Some time ago, I wrote an article here on how to build a notifications system with Rails and Redis from scratch. This new one is a quick update on that one.
If you don't know what I'm talking about and are curious about how to accomplish the same thing without Hotwire, here you go:
👉 Real-Time Notification System with Sidekiq, Redis and Devise in Rails 6
Rails 7 was a huuuge update, but I'm not going to talk about that in this post. Hotwire -officially- became a part of Rails 7. Now, you can have real-time interactions and SPA looking-Rails projects, without even writing a single line of JS.
Hotwire can be understood as an umbrella/approach. Inside this thing, you will find 2 little boys, Turbo, that replaces TurboLinks, and Stimulus, which is, in their own words: A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have, or the thing that we're going to use when we need to listen to some button clicks :p
I'm going to use a clean project, you can skip this if you want. Therefore:
$ rails new notifications_with_hotwire -d=postgresql -T
specify the DB that we're going to use. By default, Rails uses sqlite3.
skips test files.
To make it more real, let's include Devise and Tailwind with their icons library, Heroicons:
$ bundle add devise tailwindcss-rails heroicon
Now we need to set up those gems...
For tailwind and heroicons, just run $ rails tailwindcss:install && rails g heroicon:install
For Devise, run $ rails g devise:install && rails g devise User
and follow their notes.
I'm also going to create a resource that will dispatch notifications later on: $ rails g scaffold Post title body:rich_text user:references
. Don't forget to assign user on create,
before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [ :index, :show ]
def create
@post =
And of course, specify the relationship on the User model with:
has_many :posts
Finally, let's move on to what you're looking for 😉
I want to create notifications for different resources, such as posts, comments, or likes. For this, I'm using a polymorphic reference. If you're not familiar with it, read about it here.
$ rails g model Notification item:references{polymorphic} user:references viewed:boolean
Just add a default value for viewed field on the migration:
t.boolean :viewed, null: false, default: false
Build a basic nav and place the notifications count badge on it with something like:
<%= link_to notifications_path, class: "bg-gray-800 p-1 rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:text-white focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-offset-2 focus:ring-offset-gray-800 focus:ring-white" do %>
<span class="sr-only">View notifications</span>
<%= heroicon "bell", variant: :outline, options: { class: "h-6 w-6" } %>
<%= tag.div id: :notifications_count do %>
<%= render "notifications/count", count: current_user.unviewed_notifications_count %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
You may notice that unviewed_notifications_count doesn't exist on our User model, so let's define that as a class method on user.rb
has_many :notifications
def unviewed_notifications_count
And the app/views/notifications/_count
partial is needed for Turbo. Going to explain this below.
<%= tag.div id: :notifications_count do %>
<% if count > 0 %>
<span class="h-6 w-6 flex items-center justify-center bg-red-500 rounded-md text-sm">
<%= count > 9 ? "+9" : count %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
Here's the thing about the whole article (notification.rb
). Turbo actions. Let's take the first callback to explain what's going on.
broadcast: now turbo handles the stuff we built on the previous article. TD;TR: ApplicationCable to establish the connection between the user and the server, create and send jobs to the background to be performed async with Redis.
prepend/replace/remove: simple JS actions
to: the target (AKA stream). In this case, I'm establishing a connection with the specific signed user.
target: simple HTML (or turbo_frame) element used to perform the JS action.
scope :unviewed, ->{ where(viewed: false) }
default_scope { latest }
after_create_commit do
broadcast_prepend_to "broadcast_to_user_#{self.user_id}",
target: :notifications
after_update_commit do
broadcast_replace_to "broadcast_to_user_#{self.user_id}",
target: self
after_destroy_commit do
broadcast_remove_to "broadcast_to_user_#{self.user_id}",
target: :notifications
after_commit do
broadcast_replace_to "broadcast_to_user_#{self.user_id}",
target: "notifications_count",
partial: "notifications/count",
locals: { count: self.user.unviewed_notifications_count }
Yup, the latest scope didn't exist either, I like to define that on application_record.rb
scope :latest, ->{ order("created_at DESC") }
In application.html.erb
, create the stream that allows the previous snippet "talk" with the signed user (without this, everyone's getting everyone's notifications 😛)
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<%= turbo_stream_from dom_id(current_user, :broadcast_to) %>
<% end %>
Now let's put notifications-related stuff on concerns/notificable.rb
included will append where we import this concern. It sets a relationship and has a simple callback that runs once we create a new resource (post in this case) object.
If that resource model has the user_ids method, it will create the notifications for that user.
module Notificable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :notifications, as: :item, dependent: :destroy
after_create_commit :send_notifications_to_users
def send_notifications_to_users
if self.respond_to? :user_ids
self.user_ids&.each do |user_id|
Notification.create user_id: user_id, item: self
So then, when we want to create notifications for a new resource, we just need to include that concern on our resource model, in this case post.rb
include Notificable
def user_ids
User.where.not(id: self.user_id).ids
Finally, to show the notifications on our application UI, let's respond to /notifications path on notifications_controller.rb
class NotificationsController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
@notifications = current_user.notifications
@notifications.update(viewed: true)
Don't forget to notify the controller about this new path on config/routes.rb
resources :notifications, only: [ :index ]
And there you go. The notifications index :)
<div class="space-y-4">
<p class="text-lg leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900 flex justify-between">
<ul class="border-t border-b border-gray-200 divide-y divide-gray-200" id="notifications">
<%= render @notifications %>
The previous render @notifications
will look for the views/notifications/_notification.html.erb
And I like to render a new partial here since we have a polymorphic relation.
<li class="py-4" id="<%= dom_id(notification) %>">
<%= render "notifications/#{notification.item_type.downcase}", notification: notification %>
That previous render
will look for views/notifications/_post.html.erb
(in this case). If you create notifications for, let's say, likes, then you need to create a new partial, called _like
. And customize the notification for that new resource.
<p class="text-gray-900">
<%= %> just posted:
<%= link_to notification.item.title, notification.item, class: "underline font-medium" %>
Here's the repo with everything :)
Oh, and I'm building a job board for devs that want to work remotely. There are already a couple of job offers for Rails devs, if you're looking for a job, check this out.
Also published here
Lead Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash