How to Integrate a GitHub Repo With Google Sheets Using Ballerinaby@tharushi
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How to Integrate a GitHub Repo With Google Sheets Using Ballerina

by Tharushi JayasekaraOctober 5th, 2022
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This posts looks at how you could integrate your Github repo with Google Sheets in Ballerina. Every time a particular event occurs in your GitHub repo, you would have it documented in a Google Sheet of your own. The end goal would be to populate a Google sheet as below, on the fly as Github events are triggered. The following implementation uses Swan Lake version of Ballerine. The source code of this project can be accessed on Github through [this]( link!

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This post looks at how you could integrate your GitHub repo with Google Sheets in Ballerina, so that every time a particular event occurs in your GitHub repo, you would have it documented in a Google Sheet of your own.

How cool is that! Be it an issue created under a label, a PR opened or even a commit to the repository, you could have it all recorded in a Google Sheet with Ballerina in a few simple steps.

End goal

The end goal would be to populate a Google sheet as below, on the fly as Github events are triggered!

The source code of this project can be accessed on GitHub through this link!

What is Ballerina?

Ballerina is an open-source programming language for the cloud that makes it easier to use, combine, and create network services. For someone new to Ballerina, refer to for steps about getting started. In order to continue, you need to have Ballerina installed. Follow these steps for the installation.

The following implementation uses the Swan Lake version of Ballerina.

Part 1: Configure a GitHub webhook to listen to events

Initially, you need to expose the subscriber service in your local machine for the server to be able to access the URL. Therefore, we will use ngrok which allows exposing a web server running on your local machine to the internet.

Step 1: Once you have installed ngrok, all you have to do is to run the following command to tell ngrok what port your web server is listening on.

In our case, it is port 9090.

ngrok http -bind-tls=true 9090

Once you have ngrok up and running, it'll look like this:

Highlighted URL will be used as the callback URL

We will be using the ngrok URL highlighted above, as the callback URL of the subscriber service.
In our case it is,https://b3e0–112–134–171–

Step 2: Next, we will register a GitHub webhook for the repository where we want to receive notifications.

On the repository homepage, navigate to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook

Go to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add webhook 

Set the Payload URL to be the ngrok callback URL followed by the service path name of the ballerina service.

In our case it is,https://b3e0–112–134–171–

Set the Content type to application/json and click on Add webhook.

Next, you should create a Personal Access Token, which will be used as an alternative to using passwords for authentication to GitHub when using the GitHub API.

Login to your Github account and go to Under Personal Access Tokens click on Generate new token, which will take you to an interface as below.

For your new PAT, set an expiry date as you wish, and then select the scopes to specify exactly what type of access you need. For this application, we will select the scopes of repo, write:packages, admin:repo_hook, notifications, and generate the token. Once created, make sure to copy your PAT since you won’t be able to see it again.

Now we write our code in Ballerina!

First, create a ballerina project by running the following code in your terminal. We’ll call our project gsheet_github_integration.

tharushijayasekara@Tharushi Test % bal new gsheet_github_integration
Created new package 'gsheet_github_integration' at gsheet_webhook_integration.

This creates a project with a main.bal which contains our main method and a Ballerina.toml which includes the configurations of our project. Add the following code into the main.bal.

import ballerina/websub;
import ballerina/io;

// Create a subscriber service to listen to Github events
@websub:SubscriberServiceConfig {
    target: [
        // Set the path to your Github repository
    // Set the ngrok callback URL 
    callback: "", 
    httpConfig: {
        auth: {
            // Set your GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT)
            token: "ghp_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 

service /events on new websub:Listener(9090) {
    remote function onEventNotification(websub:ContentDistributionMessage event) 
                                                                returns error? {

        var retrievedContent = event.content;

        if (retrievedContent is json) {
            if (retrievedContent.action is string){

                Details details = { number: check retrievedContent.issue.number,
                                    action: check retrievedContent.action,
                                    url: check retrievedContent.issue.url,
                                    title: check retrievedContent.issue.title,
                                    time: check retrievedContent.issue.updated_at,
                                    user: check retrievedContent.sender.login };

                if (retrievedContent.issue is json) {

                    // If the event is related to an Issue
                    details.sheet = "Issue";
                    error? response = insertDetails(details);

                } else if (retrievedContent.pull_request is json) {
                    // If the event is related to a Pull Request
                    details.sheet = "PR";
                    error? response = insertDetails(details);
        } else {
            io:println("Unrecognized content type");

If we look at the code in detail, what we’ve done is create a subscriber service to listen to the Github events, by setting the path to the repo, ngrok callback URL as well as the GitHub PAT that we just created for authentication.

