Elixir console application with JSON parsing. Let’s print to console!by@Stephanbv
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Elixir console application with JSON parsing. Let’s print to console!

by Stephan Bakkelund ValoisSeptember 24th, 2016
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Hello friends.<br>I’ve been playing a bit around with JSON parsing, and extracting information from the received map in Elixir. Figured I’d write about it, and I also thought we could write a very simple console based wikipedia search application together. We are going to use a couple of hex packages in this application:

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Wikipedia search with HTTPoison, Poison and Escript

Hello friends.I’ve been playing a bit around with JSON parsing, and extracting information from the received map in Elixir. Figured I’d write about it, and I also thought we could write a very simple console based wikipedia search application together. We are going to use a couple of hex packages in this application:


“HTTP client for Elixir, based on HTTPotion_”_We need a HTTP client to connect with Wikipedia’s web API.


“An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library”Once we collect JSON data from Wikipedia’s web API, we need to parse it.


“Builds an executable that can be invoked from the command line. An escript can run on any machine that has Erlang installed and by default does not require Elixir to be installed, as Elixir is embedded as part of the escript.”So that we can run our application as a regular command line application.

Alright, so let’s jump into it!

As usual, we’ll start of by creating a new project. I will call my application “Wiki Dream”:

~/$ mix new wiki_dream* creating* creating .gitignore* creating mix.exs

We’ll cd into our application, and add our dependencies to our mix.exs file. Since HTTPoison runs on a different process, we need to add it to our application function, so that it gets started up when we launch our application:

# mix.exs......

def application do[applications: [:logger, :httpoison]]end

defp deps do[{:httpoison, “~> 0.9.0”},{:poison, “~> 2.0”}]end

And we’ll fetch and install our added dependencies:

~/wiki_dream$ mix deps.getRunning dependency resolutionDependency resolution completedcertifi: 0.4.0hackney: 1.6.1......

Now, let’s also set up our folder structure like this:

wiki_dream/- lib/— wiki_dream/- cli.ex

  • wiki_dream.ex

If you look at the structure above, you’ll also notice that I added a new file, cli.ex. Perfect, all set up. Let’s get to work.

How our application is going to run:

  • Process given argument from our console
  • Fetch data from Wikipedia
  • Parse fetched data
  • Extract the information we want from the data
  • Print out the data to our console

Process given argument from our console

Our cli.ex file is going to handle the inputs from our console. If you didn’t know already, CLI stands for “Command Line Interface”, and is kind of the front-end of console based applications. Since we are building an executable application with escript, our first function is going to be main/1. This is required by escript:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex

defmodule WikiDream.CLI dodef main(args) doparse_args(args)|> processendend

We also add a function, parse_args/1, that we haven’t defined yet. This function will call the built in OptionParser module, which contains functions to parse command line options. The process/1 function will contain our applications different steps:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def parse_args(args) doparse = OptionParser.parse(args, switches: [help: :boolean],aliases: [h: :help])

case parse do{[help: true], _, _}-> :help{_, [search_term], _}-> {search_term}endend

OptionParser will take whatever argument we give it, and put it into our parse variable. It will also look out for a help or -h flag.We’ll add a case structure, which returns the atom :help, if a help flag is given, or returns our search term as a one-element tuple. Let’s see if we can get our console to print something. We’ll write a very simple process function just to see if it works:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process({search_term}) doIO.inspect search_termend

Now, to run our application as an executable, we need to build it with escript. To do that, we need to add it to our mix.exs file, and give it our main module (the module where our main/1 function is):

# mix.exs......

def project do[app: :wiki_dream,version: “0.1.0”,elixir: “~> 1.3”,build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,escript: [main_module: WikiDream.CLI], #Added escriptdeps: deps()]end


In our console, we’ll use mix to build it for us:

~/wiki_dream$ mix> Compiling idna=> Compiling mimerl......Generated httpoison app==> wiki_dreamCompiling 2 files (.ex)Generated wiki_dream appGenerated escript wiki_dream with MIX_ENV=dev

Let’s try and run it, and give it an argument:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream hello“hello”

Sweet! it works! Now, what happens if we give it the help flag?

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream --help** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in WikiDream.CLI.process/1(wiki_dream) lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex:18: WikiDream.CLI.process(:help)(elixir) lib/kernel/cli.ex:76: anonymous fn/3 in Kernel.CLI.exec_fun/2

It blows up. As expected, since we haven’t written any functions to handle it yet. Let’s do that next:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process(:help) doIO.puts “””Wiki Dream— — — — —usage: wiki_dream <search_term>example: wiki_dream lion“””end

We’ll build our executable again, and see if it works:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream --helpWiki Dream— — — — —usage: wiki_dream <search_term>example: wiki_dream lion

Awesome! We’ve got the console argument parsing working!

