Azure Storage Account is one of the foundation services of Azure. Pretty much all other services use it under the cover in a way or another. This service is simple, works great, and has crazy SLA and redundancy capabilities. However, it doesn't provide a point in time restore. Meaning that if you corrupt or delete some data, there's no way to recover it. There are some solutions that you can find over the internet, but unfortunately, none of them is a silver bullet. Let's explore and compare some of them.
Let's first define some goals and requirements before we jump into solutions
AzCopy is a great tool to move data around in Azure, and it's also what most people will suggest using for backups. Target a source and a destination backup storage account and voilà! The AzCopy command-line performs the processing of that operation inside Azure datacenter between the two target storage accounts instead of passing by the machine that runs AzCopy. This feature alone makes AzCopy an obvious choice as it covers 2 of the most important objectives:
That's why most backup solutions use this tool.
AzCopy is a command-line tool, so it's pretty easy to run from your machine or an on-prem server to backup your storage accounts. You can create a windows schedule to run that command, and you are good to go. It works fine when you have a few storage accounts, but grows complex real fast when adding more storage.
Azure Automation allows you to run PowerShell script directly in Azure. With that service, you can easily create a script that launches AzCopy with the specified arguments to target your storage accounts.
What about using Azure DevOps? It seems crazy right, but let's look at it more closely. One of the common problems with previous solutions is the management of backups for multiple environments and notifications on failure. Another problem is to install AzCopy on the agent or machine that's going to run the backup. Good news though, AzCopy is already installed by default on all Azure DevOps agents.
So here's a general idea: Create a pipeline that runs on a schedule and performs backup for each environment.
1. Create a PowerShell module with utility methods to make the use of AzCopy easier and upload it to your git repository
EDIT: You can now download all these scripts from Github. Also, special thanks to my good friend Yohan who cleaned up the whole thing and added the restore functionality.
function Build-AzCopyCmd
[string] $AzCopyParam,
[string] $SourcePath
$srcStorageAccountKey = $SrcCtx.StorageAccount.Credentials.ExportBase64EncodedKey()
$destStorageAccountKey = $DestCtx.StorageAccount.Credentials.ExportBase64EncodedKey()
$destContainer = $DestCtx.StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference($DestinationPath)
return [string]::Format("""{0}"" /source:{1} /dest:{2} /sourcekey:""{3}""
/destkey:""{4}"" $AzCopyParam", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft
SDKs\Azure\AzCopy\AzCopy.exe", $SourcePath, $destContainer.Uri.AbsoluteUri,
$srcStorageAccountKey, $destStorageAccountKey)
function Invoke-AzCopyCmd
$result = cmd /c $AzCopyCmd
foreach($s in $result)
Write-Host $s
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0){
Write-Error "Copy failed!";
Write-Host "Copy succeed!"
Write-Host "-----------------"
function Backup-Blobs
[array] $SrcStorageContainers
Process {
foreach ($srcStorageContainer in $SrcStorageContainers)
if($srcStorageContainer.Name -like '*$*')
Write-Host "-----------------"
Write-Host "Skipping copy: $($srcStorageContainer.Name)"
Write-Host "-----------------"
Write-Host "-----------------"
Write-Host "Start copying: $($srcStorageContainer.Name)"
Write-Host "-----------------"
$blobDestinationPath = $DestinationPath + "/blobs/" + $srcStorageContainer.Name
$azCopyParam = "/snapshot /y /s /synccopy"
$sourcePath = $srcStorageContainer.CloudBlobContainer.Uri.AbsoluteUri
$azCopyCmd = Build-AzCopyCmd -DestinationPath $blobDestinationPath -SrcCtx
$SrcCtx -DestCtx $DestCtx -AzCopyParam $azCopyParam -SourcePath
Invoke-AzCopyCmd -AzCopyCmd $AzCopyCmd
function Backup-Tables
[array] $SrcStorageTables
Process {
foreach ($srcStorageTable in $SrcStorageTables)
Write-Host "-----------------"
Write-Host "Start copying: $($srcStorageTable.Name)"
Write-Host "-----------------"
$tableDestinationPath = $DestinationPath + "/tables/" + $srcStorageTable.Name
$azCopyParam = "/y"
$sourcePath = $srcStorageTable.CloudTable.Uri.AbsoluteUri
$azCopyCmd = Build-AzCopyCmd -DestinationPath $tableDestinationPath -SrcCtx
$SrcCtx -DestCtx $DestCtx -AzCopyParam $azCopyParam -SourcePath
Invoke-AzCopyCmd -AzCopyCmd $AzCopyCmd
function Backup-StorageAccount
$currentDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().tostring('yyyy\/MM\/dd\/HH:mm')
$SrcStorageAccountName = $srcCtx.StorageAccount.Credentials.AccountName
$destinationPath = $SrcStorageAccountName + "/" + $currentDate
$srcTables = Get-AzureStorageTable -Context $srcCtx
Backup-Tables -DestinationPath $destinationPath -SrcCtx $SrcCtx
-DestCtx $destCtx -SrcStorageTables $srcTables
$maxReturn = 250
$token = $null
$srcContainers = Get-AzureStorageContainer -MaxCount $maxReturn
-ContinuationToken $token -Context $srcCtx
$token = $srcContainers[$srcContainers.Count -1].ContinuationToken;
Backup-Blobs -DestinationPath $destinationPath -SrcCtx $SrcCtx -DestCtx
$destCtx -SrcStorageContainers $srcContainers
While ($token -ne $null)
function Get-StorageAccountContext
$storageAccountKey = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName
$StorageAccountResourceGroup -AccountName $StorageAccountName).Value[0]
return New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName
-StorageAccountKey $storageAccountKey
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-StorageAccountContext
Export-ModuleMember -Function Backup-StorageAccount
2. Create a script to launch the backup
$destCtx = Get-StorageAccountContext -StorageAccountName $destStorageAccountName
-StorageAccountResourceGroup $destResourceGroup
foreach($srcStorageAccount in $srcStorageAccounts)
$srcStorageAccountName = $srcStorageAccount.storageAccountName
$srcResourceGroup = $srcStorageAccount.resourceGroup
$srcCtx = Get-StorageAccountContext -StorageAccountName $srcStorageAccountName
-StorageAccountResourceGroup $srcResourceGroup
Backup-StorageAccount -SrcCtx $srcCtx -DestCtx $destCtx
3. Create a task group in Azure DevOps
4. Add the Azure PowerShell task, so the script will run in an Azure context and will be authenticated to the Storage Accounts you want to backup (make sure that Azure DevOps has access to your Azure Subscription)
5. Here's the YAML of that task.
Note that I used variables to make it more reusable in different environments
- task: AzurePowerShell@3
displayName: 'Run Backup Azure PowerShell Script'
azureSubscription: '$(subscription)'
ScriptPath: '$(RepositoryPath)\src\Backup\Scripts\Backup-Storage-Accounts.ps1'
ScriptArguments: '-EnvironmentCode $(EnvironmentCode)'
FailOnStandardError: true
azurePowerShellVersion: LatestVersion
6. Create a new Release build pipeline with all your environments as stages
7. Add an artifact and select Azure Repos
8. Set a schedule to kick off the backups on all environments
9. Configure each environment to use your Task Group
10. Configure your variables for each environment
11. You can now look at all the backup runs and get notifications for free when it fails (default behavior of Azure DevOps when a build fails)
Sometimes the solution is more straightforward than it looks. You need to leverage existing tools that you know. Try to think outside the box, and you'll find out that your absurd ideas might not be that crazy after all. An essential skill for a developer is the ability to solve business problems in new creative ways using technology.
Previously published at