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The Chesapeake Conservancy envisions a Chesapeake Bay watershed that allows people to connect with many of the values the American Indians enjoyed and Captain John Smith observed during his momentous voyages of discovery, that is: a "goodly Bay" teeming with fish and wildlife, healthy waters and abundant forests, wetlands, shorelines and open spaces; a place of natural wonder and discovery, rich in cultural traditions, treasured and conserved for the benefit of future generations. Our mission is to strengthen the connection between people and the watershed, conserve the landscapes and special places that sustain the Chesapeake's unique natural and cultural resources, and encourage the exploration and celebration of the Chesapeake as a national treasure. The Conservancy advances this mission through partnerships and citizen engagement; educational programs; land conservation, public access and recreational opportunities; advocacy; and signature initiatives such as the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail and Chesapeake Gateways and Watertrails Network.




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