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Since 2021
Are you looking to create a resource-rich team full of inventive people who’re set to change the world, one tech development at a time? Have you started out your journey of innovation and wish to grow with people with the same passion for, and, purpose of revolutionizing lives? Do you want to go beyond the resume-tossing culture and create an enriching human-centric recruiting experience? We at Majhi Group, live, believe, and work towards each of these goals. We deeply value the innovations that have the power of improving lives, and we exist to support, accelerate and add to such creation. If you also believe in an overall human approach of recruitment, wherein the primary steps begin with learning the resource's motivations, their goals, cultures they belong to, we'd together create a groundbreaking way forward. Before finding the right fit, we believe in understanding your needs and values minutely. It doesn’t matter if you’ve just started and are still looking to find the footing. Your objective is the criteria, not your maturity range. Over the years, we’ve specifically helped start-ups and companies in their early stages to get their growth graph going by acquiring the talent that fits the block. So, businesses, if you’re set to improve people’s lives and believe in the power of innovations, we are set to leave no stone unturned to make yours better. And, candidates, we extend the same principles to the way we join hands with you. We look for opportunities that have the power to shape the trajectory of your career, start by hearing about your passion, expertise, and expectations, and eventually find you a fit that suits it all. Let's get started. We are happy to connect with you. Please email us at [email protected].




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