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Web3 developer exploring the metaverse and making notes along the way
Over the last year, we have seen significant growth in the GameFi ecosystem. Games like Axie Infinity are a great proof of concept and a great show of potential. Like any new technology, it is not perfect, and we have seen this proven true in regards to Axie as they have expressed the need to change their tokenomics to ensure their ecosystem is sustainable.
As the industry continues to grow and iterate on the foundations from previous generations, creators of all the arcade games we grew up loving, I discovered the latest offering in the Crypto Gaming space that allows you to earn. This game is called Nifty League, and its approach is slightly different from the games in the ecosystem that we have come to love, like Axie Infinity. Nifty Leagues is not a Play 2 Earn game, but it's a Play and Earn game. This distinction greatly incentives all players to participate in the ecosystem regardless of skill level or time spent. Any player will get rewarded for the time played, and there isn't this need of having to grind 24/7 to be able to earn. This approach shows growth and innovation, and Nifty League sets a high standard.
Nifty League is bringing the competitive spirit we have seen to help the esports community thrive to web3 gaming. NL plans to set a new president away from play-to-earn (P2E) we have known to love into a new era of play-and-earn (P&E) by offering a fun and engaging gaming ecosystem.
The Niftyverse is where all the magic happens. Nifty League Degen owners can rent out to players who don't have degens(which will get into in a second). The game has a vibrant gaming community. The Niftverse is where builders and players meet to play, connect and earn within the web3 space.
Proven time and time again, A Crypto project is only as solid as its Team and Devs. When the going gets tough, the right team can make or break a project. With that said, I am yet to see a better-suited pair with such relevant previous experience.
Let us take a quick look at the core team. Nifty Andy(Andrew Mahoney) - CEO and Snarfy (Ali Timnak) - CTO are the co-founders who have worked at Activision, one of the best gaming development, publishing, and distribution companies in the world. Mike Scott, the creative director, previously worked for Nickelodeon and Disney. This team composition shows strength and indicates how the web3 ecosystem is growing. Seeing high-ranking creators move from the traditional space to build on one of the fastest-growing industries in the world is very promising for the future.
NFTL is the native token for the Nifty league and Niftyverse users. Players can play and earn $NFTL. You can use NFTL to rename your DEGEN or swap it for another crypto.
Holding $NFTL is highly beneficial when interacting with the ecosystem. You can purchase in-game items and assets, trade with other players, rent Degens, and buy land in the Niftyverse.
NFTL is currently only available for trading and staking on SushiSwap.
The constant evolution of the ecosystem is showing quite a bit of promise, with a packed Roadmap and consistent delivery is very bullish for this project. Below you can see what the platform plans to roll out soon.
Nifty League brings the feeling of nostalgia when looking at the look and feel of the high-quality pixelated characters in all their upcoming games like Nifty Royale, Nifty Tennis, and Nifty Cart. All these are reminiscent of the games we all grew up loving.
Currently, to play, you need to own a DEGEN. You can get one here on OS
Nifty League knows very well how to cater to their community and with their genesis drop in late 2021 managed to do just that by giving creators full creative freedom to design their own DEGEN NFTs using Mint-O-Matic, with a set of traits of their choosing.
There are 6 tribes of DEGENs: apes, humans, dogs, frogs, cats, and aliens.
Depending on the selected Degen certain characteristic traits and accessories including special moves that can be used in the game, Make for interesting possible builds that is unique to the player’s style and flair.
Minters were able to browse through already minted DEGENs to determine which tribes were rarer than others and what type of DEGEN they gravitated toward.
This is the first "tribe" of DEGENS, the friendly Alien! Wild to keep track of more than 2 of these bad boys! Speed is their middle name.
PEPE! Who doesn’t love frogs? These guys are fun and a true master is scary! There are some killer frogs on the servers, watch out!
Cats are the next tribe and a fearsome lot to verse! A great pick up but difficult to master.
Remember DOGE to the MOON? I personally main a DOGE so I am a bit subjective, they are quite alot of fun! Tons of utility with their special traits. Gap closer and great repositioner.
The rarest of the tribes, these bad boys are not seen often on the servers (at least by me) but I do remember the ones I versed. V scary in the right hands reminds me of Link from Smash.
The last tribe (for now ;) ) are apes. These beasts are everywhere and are the most common in the tribes. Watch out for those monkeys and especially Tang! (an all orange monkey)
Thank you for reading! Please make sure you like this article for more. See you on the moon.