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Full Stack Engineering Intern
I recently started working on a Weather app in Flask to auto-detect a user’s location based off of their IP address. After committing some updates to GitHub my app switched from being labeled as predominately Python to 98.9% CSS even though it was a Flask application in which most of the code I had written was in Python and HTML. Now and again, I do not agree with how GitHub classifies the languages in my repositories so I set out to figure out how to fix this issue.
Before: My Flask App Appeared in GitHub as 98.9% CSS.
M0nica/flask_weather_flask_weather - Flask app to auto-detect local weather based off of user's IP
GitHub has a linguist library that auto-detects the language within every repository. Upon researching how to resolve GitHub misclassifying the language of your projects I found out the solution is as simple as telling GitHub which files to ignore.
github/linguist_linguist - Language Savant. If your repository's language is being reported incorrectly, send us a pull request!
While you still want to commit these files to GitHub and therefore can’t use a .gitignore you can tell GitHub’s linguist which files to ignore in a .gitattribute file. (Side note: Check out my piece on “Hiding API Keys from GitHub” if you are interested in learning about .gitignore).
Hide Your API Keys 🔑 " Black Tech Diva_If you plan on programming any applications and storing your code on GitHub then it is important that you protect your…
Upon examining the documentation for the linguist library I learned that adding just one line to a .gitattributes file would resolve my language issues for this particular repo.
My .gitattributes:
This one-line file told GitHub to ignore all of my files in my static/ folder which is where CSS and other assets are stored for a Flask app. Vendor files can sometimes take up a lot of relative space so I am telling the linguist to just ignore them (since they were accounting for 98.9% of my project)!
After: My Flask App Appears in GitHub now as 56.2% Python and 43.8% HTML.
alexkaratarakis/gitattributes_A collection of useful .gitattributes
Here’s a repository by @with sample .gitattributes files for you try the next time you disagree with the linguist ;). Note: Updates to the .gitattributes may not apply retroactively and if linguist truly is wrong GitHub encourages you to report it as an issue in their /linguist repo.
I hope this article was helpful! I would love to hear some of your tricks for GitHub and am happy to answer any questions you may have.
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