How to Build a To-Do List in Rust Using bb8 and Tokio_Postgres by@protocod
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How to Build a To-Do List in Rust Using bb8 and Tokio_Postgres

by Maximilien Di DioJanuary 25th, 2022
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Hello, world! Good news! It’s easy to create a simple to-do list using bb8 and tokio_postgres for the data layer side. Disclaimer: This example doesn't use any user interface. Feel free to add a library like egui or iced, or to setup a REST API and a web front-end. I won't show you how to set up a TLS session for the database connections in this article, however, it isn’t challenging. bb8 is a full-featured pool connection designed for asynchronous connections. The name of this crate can be explained easily because it's originally based on r2d2.

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Hello, world!

Good news! It’s easy to create a simple to-do list using bb8 and tokio_postgres for the data layer side.

Disclaimer: This example doesn't use any user interface. Feel free to add a library like egui or iced, or to setup a REST API and a web front-end.

I won't show you how to set up a TLS session for the database connections in this article, however, it isn’t challenging.

bb8 is a full-featured pool connection designed for asynchronous connections. The name of this crate can be explained easily because it's originally based on r2d2.

Step 1:Dependencies

In order to perform asynchronous statements to the database, I use the tokio_postgres crate.

I found an interesting crate called bb8_postgres which provides both crates (bb8 and tokio_postgres).

To make our lives easier we’ll use the following naming structure: PostgresConnectionManager.

Let's get started by installing some dependencies in your Cargo.toml.

bb8-postgres = "0.7.0"
once_cell = "1.9.0"
snafu = "0.6"

version = "0.2.2"
features = ["derive"]

version = "0.8.2"
features = ["v4", "serde"]

version = "1"
features = ["full"]

version = "0.4.19"
features = ["serde"]

version = "0.7.5"
features = ['with-chrono-0_4', 'with-uuid-0_8', 'with-serde_json-1']

Chrono is used to manage datetime creation and timestamptz, SQL serialization, and deserialization through serde.

I have decided to identify a to-do list using UUIDs because they are unique and useful to ensure collision avoidance if I have to merge databases of todos.

I added once_cell, a rusty way to implement a thread-safe singleton pattern to get a unique instance of the bb8 pool during the execution of our program.

Snafu will help us to handle errors using context.

Step 2:Implement the DBManager

use bb8_postgres::bb8::{Pool, PooledConnection, RunError};
use bb8_postgres::PostgresConnectionManager;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use once_cell::sync::OnceCell;
use snafu::{ResultExt, Snafu};
use tokio_postgres::types::{FromSql, ToSql};
use tokio_postgres::{NoTls, Row, ToStatement};
use uuid::Uuid;

// Thread-safe instance of DBManager
static DB_MANAGER_INSTANCE: OnceCell<DBManager> = OnceCell::new();

// Alias to represent a postgres database connection
pub type DBConnection<'a> = PooledConnection<'a, PostgresConnectionManager<NoTls>>;

// Alias to represent a database pool connections
pub type DBPool = Pool<PostgresConnectionManager<NoTls>>;

// It can occur when your not able to get a connection from the pool
pub type PostgresConnectionError = RunError<tokio_postgres::error::Error>;

// Provide a contexts for better error handling
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum Error {
    #[snafu(display("ConnectionError: {}", source))]
    ConnectionError { source: PostgresConnectionError },

    #[snafu(display("PostgresError: {}", source))]
    PostgresError { source: tokio_postgres::Error },

We start with some basics. Import the stuff we need and create a type alias to work with. I also define here the main error struct.

As you see, we will create a struct called DBManager.

The idea is to set up a struct to manage the bb8 pool connections and call tokio_postgres functions to prepare statements and perform queries to the database.

This must be a singleton because we don't want to create several pools of connections -- that doesn't make sense. DBManager is a kind of service pattern.

pub struct DBOptions {
    // see"
    pub pg_params: String,
    pub pool_max_size: u32,

// We call the DBManager when required
// like a kind of singleton
pub struct DBManager {
    pool: DBPool,

impl DBManager {
    // Get an instance of DBManager
    pub async fn get() -> &'static DBManager {

    // Create the DBManager instance using DBOptions
    async fn new(config: DBOptions) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let DBOptions {
        } = config;

        let manager = PostgresConnectionManager::new_from_stringlike(pg_params, NoTls)
            .expect("unable build PostgresConnectionManager");

        let pool = Pool::builder()

        Ok(Self { pool })

    // Helper to get a connection from the bb8 pool
    pub async fn connection(&self) -> Result<DBConnection<'_>, Error> {
        let conn = self.pool.get().await.context(ConnectionError)?;

    // Perform a query from a fetched bb8 connection
    pub async fn query<T>(
        statement: &T,
        params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)],
    ) -> Result<Vec<Row>, Error>
        T: ?Sized + ToStatement,
        let conn = self.connection().await?;
        let rows = conn.query(statement, params).await.context(PostgresError)?;

    // Perform a query_one from a fetched bb8 connection
    pub async fn query_one<T>(
        statement: &T,
        params: &[&(dyn ToSql + Sync)],
    ) -> Result<Row, Error>
        T: ?Sized + ToStatement,
        let conn = self.connection().await?;
        let row = conn
            .query_one(statement, params)

DBOptions represent the required parameters to initialize the DBManager. I've added a method to perform a secure SQL statement based on query and query_one method from tokio_postgres.

The code will rely on this struct to do any operations with the postgres database. Another quite interesting thing, DBManager can be a mockup to interact with a fake database for unit testing.

Step 3:Add the To-Do Entity and Operations

The database contains a to-do table and a priority level enumeration.

create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";

create type priority_level as enum (

create table todo (
	id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(), 
	task text,
	priority priority_level,
	created_at timestamptz not null,
	expired_at timestamptz,
	completed_at timestamptz

A simple database for a simple example.

I'm thinking about writing a second article on this blog using a more complex database. But this example is enough to understand the basics.

#[derive(Debug, ToSql, FromSql)]
#[postgres(name = "priority_level")]
pub enum PriorityLevel {

pub struct Todo {
    id: uuid::Uuid,
    task: String,
    priority: PriorityLevel,
    created_at: DateTime<Utc>,
    expired_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,
    completed_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>,

I used the ‘entity pattern’ here.

A SQL table is represented by a rust struct, a SQL enumeration is represented by a rust enumeration. Quite simple.

We deal with objects firstly. These structs can derivate serde struct for JSON serialization.

impl Todo {
    pub fn new(task: String, priority: PriorityLevel, expired_at: Option<DateTime<Utc>>) -> Self {
        Self {
            id: Uuid::new_v4(),
            created_at: chrono::offset::Utc::now(),
            completed_at: None,

    // Get all todo from database
    pub async fn get_all() -> Result<Vec<Self>, Error> {
        let select_one_todo = "
            id as todo_id,
            task as todo_task,
            priority as todo_priority,
            created_at as todo_created_at,
            expired_at as todo_expired_at,
            completed_at as todo_completed_at
            from todo;";

        let rows = DBManager::get().await.query(select_one_todo, &[]).await?;

        let todo_list: Vec<Self> = rows
            .map(|row| Self::try_from(row).unwrap())


    // get a todo by id from database
    pub async fn get_by_id(id: &Uuid) -> Result<Self, Error> {
        let select_one_todo = "
            id as todo_id,
            task as todo_task,
            priority as todo_priority,
            created_at as todo_created_at,
            expired_at as todo_expired_at,
            completed_at as todo_completed_at
            from todo where id = $1;";

        let row = DBManager::get()
            .query_one(select_one_todo, &[id])


