“Don’t just beat the market - crush it”
When I was reviewing our new flagship SaaS TradersAlmanac.ai, I thought that the charts could use a little extra 'oomph' to make them do their conversion magic more powerfully.
Indeed, in versions gone by of charts like these for other projects, Trader's Almanac CEO Ryan had asked for the very same thing: comparisons against S&P, NASDAQ and DJIA.
Alas, just tonight I through together a Proof of Concept that does just that - except, for our new-and-improved 3x ETFs neuro-evolutionary AI trader! Let's call this a sneak peak until we push charts like these up to the master branch.
Here's every genome, since we started backtesting, vs the indices:
Perhaps easier to read with less noise is the average of the genomes vs the indices, same timeframe:
I then wondered, comparatively, how the genomes did aroundabouts the time of the first COVID death in the USA - and specifically whether or not they recovered faster than the indices:
What's better than backtests? Forward tests!
Or again, the average may be easier to dissect:
Remember to grab your subscription @$49.99 to your favorite genome before the first 100 subscriptions run out, and the price goes up by some undetermined amount!
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