"

import { NextUIProvider } from "@nextui-org/react"
import { darkTheme } from "./themes/darktheme"


import App from "./App"

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
 <NextUIProvider theme={darkTheme}>
  <GoogleOAuthProvider clientId={GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}>
   <App />

In this application we will use Next UI for the styles, you can use any UI library you want.

TheNextUIProvider component provides the dark theme to all the components of the application.

The GoogleOAuthProvider component provides the Google login to the application using the provided clientId.

  • Component App.tsx:

import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Routes } from 'react-router-dom';
import { LoginPage, HomePage } from './pages';

const App = () => {
  return (
        <Route path="/home" element={<HomePage />}></Route>
        <Route path="/" element={<LoginPage />}></Route>

export default App;

In the App component, we will create the routes of the pages that we will use and we will assign the corresponding component.

  • Component LoginPage.tsx

import { useGoogleLogin } from "@react-oauth/google"
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"

import { Card, Spacer, Button, Text, Container } from "@nextui-org/react"

import { IconGitHub, IconGoogle } from "../../assets/icons"


const LoginPage = () => {
 const navigate = useNavigate()

 const loginToGithub = () => {
  localStorage.setItem("loginWith", "GitHub")

 const loginToGoogle = useGoogleLogin({
  onSuccess: tokenResponse => {
   localStorage.setItem("loginWith", "Google")
   localStorage.setItem("accessToken", tokenResponse.access_token)

 return (
  <Container display='flex' alignItems='center' justify='center' css={{ minHeight: "100vh" }}>
   <Card css={{ mw: "420px", p: "20px" }}>
      as: "center",
      mb: "20px",
     Login with
    <Spacer y={1} />
    <Button color='gradient' auto ghost onClick={() => loginToGithub()}>
     <IconGitHub />
     <Spacer x={0.5} />
    <Spacer y={1} />

    <Button color='gradient' auto ghost onClick={() => loginToGoogle()}>
     <IconGoogle />
     <Spacer x={0.5} />

export default LoginPage

When the user clicks the GitHub login button, the user is redirected to the GitHub login page and a key is stored in the browser’s local storage indicating that the user is logging in with GitHub.

When the user clicks the Google login button, the useGoogleLogin function of @react-oauth/google is used to log in with Google. If the login is successful, a key is stored in the browser’s local storage indicating that the user is signing in with Google.

  • Component HomePage.tsx:

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom"
import { Button, Col, Container, Navbar, Row, Text, User } from "@nextui-org/react"

import { getAccessTokenGithub, getUserDataGithub, getUserDataGoogle } from "./services/home-services"

import { LogOutIcon } from "../../assets/icons"

interface UserDataGithub {
 avatar_url: string
 login: string
 bio: string

interface UserdataGoogle {
 name: string
 picture: string
 email: string

const HomePage = () => {
 const [userDataGithub, setUserDataGithub] = useState<null | UserDataGithub>(null)
 const [userDataGoogle, setUserDataGoogle] = useState<null | UserdataGoogle>(null)

 const loginWith = useRef(localStorage.getItem("loginWith"))

 const navigate = useNavigate()

 useEffect(() => {
  const queryString =
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString)
  const codeParam = urlParams.get("code")

  const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("accessToken")

  if (codeParam && !accessToken && loginWith.current === "GitHub") {
   getAccessTokenGithub(codeParam).then(resp => {
    localStorage.setItem("accessToken", resp.access_token)
    getUserDataGithub(resp.access_token).then((resp: UserDataGithub) => {
  } else if (codeParam && accessToken && loginWith.current === "GitHub") {
   getUserDataGithub(accessToken).then((resp: UserDataGithub) => {
    localStorage.setItem("accessToken", accessToken)
 }, [loginWith])

 useEffect(() => {
  const accessToken = localStorage.getItem("accessToken")

  if (accessToken && loginWith.current === "Google") {
   getUserDataGoogle(accessToken).then(resp => {
 }, [loginWith])

 const setLogOut = () => {

 if (!userDataGithub && !userDataGoogle) return null

 return (
   <Navbar isBordered variant='sticky'>
      src={loginWith.current === "GitHub" ? userDataGithub?.avatar_url : userDataGoogle?.picture}
      name={loginWith.current === "GitHub" ? userDataGithub?.login : userDataGoogle?.name}
      description={loginWith.current === "GitHub" ? userDataGithub?.bio : userDataGoogle?.email}
       icon={<LogOutIcon fill='currentColor' />}
       onClick={() => setLogOut()}
       Log out
   <Container gap={0}>
    <Row gap={1}>
      <Text h2>Login with {loginWith.current}</Text>

export default HomePage

After the user has logged in and is redirected to Home, we will use the useEffecthook to perform a series of actions when the page loads.

First, we get the authorization code from the page URL and, if the user has logged in with GitHub, we get an access token and then we get the user’s data from GitHub. If the user has logged in with Google, we simply get the Google user data.

In addition, we have a “Logout” button that removes the access token and login from local storage and redirects the user to the application’s home page.

That’s it!

Now we can log in to GitHub or Google. The next steps are to register the user and save the user information in a database or whatever suits you.

The application looks something like this:


Login with Github

Login with Google

Repo here.


Social login is a feature that offers many advantages for both users and developers. It is simple to integrate and can improve the user experience and security of the application or website. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider using it in your projects.

Also published here.