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It produces the same result when performed multiple times. It produces the same result when performed multiple times.
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(1) Li Siyao, S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University;
(2) Tianpei Gu, Lexica and Work completed at UCLA;
(3) Weiye Xiao, Southeast University;
(4) Henghui Ding, S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University;
(5) Ziwei Liu, S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University;
(6) Chen Change Loy, S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University and a Corresponding Author.
Frame Interpolation. Frame interpolation is a widely studied task in recent years, involving synthesizing intermediate frames from existing ones. Many approaches have been proposed [13, 19, 20, 7, 17, 34, 18, 21, 26, 6, 23, 5, 14, 11], such as those that use optical flows or deep networks to search for matching areas and warp them to proper intermediate locations. Among the most recent algorithms, RIFE [6] directly predicts intermediate flows to warp the input frames and blends the warped frames into intermediate ones by a visible mask. VFIformer [14] adopts the same idea to predict the intermediate flows but proposes a Transformer to synthesize the intermediate from both warped images and features. Reda et al. [23] design a scale-agnostic feature pyramid to predict the intermediate flows and warp frames in a hierarchical manner to handle extreme large motions. Siyao and Zhao et al. [30] propose a frame interpolation pipeline specific for 2D cartoon in the wild, while Chen and Zwicker [5] improves the perceptual quality by embedding an optical-flow based line aggregator. While these methods achieve impressive performance on raster natural or cartoon videos, their pixel-oriented nature are not suitable for inbetweening concise and sparse line arts, which can yield severe artifacts and are not feasible for real usage in anime creation.
Research on Anime. There has been increasing research interest in techniques to facilitate 2D cartoon creation, including sketch simplification [28, 27], vectorization
[40, 36, 15, 12], colorization [22, 32, 10, 39, 4], shading [38], head reenactment [8] and line-art-based cartoon generation [37]. While these studies may improve specific aspects of animation creation, the core line arts still rely on manual frame-by-frame drawing. Some sporadic rule-based methods have been developed for stroke inbetweening under strict conditions, but these methods lack the flexibility required for wider applications [35, 3]. Our work is the first to propose a deep learning-based method for inbetweening geometrized line arts. Additionally, we introduce vertex-wise correspondence datasets on line arts. It is noteworthy that existing datasets are not sufficiently ‘clean’ for our task since cartoon contour lines can cross the boundaries of motion, leading to incorrect corresponding labels at the vertex level [25, 29].
This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 DEED license.