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Hey Linux Lovers!
I loved pop OS as my daily driver for Linux for work and home. Its simplicity of design and linear workflow mechanism is much easier to follow and maintain in the workforce. Everything is ready and right there where I want it on my desktop. Clean desktop but the basic required program in the bottom as a dock, click and it pops up as an active program is so convenient in terms of accessibility.
Window tiling is a super-efficient system integration approach I loved about Linux, I like to work with lots of apps simultaneously and would love to compare/Analyze data side by side as well as wouldn’t want to open an app once in a while to take forever to open and useful. Limited resource is being used while everything at a glance meets my query most of the time. It is Just perfect.
One thing that annoys me in Linux is finding an app that works for all. Like windows version of apps is not so easily found in Linux. Pop OS offers simplicity over that facility too, pop shop is amazingly friendly in terms of app search and installation. It’s pretty much like windows. Install/Uninstall from the same spot. Super convenient!
Hw installation, oh lord! Have I ever found a Linux distro as easy as pop? The answer is no! A close call would be an arch & Chinese derivative called garuda/ Deepin Linux. But pop beat all of them by a length in terms of the installation, simply a printer installation is a nightmare in other OS, but here it’s auto installed and effectively working like charm. To believe it you have to use it…try first!
Finally! Last but the last point to note is its customization feature, honestly, I’ve tried all of the distros so far not impressed with their single point of entry advertisements like elementary/ Mint/ Nitrux/ Zorin…..Name only a few! You tweak them in any way, Viola! System crushed or reboot loop.
You have to stop right there to start from the beginning. But pop is awesome in terms of customization of themes/ Repositories/ Apps whatever. Eddy is super convenient to install as an app package installer. To change there download a package and copy it to the theme folder…gnome tweaks pop up right away. Minimal hassle to have different skin. My oh my! So Many beautiful skins and themes are available…Just Google it somewhere!
So Many features still I haven’t touched yet that it seems full, like the encryption feature when it boots, and no grub loader to mess your startup. The minimum time to load the system like 2 secs to fire up the laptop is amazing, I’ve mine in an SSD tough. BTW have I told you about its built-in Google Drive integration as a hard drive portion feature? LOL super convenient as high tide. On top of that its windows Key feature as a Mac OS x search bar feature is a very handy tool for an advanced user. Loved it a lot….Good luck
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