Fetch data from Wikipedia

Now we’re going to put HTTPoison to use. We need to access Wikipedia’s API and fetch some JSON data. If we’re giving “elixir” as an argument, we’ll receive the JSON data from Wikipedia’s elixir article. Now, Wikipedia won’t allow scraping articles from their webpage, so getting information from won’t work. However, if go through their API,

Wikipedia will give us a JSON file with everything we need. We’ll create a new file and module, json_fetch.ex, which will handle fetching and parsing the JSON received. First, we’ll remove IO.inspect from process/1 and make it call a fetch/1 function which we haven’t written yet:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process({search_term}) doWikiDream.JSONFetch.fetch(search_term)end......

And in our freshly new fetch_json.ex file:

# lib/wiki_dream/fetch_json.ex

defmodule WikiDream.JSONFetch dodef fetch(search_term) dowiki_url(search_term)|> HTTPoison.get|> IO.inspectend

defp wiki_url(search_term) do“ format=json&action=query&prop=extracts&exintro=&explaintext=&titles= #{search_term}"endend

To make our fetch/1 function less noisy, I’ve added a private function with the Wikipedia API URL. Notice the string interpolation in the URL.

We then pipe our URL with the search term through HTTPoison. I’ve added an IO.inspect so that we can see — in our terminal — the output. Build a new escript and fire up our application:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixir{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{body: “{\”batchcomplete\”:\”\”,\”query\”:{\”normalized\”:[{\”from\”:\”elixir\”,\”to\”:\”Elixir\”}],\”pages\”:{\”457424\”:{\”pageid\”:457424,\”ns\”:0,\”title\”:\”Elixir\”,\”extract\”:\”An elixir (from Arabic: \\u0627\\u0644\\u0625\\u06................

Nice, we received noise! Well, if you look at the output, you’ll discover a tuple, that returned :ok (Which is good!), and a whole bunch of other data. (Body and header). If we look in the body, we can see the string from the Wikipedia article on Elixir (a liquid, not our language).

Parse fetched data

We are going to use the second dependency we installed, Poison, to handle and extract the body of our fetched data:

# lib/wiki_dream/json_fetch.ex......

def handle_json({:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}}) do{:ok, Poison.Parser.parse!(body)}enddef handle_json({_, %{status_code: _, body: body}}) doIO.puts “Something went wrong. Please check your internetconnection”end


So, we have two handle_json/1 functions, one that handles a tuple with the atom :ok, and a map with status_code: 200, and another one which handles everything else. Our first handle_json/1 function will return a tuple with :ok, and a map with the body. The other one will return our error.

Let’s add our handle_json/1 to our fetch/1 function:

# lib/wiki_dream/json_fetch.ex

def fetch(search_term) dowiki_url(search_term)|> HTTPoison.get|> handle_json|> IO.inspectend


Build the escript, and run the application:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixir{:ok,%{“batchcomplete” => “”,“query” => %{“normalized” => [%{“from” => “elixir”, “to” => “Elixir”}],“pages” => %{“457424” => %{“extract” => “An elixir (from Arabic: الإكسير — al-’iksīr) is a clear, sweet-flavored liquid used for medicinal purposes, to be taken orally and intended to cure one’s illness. When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, an elixir contains at least one active ingredient designed to be taken orally.”,“ns” => 0, “pageid” => 457424, “title” => “Elixir”}}}}}

Sweet. Everything went as expected. We received a tuple with :ok and a map with the body. Now, go ahead and delete the line in fetch/1, IO.inspect, as we don’t need it anymore.

Extract the information we want from the data

Now, if you take a look at the received data, you’ll notice that the information we are looking for is the value of the key “extract”. We need to make our way through this map and fetch “extract”s value.

We’ll start of by creating a new file, extract_map.ex, which will contain the function we’ll use as a digging tool:

# lib/wiki_dream/extract_map.ex

defmodule WikiDream.ExtractMap dodef extract_from_body(map) do{:ok, body} = mapIO.inspect bodyendend

Here, we’re making some good use of pattern matching. As mentioned before, our data is now a tuple with an :ok atom, and a map. We pattern match on both the tuple, and the body, and store the body in a variable named body. We’ll add an IO.inspect to see the data output.We also need to add this function to our process/1 function:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process({search_term}) doWikiDream.JSONFetch.fetch(search_term)|> WikiDream.ExtractMap.extract_from_bodyend


We’ll build our app and run it:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixir%{"batchcomplete" => "","query" => %{"normalized" => [%{"from" => "elixir", "to" => "Elixir"}],"pages" => %{"457424" => %{"extract" => "An elixir (from Arabic: الإكسير - al-'iksīr) is a clear, sweet-flavored liquid used for medicinal purposes, to be taken orally and intended to cure one's illness. When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, an elixir contains at least one active ingredient designed to be taken orally.", "ns" => 0, "pageid" => 457424, "title" => "Elixir"}}}}

Cool. The tuple is gone, since we asked to only inspect the map inside it. Now, if you run the application with different arguments, you’ll notice that every key except the page number (string of integers) is static, fixed, don’t change. We can use a built in Elixir function to do some heavy lifting for us, the get_in/2.

get_in(data, keys)Gets a value from a nested structure/ Elixir documentation

We need to dig our way into “query”, “pages”, “page number” and “extract”. The first two keys should be easy since they never change. Let’s give it a shot:

# lib/wiki_dream/extract_map.ex......

def extract_from_body(map) do{:ok, body} = map

extract_article = get_in(body, ["query"])|> get_in(["pages"])IO.inspect extract_articleend


So we get the the value from the “query” key, which gives us access to the “pages” key. Let’s see what’s inside the “pages” key:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixir%{“457424” => %{“extract” => “An elixir (from Arabic: الإكسير — al-’iksīr) is a clear, sweet-flavored liquid used for medicinal purposes, to be taken orally and intended to cure one’s illness. When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, an elixir contains at least one active ingredient designed to be taken orally.”,“ns” => 0, “pageid” => 457424, “title” => “Elixir”}}

Nice going. We dug our way to the page number. We are getting closer and closer to the “extract” key. Now, our next objective is slightly more tricky than the previous ones. The key name will change depending on the article’s page number. However, the key name will always be an integer, so we can write a function for that.

Enum.find(enumerable, default \\ nil, fun)Returns the first item for which fun returns a truthy value. If no such item is found, returns default/ Elixir documentation

We’ll use Enum.find to return the first key which is an integer. Since there’s only one key, and that key is an integer, we should be able to get one step closer:

# lib/wiki_dream/extract_map.ex

def extract_from_body(map) do{:ok, body} = map

extract_article = get_in(body, [“query”])|> get_in([“pages”])|> Enum.find(fn {key, _value} ->case Integer.parse(key) do:error -> false_ -> keyendend)|> IO.inspectend

Integer.parse(binary, base \\ 10)Parses a text representation of an integer/ Elixir documentation

So we use Integer.parse to find a key with a text representation of an integer. If it exists, we return the key, if not, we return false.

If we run our program, we will receive a tuple with the page number as the first element, and the rest of the map as the second element. We don’t really care about the page number any longer, so we’ll do some more pattern matching to get the “extract” key. We’ll then use Map.fetch!/2 to fetch the value from the “extract” key:

Map.fetch!(map, key)Fetches the value for specific key/ Elixir documentation

# lib/wiki_dream/extract_map.ex

def extract_from_body(map) do{:ok, body} = map

extract_article = get_in(body, [“query”])|> get_in([“pages”])|> Enum.find(fn {key, _value} ->case Integer.parse(key) do:error -> false_ -> keyendend)

{_, extract_article_content} = extract_articleMap.fetch!(extract_article_content, “extract”)end

Print out the data to our console

We have come a long way since we started, my friend. We are now searching for data, receiving data, parsing data, and extracting information from the data. Now, we need to print the data out to the console. Let’s start with an IO.inspect to see what we got:

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process({search_term}) doWikiDream.JSONFetch.fetch(search_term)|> WikiDream.ExtractMap.extract_from_body|> IO.inspectend


Build and run:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixir“An elixir (from Arabic: الإكسير — al-’iksīr) is a clear, sweet-flavored liquid used for medicinal purposes, to be taken orally and intended to cure one’s illness. When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, an elixir contains at least one active ingredient designed to be taken orally.”

We are outputting a string of the article content. Which is what we wanted! Since it’s a string, we don’t really need to use IO.inspect anymore. We can use IO.puts to output the string. Let’s also put on some very light string formatting, a line break at every period:

String.replace(subject, pattern, replacement, options \\ [])Returns a new string created by replacing occurrences of pattern in subject with replacement/ Elixir documentation

# lib/wiki_dream/cli.ex......

def process({search_term}) doWikiDream.JSONFetch.fetch(search_term)|> WikiDream.ExtractMap.extract_from_body|> string_formatend


def string_format(string) doString.replace(string, “. “, “. \n”)|> IO.putsend


Build and run:

~/wiki_dream$ ./wiki_dream elixirAn elixir (from Arabic: الإكسير — al-’iksīr) is a clear, sweet-flavored liquid used for medicinal purposes, to be taken orally and intended to cure one’s illness.When used as a pharmaceutical preparation, an elixir contains at least one active ingredient designed to be taken orally.

And that’s it. A pretty useless JSON-parsing, map-digging CLI application!

There is of course other string formatting that could be added to make the application look better, however that’s beyond the scope of this article.

There are probably easier, or different ways of doing this. However, this is the way I found worked out well for me. I also think it clearly shows how functional programming works. where different functions modifies the data, one by one, until you have the desired result. We didn’t change the original data we started out with, we just took it, copied it, modified it along the way, and ended up with something completely different.

The cool thing about an Escript executable, is that the entire application with all it’s dependencies and codes are within this single file. If you move it outside the application folder and run it, it still works. You can even run it on a different computer, as long as the computer has Erlang installed.

That’s all for now.

Until next timeStephan Bakkelund Valois

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