    // Toggle completed_at, if None the todo is not completed,
    pub fn toggle_complete(&mut self) {
        self.completed_at = match self.completed_at {
            Some(_) => None,
            None => Some(chrono::offset::Utc::now()),

    // Method to persist the object in database
    // can be calls to create or update an existing object in database
    pub async fn save(&self) -> Result<&Self, Error> {
        let insert_new_todo = "
            insert into todo (id, task, priority, created_at, expired_at, completed_at)
            values ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)
            ON CONFLICT (id)
            DO UPDATE SET
                task = EXCLUDED.task,
                priority = EXCLUDED.priority,
                created_at = EXCLUDED.created_at,
                expired_at = EXCLUDED.expired_at,
                completed_at = EXCLUDED.completed_at;";

        let _ = DBManager::get()

    // Be carefull, it's not a soft-delete.
    // this will remove the data of the object from the database. 
    // But the object himself is not dropped. So you can continue to
    // interact with it.
    async fn delete(&self) -> Result<&Self, Error> {
        let delete_todo = "delete from todo where id = $1;";
        let _ = DBManager::get()
            .query(delete_todo, &[&])


The methods save and delete are quite special -- I was inspired by ORM like Doctrine or Eloquent.

You can create and manipulate the object and save it in the database when you're ready to store it.

I provided static methods (get_by_id and get_all) to fetch the to-do tasks from the database. These act like methods from a repository.

But you should have seen something special, I call try_from method to convert an &Row into an instance of Todo. So as you imagine, we have to implement the TryFrom<T> trait.

Step 4:The Final Touch!

impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a Row> for Todo {
    type Error = Error;

    fn try_from(row: &'a Row) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        let id = row.try_get("todo_id").context(PostgresError)?;
        let task = row.try_get("todo_task").context(PostgresError)?;
        let created_at = row.try_get("todo_created_at").context(PostgresError)?;
        let expired_at = row.try_get("todo_expired_at").context(PostgresError)?;
        let completed_at = row.try_get("todo_completed_at").context(PostgresError)?;
        let priority = row.try_get("todo_priority").context(PostgresError)?;

        Ok(Self {

Have you noticed the names of the columns? The column name starts with the name of the table (todo_) and finishes with the name of the field.

That's the trick. When you select data from PostgreSQL, each field must start with the name of the entity.

Like this:

            id as todo_id,
            task as todo_task,
            priority as todo_priority,
            created_at as todo_created_at,
            expired_at as todo_expired_at,
            completed_at as todo_completed_at
            from todo;

This naming system prevents you from getting the wrong fields if you join some tables because many tables can have common named fields.

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // TODO: You can improve this by using clap to
    // get database settings from CLI or ENV VAR
    let options = DBOptions {
        pg_params: String::from(
        pool_max_size: 8u32,

    // Create the unique instance of DBManager
    let _ = DB_MANAGER_INSTANCE.set(DBManager::new(options).await?);

    // Create a new todo
    let mut todo_finish_this_draft = Todo::new(String::from("Publish this draft"), PriorityLevel::High, None);

    // Persist this todo in database,
    // this insert the data of the object
    // into the todo table;

    // Show the todo object
    println!("{:?}", todo_finish_this_draft);

    // Mutate the state of this todo make it completed!

    // Then, persist the object again.
    // This update the object in database because
    // the id of this object already exist.;

    // Display the updated todo
    println!("{:?}", todo_finish_this_draft);

    // Fetch all todo from the database
    let todo_list = Todo::get_all().await?;

    // As you see, there is only 1 todo in the database
    // That's normal, we persist 2 times the same object.
    println!("{:?}", todo_list);

    // Remote the object data from the database
    // but it does not drop the rust object.

    // As you see, there is no more todo in database
    let new_todo_list = Todo::get_all().await?;
    println!("{:?}", new_todo_list);


Honestly, it would be better to write unit tests, but I want to keep things simple for now. The main function calls all the implemented functions to test them.

The complete code is available on this repository: