Could distribution help Blockchain become the 8th Wonder of the World?by@bluephoenixinc
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Could distribution help Blockchain become the 8th Wonder of the World?

by John Licata4mMarch 28th, 2018
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Infrastructure. It may not be the very first thing that comes to mind when gazing upon the <a href="" target="_blank">7 Wonders of the Modern World</a>, yet maybe it should be. Without infrastructure, these iconic man made achievements would simply not be possible. That excites us because our distributed infrastructure solution to securely access an Ethereum <a href="" target="_blank">Blockchain</a>, a solution we call the <a href="" target="_blank">MIMIR Bridge</a>, could very well be the backbone that allows the second wave of the internet to be built upon. As it stands now, blockchain is already an incredible form of <a href="" target="_blank">technology</a> in that it can record an every sequence of transactions from beginning to end. However, in order to reach its full potential, this digital wonder needs to be more easily accessible by the masses at any time. It must be unquestionably secure, then, and only then, will blockchain be a modern-day marvel which can help balance the spread of wealth and directly impact just about every industry on the planet.

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John Licata


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