The subscriber service is created using WebSub Subscriber Service. WebSub is a common mechanism based on HTTP webhooks to communicate between publishers of Web content and their subscribers. Validating and verifying subscription requests as well as distributing new content as it becomes available is done through hubs. More details on how to make the best use of the websub module can be found on Ballerina API docs here.

Then each time an event notification is sent, we populate the data we need into a record of type Details. After setting the event type as Issue or PR, we pass the record into insertDetails() to document the event details on a Google sheet depending on the event type.

Part 2: Integrating Google Sheets API

For the next part of the implementation, we will create a Google Sheet called GitHub Changes with 2 sheets to document PR details and Issue details. Let’s note down the sheet ID, which is the below-highlighted part on the URL.

Sheet ID

Next, create another file in the same project calledgsheet.bal to access the Google Sheets API, and insert the following code.

import ballerinax/googleapis.sheets as sheets;

configurable string refreshToken = "1//04xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
configurable string clientId = "";
configurable string clientSecret = "GOCSPX-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

// Configuring Google Sheets API
sheets:ConnectionConfig spreadsheetConfig = {
    auth: {
        clientId: clientId,
        clientSecret: clientSecret,
        refreshUrl: sheets:REFRESH_URL,
        refreshToken: refreshToken

// A record to store PR/issue related data
public type Details record {
    int number;
    string action;
    string url;
    string title;
    string time;
    string user;
    string sheet?;

sheets:Client spreadsheetClient = check new (spreadsheetConfig);
string spreadsheetId = "1l4KUKQ0e5HKB35doSRcaF3QgNYvBAp99q_l5GS3J1B8";

public function insertDetails(Details details) returns error? {

    error? append = check spreadsheetClient->appendRowToSheet(spreadsheetId, details.sheet.toString(), 
    [details.number, details.action, details.url, details.title, details.time, details.user]);


What we’ve done here is as simple as it looks. Simply calling the Google Sheets API to append the new row of data to our Google Sheet.

The next task is figuring out therefreshToken, clientId, and clientSecret used in the above code.

  1. Open the Google API Console Credentials page, log in to your relevant Google Account and create a new project.

    2. Give the project a name and click Create.

    3. Click on Configure Consent Screen to choose how you want to configure and register your app.

    4. Set the user type as external and click Create.

    5. In the OAuth consent screen, enter anapp name, User support email, and Developer contact information and click on Save and Continue.

    6. In the Scopes screen, click Save and continue and proceed to the next screen which is Test users.

    7. Under Test users, add your email address and click Save and continue.

8. Finally you will be presented with a summary to verify the details you entered.

9. As the next step, under Credentials click Create credentials and click OAuth client ID.

10. Enter the following details in the Create OAuth client ID screen and click Create.

11. This will generate a Client ID and Client Secret that you should save for future use!

12. From the left side menu, select Library, search for Google Sheets API and click on it to Enable it.

13. In order to obtain the refresh token, navigate to OAuth 2.0 Playground and click the OAuth 2.0 Configuration button in the top right corner of your screen.

14. Select Use your own OAuth credentials, provide the obtained Client ID and Client Secret values and Close the window.

15. Under Step 1, select Google Sheets API v4 from the list of APIs and select all the scopes.

16. Click on Authorize APIs button and select your Gmail account when you are asked and allow the scopes.

17. Under Step 2, click the Exchange authorization code for tokens to generate and display the Access Token and Refresh Token.

That brings us to the end of configuring the Google Sheets API! Use the refresh token, client ID, and client secret in our gsheet.bal file and run the project using bal run.

The output would be as follows, which means that the service successfully started in port 9090.

tharushijayasekara@Tharushi github-gsheet-integration % bal run
Compiling source
WARNING [gsheet.bal:(31:5,32:95)] unused variable 'append'
WARNING [gsheet.bal:(47:5,48:95)] unused variable 'append'
WARNING [main.bal:(17:5,17:5)] concurrent calls will not be made to this method since the method is not an 'isolated' method
WARNING [main.bal:(24:21,29:84)] unused variable 'issueResponse'
WARNING [main.bal:(33:21,38:95)] unused variable 'pullRequestResponse'

Running executable

time = 2022-04-10T22:18:14.755+05:30 level = WARN module = ballerina/websub message = "HTTPS is recommended but using HTTP"

You will see the changes documented on our Google Sheet!

Now, you have successfully configured a webhook for GitHub and received the events using a subscriber written in the Ballerina programming language!

Thanks for following through to the end. To keep up-to-date on more interesting developments in Ballerina, visit